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Virtual Credit Card in India

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Virtual Credit Card in India

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  1. Virtual Credit Card morpay.org

  2. If you ask a person whether he can live without his debit or credit card? The answer would probably be NO. We all admit to the fact that our debit and credit cards have eased our life to a great extent. Starting from paying online bills, online marketing to paying at offline shopping malls- it has become a part and parcel of our daily life due to the convenience that it provides to the people. Due to increasing digitisation, everybody is inspired to be in a cashless economy. Till now, you can hold your debit or credit card, right? We all have a space allotted in our purse or wallet where we keep our cards. What about if you still have that space and can also avail the same functions as these cards but can’t feel it? Introduction:

  3. YOU GOT IT RIGHT. We are pointing towards the concept of having virtual cards and as the same suggest, it is virtual, you cannot hold these cards in your hand. In the previous post, we have unfolded various things related to a virtual debit card and we also hope that now, you too have a good understanding on that. Today, we will be focusing on virtual credit card and will look about how one can use that and from where you can avail the same.

  4. We have already told earlier that if you are really conscious about the security issues of your card, then these virtual cards are worth thinking about. Like a regular credit card, a virtual credit card also does the same functions but, provides you more security. Today, only a few financial organisations offer their customers these virtual cards for online transaction. As this is virtual, the downside of these cards is that you cannot use in offline in any shopping malls or ATM machines, otherwise, for your online activities, it is absolutely PERFECT. What is a virtual credit card and how does it work?

  5. Also known as a ‘controlled payment number’, a virtual credit card is a temporary and randomly generated 16-digit number which you can use for your online payments. The trick here is that, the number of your virtual credit card will be linked to your normal credit card but would create much difficulties and hindrances forcyber criminals and online vendors for their unscrupulous events. Virtual credit cards are usually managed by some digital wallets. When you are about to make a payment online, you simply used to put your regular credit card number. In case of a virtual credit card, you need to put its number in place of your regular credit card. You can then proceed as usual. It depends on the provider if you have to set any separate credit limit and expiry date for your virtual credit card for minimising the chances of your credit card frauds.

  6. Also known as a ‘controlled payment number’, a virtual credit card is a temporary and randomly generated 16-digit number which you can use for your online payments. The trick here is that, the number of your virtual credit card will be linked to your normal credit card but would create much difficulties and hindrances forcyber criminals and online vendors for their unscrupulous events. Virtual credit cards are usually managed by some digital wallets. When you are about to make a payment online, you simply used to put your regular credit card number. In case of a virtual credit card, you need to put its number in place of your regular credit card. You can then proceed as usual. It depends on the provider if you have to set any separate credit limit and expiry date for your virtual credit card for minimising the chances of your credit card frauds.

  7. So, have a look of this summary below, to know the features of a virtual credit card. It helps protecting your card information as it doesn’t compromise with the security. It is meant for online activities only. Your virtual card details will be different as it will have a different account number, expiration date and security code. The features can also vary. Some virtual cards are merchant specific and are also meant for one type use. These cards may have spending limits too. Your online transactions with your virtual credit card number will show up as normal credit card in your account.

  8. Below, are list of some situations when your virtual credit card can be of great use. Online shopping- disposable credit cards can provide you more convenience and security. Subscription services- for instance, if you want to subscribe for 6 months in Netflix, you can opt for your credit card and after 6 months, your card will get expired and Netflix cannot charge you thereafter. In case of potential risky websites- if you presume a website to be risky and still want to avail its services, you can use your virtual credit card with no tension in mind. Greater convenience- in case if you lose your physical credit card, you don’t need to reset all the payment information once you get a new physical credit card. Restricting children from spending a lot- you can give access of your virtual credit card to your children with a limit instead of handing them your actual credit card. When to use a virtual credit card?

  9. Ups- These prepaid cards have added layer of security to provide you a more stringent protection against fraudulent behaviours. Even, if your data gets stolen, you don’t have to get a new physical credit card. Greater convenience and reliability are ensured. You can manage multiple virtual credit card numbers and it’s really easy to create. You can use some of your virtual credit card numbers with some digital wallets. Ups And Downs Of Using A Virtual Credit Card

  10. Downs- It is applicable for only online activities. There is no extra fraud protections beyond your regular card features. You may face some troubles with returns. Online reservations of hotels and car rentals are really impossible. Ups And Downs Of Using A Virtual Credit Card

  11. AstroPay Card is the fastest growing payment solutions. AstroPay card is a virtual card and you can use this card to make online payments at any website. AstroPay promotes the resellers of their cards and MorPay is the most significant among them. AstroPay card is the most popular virtual prepaid card for making withdrawals and deposits. The reasons to opt for AstroPay virtual card are that this is really fast, secure, reliable, and flexible and can maintain your confidentiality. Most importantly, you can get your AstroPay card at any currency you want. The reason to opt for MorPay is that they have affluent customer care services and is the most trustworthy to AstroPay.com. You just need to register at this website of www.morpay.organd need to select the value and currency of your AstroPay card. You can then make the payment with local payment methods and YIPPEEE!!! You will instantly receive an email with your AstroPay card information and you are GOOD TO GO. From where you can get a virtual credit card?

  12. Authorized re-seller of Astropay morpay.org

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