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ESPREME Estimation of willingness-to-pay to reduce risks of exposure to heavy metals and cost-benefit analysis for reducing heavy metals occurrence in Europe. STREP, funded by DG Research under FP6-2002-SSP-1 – Policy Oriented Research started 01/2004 duration: 36 months.
ESPREME Estimation of willingness-to-pay to reduce risks of exposure to heavy metals and cost-benefit analysis for reducing heavy metals occurrence in Europe • STREP, funded by DG Research under FP6-2002-SSP-1 – Policy Oriented Research • started 01/2004 • duration: 36 months Website: http://espreme.ier.uni-stuttgart.de contact: Stefan.Reis@ier.uni-stuttgart.de
Approach • The approach consists of the following steps: • Consolidate, improve and provide European wide emission data of heavy metals(Hg, Cd, Pb, Ni, As and Cr) • Collect systematic data on the possibilities to reduce emissions. • Improve models for the transport of HM in the atmosphere, soil and water and apply them to simulate the transport of HM in these media; modeling results will be evaluated vs. measurement data. • Collect data on thresholds and information on exposure–response relationships. • Estimate the willingness-to-pay to avoid damage from HM exposure by transferringvalues from available contingent valuation studies. • Set up an integrated assessment model (IAM). • Carry out runs of the IAM to identify cost effectiveness strategies, i.e. bundles ofmeasures that achieve compliance with thresholds and cost-benefit analyses toidentify bundles of measures, where the difference between benefits and costs is maximised. • Conduct a feasibility study to identify approaches and further research needs for macro-economic assessment of HM abatement strategies. • Objectives of work package 2 • Establish a detailed European emission inventory for the priority metals (mercury, cadmium, chrome, nickel, arsenic and lead), relevant stock and activities for the base year 2000 and a scenario for 2010 • Identify main sources / sectors for the evaluation of potential abatement options (WP03) and compile a measure database containing information on performance, costs and applicability of abatement options (technical and non-technical) • Provide emissions per substance that are temporally and spatially resolved for atmospheric (WP04) and water/soil modelling (WP05) purposes► to be available on the project website in a couple of weeks, inviting experts to check, review and comment
HM Emissions(WP02) Abatement measures Stock/Activity data(WP03) SR-Relationships Basemaps, ... EMEPMSC-E HM-Model(WP04) direct releasesinto water/soil Exposure-ResponseFunctions(WP06) HM via air (by landcover) IERWater/Soil Model(WP05) W HMOptimisation Model(WP07) SR-Relationships Basemaps, ... costs benefits (by country, sector, ...) HM abatement strategies for Europe policy deployment (WP09) Feasibility Study(WP08) Model Framework