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Free Access to Truth? Scientific publication in the internet era

Electronic publishing in languages other than English A project for a portal of French-language scientific journals. Free Access to Truth? Scientific publication in the internet era Carolyn DOUGHERY (Ingenta) - Georges HOYOS (De Boeck) Marc MINON (T2i - Ulg)

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Free Access to Truth? Scientific publication in the internet era

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  1. Electronic publishing in languages other than EnglishA project for a portal of French-language scientific journals Free Access to Truth? Scientific publication in the internet era Carolyn DOUGHERY (Ingenta) - Georges HOYOS (De Boeck) Marc MINON (T2i - Ulg) Brussels - University Foundation - 21.10.02

  2. Print vs electronic print only time

  3. Print vs electronic electroniconly print only time

  4. Print vs electronic print and electronic electroniconly print only time

  5. Concentration :The major catalogs • Elsevier > 1.500 • Kluwer Academic Publ. 766 • Springer n.a. • Blackwell Publishing 631 • Sage 293 • Taylor & Francis 292 • Oxford University Press 163 • Emerald 155 • Routledge 107

  6. Average (institutional) subscription fees for a scientific journal in French 116 € (Source : M.E.N.)

  7. Atomization :The major catalogs (social sciences) • Presses Univ. de France 45 • L’Harmattan 40 • De Boeck & Larcier 27 • O.C.D.E. 10 • C.N.R.S. Editions 10 • Presses de l’Univ. de Montréal 10 • A. Colin - Sedes 9 • Dalloz 9 • PFNSP 7

  8. What can be done ?What must be done ?

  9. What can be done ?What must be done ? • Create specific portals for every European language

  10. What can be done ?What must be done ? • Create specific portals for every European language • Link these portals with a major English aggregator

  11. What can be done ?What must be done ? • Create specific portals for every European language • Link these portals with a major English aggregator • Conceive portal(s) adapted both to publications/articles in free access and to publications/articles whose access is conditional

  12. Free access ? • Underdeveloped countries • Journals entirely financed by public funds • Archives

  13. What can be done ?What must be done ? • Create specific portals for every European language • Link these portals with a major English aggregator • Conceive portal(s) adapted both to publications/articles in free access and to publications/articles whose access is conditional • Facilitate the negotiation of global licenses with (consortia of) libraries

  14. What can be done ?What must be done ? • Create specific portals for every European language • Link these portals with a major English aggregator • Conceive portal(s) adapted both to publications/articles in free access and to publications/articles whose access is conditional • Facilitate the negotiation of global licenses with (consortia of) libraries • Associate in this “infomediary” structure both independent publishing houses and universities

  15. Marc MINON T2i c/o LENTIC 19, bd. du Rectorat   B-51 B-4000 Liège (Sart-Tilman) BELGIUM Tel : +32.4.366.31.49 Fax : + 32.4.366.29.47 Mail : marc.minon@ulg.ac.be

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