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Limiting Urban Sprawl. Work Package 5. General structure of WP5. In general the work of WP5 is structured in two main phases: Phase of analysis of the state of art (existing trends of urban sprawl in Rome, Sofia and Belgrade) and development of measures and regulations
Limiting Urban Sprawl Work Package 5
General structure of WP5 In general the work of WP5 is structured in two main phases: • Phase of analysis of the state of art (existing trends of urban sprawl in Rome, Sofia and Belgrade) and development of measures and regulations • Implementation of the measures and the regulations developed at the final stage of Phase 1, monitoring and corrections of the measures and update of the regulations Phase 1 should be completed by M 24. Clearly, it covers the larger part of the research activities
Task 5.1 - Definition of Urban Sprawl for use by WP5 Within Phase 1 two “sub-phases” can be identified • Stage of analysis = study of the current processes • T5.1a - Establishing the framework of research- system of terms, goals, methodology and tools • T5.2 - Survey of city residents’ preferences, attitudes and motives, trends of urban migration • T5.3 - Survey of planning documents - standards and regulations, spatial and master plans, plans for regional development • T5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology • T5.5 - Market analysis - demand and supply of land and properties in suburban areas • T5.6 - Study of the role and efficiency of nodes in a polycentric urban system
Task 5.1 - Definition of Urban Sprawl for use by WP5 The second “sub-phase” within Phase 1 should be identified as: • Stage of synthesis = development of measures and regulations • T5.7 - Preparation of planning and development regulations concerning peripheral territories aimed to limit urban sprawl • T5.7a - Evaluation of the research results and the systems of regulations prepared for Rome and Sofia • T5.8 - Development of a system of tools for monitoring and assessment of urban sprawl
Work Package 5 OBJECTIVES • To explore the effects of societal transformation on the process of suburbanisation and planning practices with particular attention to attitudinal cleavages with regard to compact vs. dispersed development. • To apply the model for Monitoring Urban Land Cover Dynamics (MOLAND) to better understand the factors that determine the urban development pattern at the urban periphery; • To propose regulations and guidance tools which will be implemented by local governments during the lifetime of the project to address the problems of urban sprawl in their respective cities. • To develop appropriate monitoring and assessment tools - ex ante and ex post policy evaluations, criteria and indicators - for tracking urban development trends and patterns and to build recommendations and guidelines on managing urban sprawl which will be demonstrated in the other participating cities of the TURAS project network and in a wider European context.
Task 5.1a - Establishing the framework of research- system of terms, goals, methodology and tools Start – January 2012; End – December 2012 Leader – VFU; Participants: all partners of WP5 Definition of urban sprawl in the European context and in the context of South and in Eastern Europe Urban sprawl isa market-led, unplanned process of inefficient physical expansion of urban areas into the surrounding rural and/ or natural lands that is characterized by: a) Low density of new developments, patchy, scattered forms, with a tendency for discontinuity, b) Poor mix of different land uses and urban activities, lack of well-defined, thriving activity centres, hubs of public services and commerce and c) Insufficiently covered by public transport services System of terms Definition of goals Methodology and tools
Task 5.1a - Establishing the framework of research- system of terms, goals, methodology and tools Results (document produced): • Market analysis guidelines (MS27) The goal was to establish a general framework for the studies carried out by La Sapienza, VFU, IAUS and BIC Lazio, so that the studies should be comparable Who will use the results: • Mainly the research teams of La Sapienza, IAUS and VFU • Also, the Municipality of Sofia and the City of Rome needed to be acquainted with the framework in order to find out how they would benefit from the TURAS WP5 activities Method of dissemination • The local authorities of the capital cities were informed as participants, the District administrations were also informed directly • The websites • Exhibition of posters
Task 5.2 - Survey of city residents’ preferences, attitudes and motives, trends of urban migration • Start – January 2012; End – December 2012 • Milestone – December 2012 – MS 28 Population survey • Leader – City of Rome; • Participants: VFU, IAUS, La Sapienza, BIC Lazio, City of Sofia • The City of Rome (and BIC Lazio) and the Municipality of Sofia and IAUS have provided information and data concerning the cities, respectively, Rome, Sofia and Belgrade about 1) evidenced physical changes in the suburbs and peripheral territories: total land converted in the suburbs and the adjacent territories in two periods – of 10 and 20 years and 2) migration to capital cities and intra-city migration trends, change in the number of population living in the suburbs compared to the change of the population in the central districts • La Sapienza, VFU and IAUS have processed the data collected about the physical trends in the suburbs of capital cities, intra-city migration trends and the market trends, analyzed these data and the trends and have drawn conclusions about the observed processes.
Task 5.2 - Survey of city residents’ preferences, attitudes and motives, trends of urban migration • La Sapienza, VFU and IAUS have stated the results of their observations and conclusions in respective reports about: 1) who is looking for land in the peripheral areas of Rome and for what purpose (function), 2) how much land is urbanized in result of the specific types of demand (quantitative indicators), 3) qualitative characteristics of converted land – new land use, what was the new development in terms of housing and residential densities • The City of Rome has collected the reports and prepared a compiled document with the summaries of the analyses about Rome, Sofia and Belgrade
Task 5.2 - Survey of city residents’ preferences, attitudes and motives, trends of urban migration Results – Documents prepared: • Demographic development of the districts of Sofia and processes of intra-city migration • Survey of city residents’ preferences, attitudes and motives, trends of intra-city migration in Sofia • Survey of city residents’ preferences, attitudes and motives, trends of intra-city migration in Rome – Three separate documents were produced by the City of Rome, La Sapienza and BIC Lazio • Survey of city residents’ preferences, attitudes and motives, trends of intra-city migration in Belgrade Who will use the results: • Mainly the research teams of VFU, La Sapienza and IAUS
T 5.3. Survey of planning documents – standards, regulations, plans for regional development, spatial plans • Start – January 2012; End – September 2012 • Leader – VFU; • Participants: La Sapienza, IAUS Varna Free University, IAUS and La Sapienza have studied planning Bulgarian, Serbian and Italian legal and planning framework and plans and strategies covering the capital cities, particularly the national and local legislation/ regulations • 1) concerning conversion of rural land and forestry into urbanized land, details of the procedures of conversion, national and local regulations concerning the development of converted land (zoning/ hygienic requirements, densities allowed or stimulated), with respect to the effect of the framework on urban expansion and sprawl and • 2) documents of regional and local policies (national/ regional strategies and plans) and spatial plans (regional territorial plans, the master plans of Sofia) particularly concerning the capital city • 3) assessment of the effect of analyzed plans on urban expansion and sprawl and on the market, How these plans correspond to the interests of the main market players? Do they provide efficient instruments for reasonable and efficient control of urban expansion? • 4) VFU has collected and compiled the analyses of the legislation, regulations and plans of Rome, Sofia and Belgrade
T 5.3. Survey of planning documents – standards, regulations, plans for regional development, spatial plans Results – Documents prepared: • Survey of Italian planning documents - standards and regulations, spatial and master plans, plans for regional developmentconcerning Rome • Survey of planning documents - standards and regulations, spatial and master plans, plans for regional developmentconcerning Belgrade • Survey of Bulgarian national and local planning acts, strategies, plans, plans and documentsconcerning urban sprawl in/ around Sofia • VFU has summarised the three reports as a part of the document “Processes of urban growth/ sprawl in Sofia, Rome and Belgrade in result of the interaction between the market and urban planning” Who will use the results: • Mainly the research teams of VFU, La Sapienza and IAUS for the purpose of further WP5 research
T 5.3. Survey of planning documents – standards, regulations, spatial plans, plans for regional development Master Plan of Sofia Municipality
T 5.3. Survey of planning documents – standards, regulations, spatial plans, plans for regional development Piano Regolatore Generale di Roma
T 5.3. Survey of planning documents – standards, regulations, spatial plans, plans for regional development Master Urban Plan of Belgrade
T 5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology • Start – July 2012; End – March 2013 • Leader – IAUS; • Participants: City of Rome, City of Sofia, VFU, La Sapienza The Municipality of Sofia and the City of Rome haveprovided the data needed for this research - • Raster and vector data, for the two cities – ortho-photo, satellite images and topographic maps 1:25.000)/ 1:50.000, administrative city borders; land-use data, thematic layers, which demonstrate change of land-use; and vector data for statistical units/census blocks or enumeration districts. • Census data for the two cities - population according to statistical units/census blocks/enumeration districts, and legal regulations and planning documents concerning the development of each city • Other information and data provided by the partners for WP1 and inputs and outputs of T5.2 and T5.3 - legal regulations and planning documents concerning the City of Sofia and the City of Rome (land use, zoning, etc.).
T 5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology The Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia had collected the data and has processed them to develop models of Rome and Sofia for the purpose of the research of Work Package 5 IAUS had prepared the models by mid March and had distributed them to all partners of WP5 and is now waiting for their comments After the document and the models are discussed they will be published on the TURAS website – that is – by the end of this month (April 2013)
T 5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology City of Rome – Corine Land Cover in 1990
T 5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology City of Rome – Corine Land Cover in 2000
T 5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology City of Rome – Corine Land Cover in 2006
T 5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology Rome – Changes in the urban morphological zone 1990-2000
T 5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology Rome – Changes in the urban morphological zone 2000-2006
T 5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology Rome – Spatial dynamics of the urban morphological zone 1990-2006
T 5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology Municipality of Sofia – Corine Land Cover in 1990
T 5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology Municipality of Sofia – Corine Land Cover in 2000
T 5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology Municipality of Sofia – Corine Land Cover in 2006
T 5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology Sofia – Changes in the urban morphological zone 1990-2000
T 5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology Sofia – Changes in the urban morphological zone 2000-2006
T 5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology Sofia – Spatial dynamics of the urban morphological zone 1990-2006
T 5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology Municipality of Rome – Changes in the urban morphological zone 1990-2006
T 5.4 - Application of MOLAND information technology Municipality of Sofia – Changes in the urban morphological zone 1990-2006
Task 5.5 - Market analysis - demand and supply of land and properties • Start – January 2012; End – March 2013 • Milestone – September 2012 – MS 27 Market analysis guidelines • Leader – VFU; • Participants: La Sapienza, IAUS • The City of Rome, IAUS, the Municipality of Sofia and VFU had conducted research on the current market trends relating to the urban development processes in the suburban and peripheral locations of Rome, Belgrade and Sofia • Varna Free University had compiled the research results and based on the data provided by the City of Rome, the City of Sofia, BIC Lazio and VFU for task3 T5.2, T5.3 and T5.5 had carried out comparative analysis of the market processes in the three capital cities relating to the trends of urban sprawl with regard to the main market players, their interests, powers and the magnitude of generated urban processes.
Task 5.5 - Market analysis - demand and supply of land and properties
Task 5.5 - Market analysis - demand and supply of land and properties Sofia - Market trends in the different types of districts Change in the rates of development (in percentage)
Task 5.5 - Market analysis - demand and supply of land and properties Results: The research carried out by the partners under T5.5 had produced 2 documents so far and will produce another one in month 36: • The first document were the Market analysis Guidelines (Milestone 27) produced in month 12 • The second document was titled “Processes of urban growth/ sprawl in Sofia, Rome and Belgrade in result of the interaction between the market and urban planning”. This document summarized the results of the research under T5.2, T5.3 and T5.5, it was prepared in February 2013, it was distributed among all partners of WP5 and published in the PPA of the TURAS website • The third document will be the Deliverable of WP5 - D 5.6 - the Report on market equilibrium relating to urban resilience - due in September 2014
Task 5.6 - Study of therole and efficiency of nodes in a polycentric urban system • Start – July 2012; End – March 2013 • Leader – IAUS; • Participants: La Sapienza, the City of Rome, VFU, Ljubljana University Research under T5.6 comprised 3 main aspects – 1) studies of the polycentric systems of respective cities, 2) a study of the relation between polycentric urban structures and sustainable transport systems (climate neutral transport) and 3) a study of the impact of the decentralization of municipal activities on urban structures. • The University of Ljubljana, VFU and IAUS have analysed the polycentric structures of the cities of Ljubljana, Sofia. • Ljubljana University had studied the impact of transport infrastructure, in general, and, in particular, up-to-date sustainable transport options on the polycentric urban system of Ljubljana • The City of Rome had studied the impact of the decentralization of the offices of the Municipality of Rome on the urban ecological footprint
Task 5.6 - Study of therole and efficiency of nodes in a polycentric urban system Results • The University of Ljubljana, VFU and IAUS have prepared reports on the analyses of the polycentric structures of the cities of Ljubljana and Sofia, titled respectively “Polycentric policies defined in strategic planning documents of Slovenia and Ljubljana for TURAS WP 5 study of urban sprawl” and “System of nodes – Centres and sub-centres in the polycentric structure of Sofia” • Ljubljana University had prepared a draft (not yet completed) on the impact of transport infrastructure, in general, and, in particular, up-to-date sustainable transport options on the polycentric urban system of Ljubljana • The City of Rome had prepared a report on the impact of the decentralization of the offices of the Municipality of Rome on the urban ecological footprint (in Italia, yet not translated in English)
Tasks in progressTask 5.7 - Preparation of planning and development regulations • Start – January 2013; End – June 2013 • Milestone – June 2013 – MS 29 Development of Regulations • Leader – VFU • Participants: La Sapienza, IAUS, City of Rome, Municipality of Sofia • Based on the findings of all tasks executed so far VFU and La Sapienza should prepare systems of measures and proposed regulations concerning the peripheral and suburban territories of Sofia and Rome seeking to provide for better management of the processes of urbanization/ suburbanization and for more sustainable and resilient patterns of development. • The Municipality of Sofia the City of Rome and IAUS will take the roles of consultants..
Tasks in progressTask 5.7a – Assessment of the systems of regulations • Start – July 2013; End – September 2013 • Milestone – June 2013 – MS 30 Parteners’ Evaluation • Leader – VFU • Participants: all partners of WP5 • Based on the findings of all tasks executed so far VFU and La Sapienza should prepare systems of measures and proposed regulations concerning the peripheral and suburban territories of Sofia and Rome seeking to provide for better management of the processes of urbanization/ suburbanization and for more sustainable and resilient patterns of development. • The Municipality of Sofia the City of Rome and IAUS will take the roles of consultants..
Tasks in progressTask 5.8 – Development of a system of tools for moniutoring • Start – April 2013; End – September 2013 • Leader – VFU • Participants: La Sapienza, IAUS, City of Rome, Municipality of Sofia • Based on the findings of all tasks executed so far VFU and La Sapienza should prepare systems of measures and proposed regulations concerning the peripheral and suburban territories of Sofia and Rome seeking to provide for better management of the processes of urbanization/ suburbanization and for more sustainable and resilient patterns of development. • The Municipality of Sofia the City of Rome and IAUS will take the roles of consultants..
Task 5.1a - Establishing the framework of research- system of terms, goals, methodology and tools • General factors: • rate of conversion of agricultural land into urban during the last decade/ two decades • overall density/ intensity of the suburban developments • development of infrastructure – changes in the density of the road network • Suburbanization of housing: • total land allocated (developed) for residential use (function) in the suburbs and the adjacent territories on annual basis in the last 10 years/ in periods of 5 (2) years in the last 20 years • land with different types of housing forms – single-family / multifamily • total number of housing units by types of housing forms • total and average floor space of the housing units by types of housing forms • total number of residents by types of housing forms in the suburbs and the adjacent territories on annual basis in the last 10 years/ in periods of 5 (2) years in the last 20 years • intra-city migration, change in the number of population living in the suburbs compared to the change of the population in the central districts • dynamics (over the last decade) of residential land and housing prices in the suburbs compared to the compact city • Suburbanization of industries: • total land allocated (developed) for industrial use (function) in the suburbs and the adjacent territories on annual basis in the last 10 years/ in periods of 5 (2) years in the last 20 years • total number of workers employed in each industrial zone • turnover of the industries located in each zone (data probably unavailable) • total floor space of the industrial buildings in each zone • intra-city migration of industrial companies …………. • Suburbanization of the commercial activities • total land allocated (developed) for commercial premises in the suburbs and the adjacent territories on annual basis in the last 10 years/ in periods of 5 (2) years in the last 20 years • total number of employees in each mall or the commercial premises of each zone/ neighbourhood • turnover of the commercial premises in each zone/ neighbourhood (data probably unavailable) • total floor space of the commercial premises in each zone • intra-city migration of commercial activities …………….. • Suburbanization of public (social) services • total land allocated (developed) for public services in the suburbs and the adjacent territories on annual basis in the last 10 years/ in periods of 5 (2) years in the last 20 years • total floor space of the premises for social services in each zone • dynamics of the export of social services from the compact city to the suburbs – changes in the total floor space of the premises in the course of the last decade / two decades Indicators and Factors to be investigated and analyzed: