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Pediatric Spinal Injury in Thoracic Trauma Group

Pediatric Spinal Injury in Thoracic Trauma Group. Herhangi bir çıkar çatışması yoktur. Bu ÇALIŞMADA. Alper Avci 1 , Serdar Onat 2 , Refik Ulku 2 , Cemal Ozcelik 3

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Pediatric Spinal Injury in Thoracic Trauma Group

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  1. PediatricSpinalInjury in ThoracicTraumaGroup

  2. Herhangi bir çıkar çatışması yoktur. Bu ÇALIŞMADA

  3. Alper Avci1, Serdar Onat2, Refik Ulku2, Cemal Ozcelik3 1State Hospital, ThoracicSurgeryClinic, Batman, Turkey.2Dicle University, ThoracicSurgeryDepartment, Diyarbakir, Turkey.3Onsekiz Mart University, ThoracicSurgeryDepartment, Canakkale, Turkey.

  4. Spinetrauma is rare in childhood, withpediatricpatientsconstituting 2-5% of allspineinjuries. Motor vehicleaccidentsandfallsaccountedformostinjuries.

  5. Inoneseries of pediatricpatientswho had spinaltrauma, only 19% sustainedspinalcordinjury. Mostthoracolumbarfractures in youngerchildrenarecompressioninjuries, typicallycausedbyfallsfrom a height. Wehereinreportourpediatricspinaltraumacases.

  6. Overallour 1715 chesttraumacases,106 patients had spinaltrauma. Four of themwerechildren( 3.7%). Medicalrecors of thesecaseswereevaluatedretrospectively.

  7. Therewereone boy and 3 girls. Meanagewas 9.4 (3-15). Therewere 1 penetrantand 3 blunttrauma ( 2 falls, 1 trafficaccident).

  8. Spinalinjurieswereseen T6, L1, T10 and T9 vertebrallevels. Onewasspinalcanalinjury, otherswerevertebral body fractures. Thoracicinjurieswere; 4 hemoand/orpneumothorax, 3 contusion. Concomitantinjurieswere; 2 abdominalfreefluidand 1 intracranialbleeding.

  9. Penetranttraumapatient ( 14 yearsold, boy) was in shockstatusandurgentoperatedbecause of theparavertebralarterialbleeding. Exceptthisoneotherpatientstreatedwithtubethoracostomy.

  10. Spinalmorbiditywasseen in onepatient ( 3 yearsold, girl, falldown) as paraplegia. Meanhospitalstay time was 6.8 days.

  11. Allpatientswhohavesuspectedspinalinjuryor severe multisystemtraumashouldreceive a fullsecondarytraumasurveyandspinesurvey. Detailedinitialneurologicphysicalexamination is required, includinglighttouch, painsensation, reflex, andstrengthtesting.

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