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האם סטנדרטיזציה של המערכת לניהול בטיחות 18001 OHSAS מביאה לשיפור ביצועי הבטיחות?

Technion - Israel Institute for Technology Center for Work Safety and Human Engineering. האם סטנדרטיזציה של המערכת לניהול בטיחות 18001 OHSAS מביאה לשיפור ביצועי הבטיחות?. איתן נוה. OHSAS 18001 A Safety Management System. Systematic method for managing safety

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האם סטנדרטיזציה של המערכת לניהול בטיחות 18001 OHSAS מביאה לשיפור ביצועי הבטיחות?

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  1. Technion - Israel Institute for Technology Center for Work Safety and Human Engineering האם סטנדרטיזציה של המערכת לניהול בטיחות 18001 OHSASמביאה לשיפור ביצועי הבטיחות? איתן נוה

  2. OHSAS 18001 A Safety Management System • Systematic method for managing safety • Planning: Risk assessment, Org. Structure & responsibility, Documentation • Control: Measurement, Corrective & Elimination actions, Auditing • Improvement

  3. עקרונות ניהולעליהם מבוסס התקן • התמקדות בלקוח • מנהיגות • מעורבות עובדים • גישה תהליכית • גישה מערכתית • שיפור מתמיד • גישה עובדתית לקבלת החלטות

  4. 4. Make the change permanent, or try again; begin with STEP 1 for a new cycle. 1. What change is needed in order to gain safety? 1 4 Plan Act 3 2 Do Check 3. Evaluate the results of the change to the process. Did the anticipated improvement occur? 2. Carry out suggested change to the process. Safety Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle

  5. OHSAS 18001 A Safety Management System Can voluntary OHSAS 18001 certification alleviate the regulatory burden while improving safety?

  6. עקרונות הפעולה של תקן ניהול בטיחות 18001

  7. What is ISO 9000? • No shortcuts are supposed to be taken. • Third party auditor site visits, take place twice a year to verify compliance. • Aim to get organizations to satisfy customer needs at each stage of the value chain. • Managers set up essential business processes for training, skills, procedures, policies, etc. • Built-in mechanisms for continuous improvement including corrective action system.

  8. Quality Standards • Success rate of QI initiatives is questionable (Hendricks & Singhal, 2001; Staw & Epstein, 2000). • WHEN DOES ISO 9000 CERTIFICATION MAKE A DIFFERENCE?

  9. Reasons for failures in Implementation • Superficial implementation(Anderson, Rungtusanatham & Schroeder, 1994); • Lack of emphasis on the organizational cultural values–essential for quality improvement(Detert, Schroeder & Mauriel, 2000); • Responses to external pressures rather than to the real needs of the organization(Westphal, Gulati, & Shortell, 1997); • Lack of true leadership with a vision toward quality improvement; rhetoric prevailing over substance(Zbaracki, 1998); • Bureaucracy involved in the quality initiatives(Hackman & Wageman, 1995).

  10. Conditions for Successful Implementation of OHSAS 18001 in Decentralized Organizations Assimilation -Externally coordinated -Internal integration -Used in daily practice -Applied to solving problems -Kept current Safety Performance Catalyst For Change

  11. Dimensions of Assimilation:Planning • Integration: • How to combine (Dierickx and Cool, 1989) and how to customize (Westphal, Gulati and Shortell, 1997). • External Coordination: • How to make the practice fit with the needs of the organization’s external constituencies and stakeholders.

  12. Dimensions of Assimilation:Doing • Used in Daily Practice: Application of the practice on a regular basis and making it part of the organization’s every day routines (Cooper and Zmud, 1990). • Applying to Problem Solving: The use of the practice to make changes (Nelson and Winter, 1982: 130; Zbaracki, 1998). • Kept Current: The need to keep the practice updated. To prevent erosion maintenance is necessary.

  13. Catalyst For Change • Departing from the original rules of the new practice (Weick, 1998), so that the practice is used for exploration and learning (Levinthal and March, 1993) and introduction of new and more advanced practices. • Assimilation provides the structure that implants the routines, while going beyond instills the flexibility that allows for departures from them.

  14. ISO 9000 performance improvement

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