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THE TRUTH BEHIND H2O AND ENERGY. BY: sArAh ElLoUiSe. MAIN STORY THE CENTER OF ATTENTION!. SOLAR POWER. Solar power is the generation of electricity from sunlight. How does it work?.
MAIN STORY THE CENTER OF ATTENTION! SOLAR POWER Solar power is the generation of electricity from sunlight.
How does it work? First of let’s explain what it is in a little more depth. The sun (power plant in the sky) bathes Earth in ample energy to fulfill all the Earth’s power needs many times over. It doesn’t use CO2 emissions, it won’t run out, and it’s free. We all know the Sun’s light and all light contains energy of some sort. Right? Well if not you do now. And usually when that light hits an object it becomes heat. Except when it hits certain materials then it releases an electrical current which can be harnessed to produce power. Thus forth solar power!!
How much water can it purify???? -Amazingly solar power when harnessed and directed to purify can purify at least 1000 gallons of water a day.
Solar power is being used more and more each day. The reason for this is because of the fact that it is more affordable and progressive than electric energy.
QUOTES!! Jimmy carter: “because we are now running out of gas an oil, we must prepare quickly for a third change, to strict conservation and to the use of coal and permanent renewable energy sources like solar power.” (April 18, 1977) Margareta Wolf: “The use for solar energy offers huge potential for natural resource and climate protection, and for the expansion of renewable energies on the road to a future-oriented energy supply.” (June 20, 2004) Samuel Bodman: “As the technology for solar cells gets better and better, this form of clean, renewable energy will find more applications that take up less space and produce more electricity, to meet the energy needs of our homes, schools, and businesses.” (July 14, 2005)
MOST CRITICS….. Are pro-solar power but there are few that are against it. Here is a fictional dialogue that shows a pro-solar and con-solar discussing solar power..
Guy for it Guy against it Well our mini story starts out in a coffee room where two scientists guys are enjoying their lunches. Suddenly the guy for solar power speaks. For it:” how do you feel about this world of ours going solar?” Against it: “I think it’s a bowl of crud, ran over twice.” For it: “Why do you think that? Solar energy could help us save this planet and stop this global warming nonsense.” Against it:” it also messes with the way we have always done things it ruins what we stand for and if we go solar all electric companies will fall under! So how is that good?” For it: “that’s not exactly the case… electric companies can switch to solar electric it’s not that hard of a concept.. And as for changing the way we do things that’s just you being lazy..” Against it: “ BLLEEHHH!! You just don’t understand! Your nothing but a tree hugging hippie!” For it: “maybe so but mostly I enjoy saving money.. My wife isn’t cheap.” Our story ends with the guy against it storming out of the break room grumbling to himself while the guy for it simply stays and enjoys his lunch.