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MATH 2400. Chapter 9 Notes. Observation vs. Experiment. An observational study observes individuals and measures variables of interest but does not attempt to influence the response. Purpose: To describe some group or situation
MATH 2400 Chapter 9 Notes
Observation vs. Experiment An observational study observes individuals and measures variables of interest but does not attempt to influence the response. Purpose: To describe some group or situation An experiment deliberately imposes some treatment on individuals in order to observe their responses. Purpose: Determine whether the treatment causes a change in the response
Example of Each An observational study would be looking at the portion of entering freshmen that declared Mathematics as their major. An experiment would be to visit high schools and conduct seminars trying to interest students in majoring in Mathematics.
Confounding Two variables are confounded when their effects on a response variable cannot be distinguished from each other.
Subjects, Factors, and Treatments The individuals studied in an experiment are often called subjects. The explanatory variables in an experiment are often called factors. A treatment is any specific experimental condition applied to all subjects.
Example 1 Identify the subjects, factors, treatments, and response variable in the following situation. The post-lunch dip is the drop in alertness after a midday meal. Does an extract of the leaves of the ginkgo tree reduce the post-lunch dip? Assign healthy people aged 18 to 40 to take either gingko extract or a placebo pill. After lunch, ask them to read seven pages of random letters and place an X over ever e. Count the number of misses.
Lurking Variables and Bad Experimenting A school is trying to increase their Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) scores. An online class is offered instead of the usual face-to-face course offered on campus. A 10% increase in scores is observed. Is it safe to say that the online course is a better preparatory tool that the face-to-face course?
So, How Can We Fix It? The answer…side-by-side experimenting. Teach some students online and some in a face-to-face classroom. Populations have to be similar. If populations are not similar, bias can occur. The face-to-face students will be the control group. If we allow students to enroll themselves, then students who are older and employed are likely to sign up for the online course. The remedy is to randomly select the subjects for each group.
Example 2 A company has invented a new fuel additive they claim will increase fuel economy in any vehicle by 20% when used in gasoline containing 10% ethanol (normal gasoline now). A second company is boasting the same claim, but their product is half the price as the other company’s product. Decide on an experiment to test the two products. What is the response variable?
Basic Design of An Experiment • Control the effects of lurking variables on the response by comparing two or more treatments. • Randomize – use chance to assign subjects to treatments. • Use enough subjects in each group to reduce chance variation in the results Statistically Significant results are observed effects that are so large that it would rarely occur by chance.
Placebo Effect In a long-term study on heart disease, one group of people took a vitamin E pill each day and the other group took a dummy pill each day. Many patients responded favorably to each treatment. The response to a dummy treatment is called the placebo effect. If the control group (the dummy pill group) did not take any pill, then the effect of vitamin E in the treatment group would be confounded with the placebo effect. These subjects were double-blind, meaning they didn’t know if they were taking vitamin E or a placebo.
Lack of Realism Placebo controls and the double-blind method are more ways to eliminate possible confounding. But, practical constraints may mean that the subjects ore treatments or setting of an experiment don’t realistically duplicate the conditions we really want to study. Do those high center brake lights, required on all cars sold in the U.S. since 1986, really reduce rear-end collisions? Experiments done before the lights were required, showed that the extra brake light reduced rear-end collisions by as much as 50%. However, requiring the third light in all cars led to only a 5% drop. What happened?
Matched-Pairs Design To determine whether or not driving with a hands-free cell phone device distracts drivers, 40 subjects are selected, randomly of course! 20 were randomly selected to just drive (in a simulator) with the device and 20 were selected to drive normally. In the matched pairs design that was actually used, all subjects drive both with and without using the cell phone. The two drives are on separate days and the order of the two treatments is assigned at random. Some subjects naturally react faster than others, but the completely randomized design relies on chance to distribute the faster subjects roughly evenly between the two groups. The matched pairs design compares each subject’s reaction time with and without the cell phone. This makes it easier to see the effects of using the phone.
Block Design Sometimes, we don’t (or can’t) completely randomize the assignment of all subjects to one of the two treatments. Instead, we randomize only within each matched pair. A completely randomized design considers all subjects, both men and women, as a single pool. The randomization assigns subjects to three treatment groups without regard to their sex. This ignores the differences between men and women. A block design considers women and men separately. Randomly assign the women to three groups, one to view each advertisement. Then separately assign the men at random to three groups.