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Explore the life and works of Apollonius, the distinguished astronomer and mathematician known for his contributions to conics and the Solar System model. Discover his Circle of Apollonius and groundbreaking insights into conic sections. Learn how his legacy influenced later astronomers such as Hipparchus and Ptolemy.
Apollonius was known as the Great Geometer. He was born in Perga in Southern Italy in about 262 BC. He was probably educated at the Museum at Alexandria. He taught there for some time then he moved to the scientific centre of Pergamum. It is not known much about his life and most of his writings are lost. Later references can give an idea of contents of his works. Apollonius discussed the locus of (the path traced out by) a point P in his Plane Loci. If , for example , A and B are fixed points and the ratio of PA to PB is constant , locus of P turns out to be a circclei This circle is known as circle of Apollonius
Apolloniuswas a distinguishedastronomer, too. He usedcirclesfor his model of the Solar System . His model wasrefinedbythetwogreatestastronomers of laterHellenisticage ; HipparchusandPtolemy. Circle of Apolonius
Conics Of Apollonius Some of works of Apolloniushavesurvivedonly in Arabictranslations . His mostknownwork is theConics. Thisbigtreatise is in eightbooks. ThefirstfourbookshavecomedownfromGreekmanuscrits , thenextthree in Arabictranslations. Theeighthbook is lost. Whilethecurvesknown as conicsectionswereknowntothefourthcenturymathematicians , Apolloniuswasthefirsttorealizethatthethreetypesparabola , ellipseandhyperbola. Thesecurvescould be generatedbytakingsections of a singlecircularconebyvaryingtheinclination of thecuttingplane . Byintroducingthe ‘ doublenapped’ cone , he wasabletogeneratethetwobranches of thehyperbola.
Makers of Mathematics –Stuart Hollingdale • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/ • www.absoluteastronomy.com Oguz Balimtas – Uskudar Cagrıbey Anadolu Lisesi