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l. l. l. l. Plans on H->4l (e, µ ) analysis with CSC samples. Nectarios Ch. Benekos 1 , Rosy Nicolaidou 2 , Stathes Paganis 3 for the collaboration among: 1 Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, 2 Saclay muon group, 3 Sheffield University. OUTLINE
l l l l Plans on H->4l (e,µ) analysis with CSC samples Nectarios Ch. Benekos1, Rosy Nicolaidou2, Stathes Paganis3 for the collaboration among: 1 Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, 2 Saclay muon group, 3 Sheffield University OUTLINE • Short reminder of what was done in the past • Full analyses on DC1 samples • Performance studies on Rome samples • Plans for present /future
Past Activities I What was done after the TDR (1999) using Data Challenge 1 samples • Full analysis chain with signal + background in all 3 channels • CBNT based analysis • TDR-like cuts • Main aim of these analyses was to do performance studies on lepton channels ( e.g of talks given on the subject:Talk on Higgs Working Group25/5/2005, Talk on Physics Week 5/11/2004 ) ATL-COM-PHYS-2005-043 4µ 2e2µ • Resolution on mH : Worse by ~10% w.r.t TDR New geometry of µ-spectrometer (cracks) and more realistic simulation of ID (material + field)
+1% -1% eta eta Erec/Etrue eta eta 1TeV • Erec: new parameterization function introduced based on recent TB Analysis results (T.Carli et al.) • Extraction of new longitudinal weights • Become official after G4 migration • at “rome” samples individual weights for 3x5, 3x7, 5x5 clusters were calculated Past Activities I Linearity from 10GeV-1TeV
Past Activities I (Reconstruction efficiency in 4µ state) • At the TDR eff~84% for 4 ~16% inefficiency due to the signal acceptance • Now eff~65% for4 ~35% inefficiency out of which we know that ~16% signal acceptance ~ 9% due to new layout ~ 4% software problems ~ 6% ( 6 ~ 1.5 % ) eff Muonboy for µ XKalman for ID 4 Single muons of Pt=20 GeV Combination ID-µ with STACO Order of magnitude of our incomprehension of the single- efficiency Drop due to software problems Drop due to new layout ( crack)
Past Activities II – Rome samples What was done so far with the “rome” samples : • Migration of analyses in “eventView” framework and first tests • Stathes talk • event view wiki page • Performance studies with full pileup + cavern background (4µ channel) • Pile-up at low lumi 1033 • Cavern background with safety factor 1 • (sf011 x nominal ATLAS bkgr)
Past Activities II – Rome samples H (180 GeV) 4µ event view signal with full pileup + cavern background sample Combined ID-µ spectrometer efficiency using STACO package H(180)ZZ*4µsignal Efficiency for 4 µ ~81.3 % h H(180)ZZ*4µsignal +pileup +cavern bkgr Efficiency for 4 µ ~81% h
Plans towards CSC samples • Our Aim : • Work at Generator/filter level • Performance studies on CSC samples after each release • “where we stand” for a quick feedback • Full analysis on all 3 channels (4e, 2e2m,4m ) on a stable release (12.0.X ?) • 120 - 200 GeV Hmass region of interest • studies on miscalibrated and misalignement effects (detector “as-built”) • Use of the experience gained by CTB04 analyses (applied to e-id studies) • performance study of certain traditional e-id-cuts • studies on the systematic effects that each cut may involve • Method: Vary realistically the shapes of discriminant observables we are cutting on (e.g. shower width in the strips) and study the effect on the Higgs analysis • Comparison of these observables with the existing data to justify their use and performance. • identification of correlated e-id cuts so that we can remove those that are more sensitive to systematics than their correlated counterparts
Plans towards CSC samples (cont’d) • Generator level: • HiggsMultiLeptonFilter (in collaboration with D. Rebuzzi, S. Rosati, A. Nisati) • implementation of a Filter algorithm based on MultiLeptonFilter algorithm • cuts on invariant masses could be implemented to generate Zbb and tt backgrounds only in the signal phase space region • improve the rejection of background events that won’t be selected by the ATLAS Event Reconstruction and Analysis Package, while keeping acceptance 1 for the Higgs signal • performance studies as well as studies on possible biases introduced are still needed there • DC3 / CSC samples • in order to have a complete analysis with sufficient statistics (signal + bkgr) as it was done in DC1, the production of additional samples may be needed. • willing to participate, if needed (plans of the HiggsWG?) • The "complete analysis" is the key issue since a lot of things changed since DC1 • software chain • Detector geometry
Changes in the ATLAS Software since DC1 Major changes in ATLAS Software chain since DC1 in: • POOL/SEAL Event Persisency/Dictionary • Detector Geometry GeoModel as the unique tool for all subdetectors • Geant4 simulation; Athena-based pile-up, digitization and event mixing • Full integration from RecoTaskForce designs/recommendation - new EDM • House-cleaning - robustness, performance, dependencies, etc. • Interactive as well as batch - Python job options files • GRID production - LCG2, NorduGrid, Grid3 • Testbeam-specific deliverables - DCS data, calibrations, real ByteStream, online monitoring, etc. • New Physics Analysis Tools • ….
ATLAS Geometry Layouts • Differences in DC3 and Rome with respect to DC2 Layout • Pixel: missing one layer • SCT: no difference • TRT: missing some end-cap wheels (C) • LAr: no difference • Tile: missing crack scintillators • Muon: initial layout Q instead of P • EEL and EES chambers removed • one layer of CSC removed • Switching between layouts is done by setting only one property in jobOpt.py file: • 'ATLAS-DC3-02' --> fixes to ATLAS-DC3-01 • 'ATLAS-DC3-01' --> 3 layers of pixel, no TRT-C wheels, • MuonLayout = R01.initial for the muon spectrometer which is essentially identical to Q02_initial_pro with the exception of additional, corrected descriptions of the passive material • 'Rome-Final' --> equivalent to the Rome2005 • 'Rome-Initial' --> equivalent to the Rome2005
EE chambers removed Increased radius of Barrel Half CSC NEW EC TOROID NEW FEET NEW BARREL TOROID Geometry layouts (Muon Spectrometer)
Detector Specifications for CSC Simulation • This includes accuracy of the geometry, plans for alignment studies and effects to include • in the digitization. Envelopes and Misalignments • In order to misalign the geometry in simulation it is necessary to leave enough room around • items that will be moved Summary of DD workshop on 15/11 and SPMB on 21/11
Analysis Tools • Event View Analysis framework • EventView allows us to run in parallel different combinations of the H->4l eventand easily study the performance of each of them • Example: The S/B for H->4l depends dramatically on the nature of the "electrons" and "muons" used. The best S/B may be coming from combination of egamma electrons and soft-electrons(muons). One may also want to keep particles which are outside the |eta|<2.5 ID region • Provides a clean/straightforward particle overlap removal • Provides a particle labeling scheme which allows the user to monitor all overlaps • Will provide: • generic fitting • (no more private Z->ee fitters), • multivariate and general statistical tools for advanced analysis • Allows us to create a miniAOD AthenaAware-ntuple with only the variables we are interested in including our own variables which are automatically written in the ntuple. • the ntuple allows back-navigation to the ESDs. • It can be read back in our H->4l analysis reducing tremendously the processing time • Repeat the old CBNT based analysis for cross-checks in the beginning at least
Summary • Main aim is performance studies with the CSC samples • Lepton performance • Higgs performance and optimization • Usage of the new Physics Analysis Tools • EventView • Work onHiggs MultiLepton filter to optimize statistics of background samples