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SDB Powerpoints. Is proud to present In conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security, and the Transportation Security Administration…. A School Bus Drivers guide to School Bus Security. Identifying Security Threats and Incidents.
SDB Powerpoints Is proud to present In conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security, and the Transportation Security Administration…
Identifying Security Threats and Incidents. • Security Threat - is a source that MAY result in a event or occurrence that endangers life or property, and could result in the loss of service or equipment. • Security Incident - is a unforeseen event or occurrence that does NOT necessarily result in death, injury, or significant property damage, but MAY result in a interruption of service.
School Bus security begins with you, the driver, by using your knowledge and judgment. Being able to judge between threats and incidents will enable you to distinguish between a prank, and a real emergency, and better allow you to determine your best course of action.
Ideas for Employees • Always wear your company ID. • Become familiar with state, company, school district security guidelines. • Keep all Bus doors, hatches, windows and compartments locked if the bus is unattended. • Do your pre-trip/post trip inspections. • Keep your bus clean inside. • Be vigilant of people, items, and activities around your bus.
Always keep a high level of awareness. Be aware of people, event and activities and note any irregular or suspicious behavior or goings on.
Keep Alert for PEOPLE who… • Are not where they are supposed to be, such as a restricted area. • Look lost, particularly at schools, bus stops, or parking and maintenance areas. • Appear to be doing surveillance, such as using a camcorder or taking pictures. • Cause disruptions or intentionally distracting behavior. • Show unusual interest in employees or students. • Leave a item and flee from the scene. • Openly brandish a weapon and or other dangerous items. • Use a motor vehicle in a suspicious way, such as erratic driving, following, parking illegally.
Look for Items or Devices that… • Were abandoned and left in the open. • Were abandoned and concealed. • Appear suspicious, such as canisters, tank, metal box… • Have a attached message. • Appear to be leaking or seeping strange substances. • Are connected to wires, tanks, or bottles. • May be the source of a foreign substance that is causing people to cough, have difficulty breathing, lose consciousness.
If You are involved in a SECURITY Incident… • First, and foremost, remain calm and keep focus. • Call your garage and relay the following… 1 - Location and direction headed. 2 - A detailed description of the threat, activity, or incident. 3 - Description of any vehicle and/or persons involved.
Always use state, school district and company procedures to notify the proper contacts, (dispatcher, police, etc.)Maintain Communication, and wait on instructions.
Collecting Information When you report make sure that the information is accurate, detailed, and important. Providing proper authorities with victim status, indicators and situation will greatly assist the responding parties.
THREATS • Report site as accurate as possible. • Tell type of threat, i.e. observed, written, or verbal. • Describe suspicious behavior. • Describe device, such as size, shape, added components such as timers, wires etc. • Describe suspicious odors, mists, vapors, powders, and their locations. • Check weather conditions, particularly wind direction.
INCIDENTS • Report exact location and condition of scene. • Describe type and number of injuries. • Note symptoms, or otherwise unusual behavior. • Identify location of passengers and victims. • Describe suspicious people, items, devices, or substances. • Collect important information from passengers. • Suggest safe routes for responding employees and emergency service personnel.
REPORTING • Immediately notify your supervisor. • Identify witnesses. • Contact law enforcement or emergency responder. • Incidents involving potential explosive devices, avoid using cell phones or two way radios within 50 feet of the device. • Remain calm and answer questions to the best of your ability. • Repeat instruction given to you for clarity if necessary. • Confirm assistance is in route, and ask for estimated time of arrival.
Identifying and responding to suspicious people. ONLY approach or question a suspicious person if you feel comfortable in doing so. If you in ANY WAY feel uncomfortable or threatened, seek assistance!
Ask the person questions like… • May I help you with anything? • May I see your Identification please? • Who are you visiting today? • What is the purpose of your visit with us today?
Always avoid confrontations or using a “rough” approach. Don’t be abusive or insulting.Avoid getting physical or detaining the suspect. Instead, make note of the behavior and physical characteristics and keep them in sight until law enforcement arrives.
If the suspicious person is no longer visible, note the last known direction they were headed. If they left in a vehicle, be ready to describe the vehicle, and try to get the plate number.
When reporting people, look at the following… • Head - eyes, ears, hair color and style, complexion, mouth, nose, as well as jewelry or hats. • Body - neck, arms, chest, stomach, shirt or blouse, scars, tattoos, or birthmarks if visible. • Legs - pants, skirts, shorts, belt, socks & shoes. • General appearance…meaning height, weight, gender, and approximate age.
On your Pre-trip be alert for… • New damage or signs of forced entry into the bus. • Unusual items attached to bus • Opened or otherwise disturbed compartments.
Check the following areas for suspicious items… • Floors • Below seats • Drivers area • Steps • Wheelchair lifts (if equipped) • Lights • Wheel wells • Engine compartments • Exhaust system • Fuel and air tanks • Side and back emergency doors • Regular entry door
Hopefully, none of us will ever be put into a situation where this training will be put to use, but it is good to have it and remember it.In today's world, one can never be too careful.
Thanks for Watching! • Created in the training department at the Harmony Division of A.J. Myers & Sons, in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration. • PowerPoint created by SDB Powerpoints. 03/08/2006