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「越」讀「越」有趣. 越南文化. 它們有什麼特色 ?. pre-reading question. ( 1 ) What do you see in the pictures ? ( 2 ) What do you do when you travel to Vietnam ? ( 3 ) How do you feel about Vietnamese life ?. 宗教.
「越」讀「越」有趣 越南文化
pre-reading question (1)What do you see in the pictures? (2)What do you do when you travel to Vietnam? (3)How do you feel about Vietnamese life?
宗教 • 越南富饒的起源是由整個文化所串起的。精神生活在越南是一個偉大的信仰一整套系統,包括儒家,道家,佛教,基督教,民間信仰中融合了道教,與越南古代萬物有靈論。 • The richness of Vietnam's origins is evident throughout its culture. Spiritual life in Vietnam is grand panoply of belief systems, including Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Christianity, which is a blend of Taoism, popular Chinese beliefs, and ancient Vietnamese animism.
節慶 • 最重要的節日是春節,進行為期一周的活動在一月下旬或二月初,代表著在新的農曆年春天的到來。 慶祝活動既包括喧鬧喜氣(煙花,鼓,鑼)和安靜的冥想。 除了春節,每年大約有二十多個傳統宗教節日。 • The most important festival of the year is Tet, a week-long event in late January or early February that heralds the new lunar year and the advent of spring. Celebration consists of both raucous festivity (fireworks, drums, gongs) and quiet meditation. In addition to Tet, there are about twenty other traditional and religious festivals each year.
建築 • 越南的建築美學表達了優雅自然、平衡與和諧。首要的建築形式是佛塔,一系列塔組成的金字塔結構,並經常用奢華裝飾雕刻和彩繪紋飾。在越南每一個省都有發現寶塔。其中最珍貴的是在順化市的添木寺。在越南南方,胡志明市的林寺塔被認為是這個城市最古老的塔,同時值得注意的是其眾多豐富的雕刻傑克伍德雕像。 • Vietnamese architecture expresses a graceful aesthetic of natural balance and harmony. The pre-eminent architectural form is the pagoda, a tower comprised of a series of stepped pyramidal structures and frequently adorned with lavish carvings and painted ornamentation. Pagodas are found in every province of Vietnam. One of the most treasured is the Thien Mu Pagoda in Hue. In South Vietnam, the Giac Lam Pagoda of Ho Chi Minh City is considered to be the city's oldest.
藝術 • 作為一種語言,越南話是非常靈活,抒情,詩在文學和表演藝術中扮演了很重要的角色。民間藝術,活躍在法國的殖民統治期前,經歷了復甦在美麗的木刻,油畫村,以及雕版印刷。 越南漆器藝術,另一種傳統媒體,普遍認為是最原始的和複雜的世界。 • As a language, Vietnamese is exceptionally flexible and lyrical, and poetry plays a strong role in both literature and the performing arts. Folk art, which flourished before French colonization, has experienced a resurgence in beautiful woodcuts, village painting, and block printing. Vietnamese lacquer art, another traditional medium, is commonly held to be the most original and sophisticated in the world.
戲曲 • 對東南亞的人民而言,木偶戲象徵著童年、歡樂與傳統化。獨特的越南水上木偶劇,也是國家的文化的支柱。也是世界上獨一無二的木偶戲,它稀奇的地方,就在於木偶戲於水池面上演出。 • As to people in Southeast Asia, the puppet show symbolizes childhood, happiness and tradition. The unique Vietnamese water puppetry is the mainstays of the country's culture and it is also the unique puppet show in the world. Especially, the puppet show performed on the pond.
服裝 • 長衫是越南女性獨特的傳統服飾,通常以絲綢類質料輕盈軟薄 的布料裁剪款式,類似中國旗袍,但衣褲自腰以下開高衩,配上同花式或白色布料的寬鬆長褲,不論蹲、坐、騎車都很方便。 • The long gown is Vietnamese women's unique and traditional dress. It’s usually cut with the silk, graceful, soft and thin cloth. The long gown is similar to Chinese cheongsam, but its skirt has higher cutting joined to the same pattern or white loose trousers. It is very convenient to squat, take and ride the bike.
KEY WORD 富饒 richness 包括 including 節日 festival 慶祝 celebration 建築 architecture 塔 pagoda 靈活 flexible 傳統 traditional 方便 convenient 衍伸字 1.木偶 puppet(水偶劇越語 mua roi nuoc) 2.長衫 long gown (長衫越語 ao dai)
The cup is on the table. The dog is by the table. The ball is under the table.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(E) (F) (G) (H)
(I) (J)