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American History, the Story, with Wampum Beads. Chapter 1 – Her Story.
Chapter 1 – Her Story • Once upon a time, a long time ago, for real there lived a beautiful queen named Isabel and her handsome King, Ferdinand. They lived in a sunny country called Spain. They were very wealthy and continued to make money through the overland trade route with China. One day a dashing sea captain named Christopher Columbus persuaded Queen Isabel to give him three ships, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria to find a cheaper water route to China to make even more money.
The weather was so good where Columbus found and explored the land. He thought he was south of China on the islands off the coast of India. Columbus named the islands the West Indies and the people Indians. The Catholic priests that sailed with Columbus saw the opportunity to teach the Indians about their God. • Even though Columbus didn’t find the water route to China, he gained political favor or glory with Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand, and Spain still ends up with the Aztec and Inca gold. Therefore the causes of Exploration were Gold, God, and Glory, the 3G’s.
France and England, jealous of Spain and wanting to get wealthier too, sent explorers and then people to colonize the New World. The first successful English settlement was at Jamestown, Virginia to look for gold. They didn’t find much gold, but they did learn how to make money through the growth of a cash crop of tobacco.
Jamestown also begins the first of our magic dates that we must remember for the STAAR test. It is 1607. The next settlement was begun by the Pilgrims making a religious journey looking for freedom to worship their way. 1620 is our next magic date because the Pilgrims wrote an important document called the Mayflower Compact. This was the first example of self-government. People continued to come to the new World looking for opportunities with the last colony of Georgia being started by people from debtor’s prison, political prisoner that were poor and couldn't pay their debts.
The causes of Colonization are similar to those of Exploration. The causes of Colonization are Economic (Jamestown 1607), Social/Religious (Pilgrims), Political (Mayflower Compact 1620).
Chapter 2 – His Story • His story begins with George Washington as a young man serving his country, Great Britain, in the French and Indian War. The Eastern coast is getting crowded and people are spilling west across the Appalachian Mountains into French claimed land. The French are not about to let the British take their land and fight to defend it. The French lose, and now Great Britain gained land from the Appalachians Mountains to the Mississippi River. The King of Great Britain has said the colonists must pay for the soldiers that fought in the war and must go back east.
In order to pay for the war, the King imposed low taxes on sugar, stamps, and tea. The colonists tried many ways to get out of paying the taxes because they had no say in creating them. Finally several colonists in Boston decided to prevent ships of tea from making it to the shore. They dressed up as Native Americans and dumped the tea into Boston Harbor, turning the water brown with tea leaves to make their point. They did not support taxation without representation. The next thing you hear is the “shot hear ‘round the world.”
Chapter 3 – Our Story • Once the fighting starts, we can’t go back, only forward with a Revolutionary War. When the Olive Branch Petition fails, Thomas Jefferson is given credit for writing the ideas of several men into the “Declaration of Independence”: our next magic date of July 4, 1776. It states that “all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among those rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” This document declares we are separate and independent of Great Britain.
We now must come up with some kind of political system. Our first government, the Articles of Confederation, was not strong enough to hold thirteen separate states together but it did get us through the war. Our next and final document, The Constitution, begins with “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings for ourselves an our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United State of America.” This document was created at the Philadelphia Convention in 1787.
Chapter 4 – Their Story • Our founding fathers have many stories. Our first president is George Washington who upon leaving office tells us to “Beware of permanent alliances” in foreign affairs. The second president is John Adams. The third president, Thomas Jefferson, doubles the size of our country with the Louisiana Purchase. This growth includes a magic date of 1803. The following president, James Madison, leads the fight in the second revolution, the War of 1812. The country again fights Great Britain for independence. We lose our Capitol, but we gain a national anthem and gain more land from the British.
Chapter 5 – Destiny’s Story • The land of opportunity is advanced by the first industrial spy, Samuel Slater. While living in England, he memorizes the parts of the machines to make a textile mill and immigrates to the United State. With the growth of industry, we see a growth of cities and urbanization. As a result of the growth of industry, a need is created for a growth in reforms. Reforming is done for the working conditions in the factories, abolishing slavery, along with temperance and women’s rights movements. We see a growth in land. This has a special name called Manifest Destiny. It is the United States “God-given duty to expand the country from coast to coast.”
This duty is not beneficial to all the people. The first people to be evicted or moved from their homes are the Eastern Native Americans. The Cherokees are forced to march the Trail of Tears to land west of the Mississippi River. Mexico is forced to give up first Texas, the land in the south-western part of the United States, and then California because of the Mexican War. It is great that the next year in 1849, the gold rush in California helps motivate U.S. citizens to move there. The people that move there get the name “49ers”.
Chapter 6 – Civil Story • The Civil story is not very civil. It begins with tension over the high tariffs that favored the industrial economic system in the North and penalized or hurt the agricultural economic system of the South. There is a major issue with slavery at this time, too. Compromise after compromise does not stope the Civil War in 1861-1865(the last magic date).
Following the war, Reconstruction takes place in the country. In order to rebuild the nation, many social and political changes take place. With the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments. The 13th Amendment abolishes slavery, the 14th Amendment grants and defines citizenship, and the 15th Amendment guarantees the right to vote. Another way of stating this is 13, 14, 15 – Free, Citizen, Vote.
Now let’s see how many details you can remember from my story. Number your paper from 1 to 25.
Not Many?Use the story to fill in the missing words in your chart.
Now use the following key to fill in the colors on your chart.Yellow for Economic or Money related events.White for Religious or Social related events.Blue for Politicalor Government related events.Red for War.Green for Growth.Brown for Tea Party.Light Blue for Trail of Tears.
Wampum is a system used by Native Americans to keep record of stories and tribe history before the written word.Create a bracelet to help you remember the significant events that are in your chart.String the beads in order of the colors on your chart.The black bead does not have a meaning, it is used to finish the bracelet.