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Jean-Pierre Raulin Centro de Radioastronomia e Astrofísica Mackenzie - CRAAM Engineering School

Explore the latest findings in solar physics and the solar-terrestrial relationship research conducted at Centro de Radioastronomia e Astrofísica Mackenzie (CRAAM) in São Paulo, Brazil. This comprehensive review covers a wide range of observations, theoretical models, and instrumental facilities. Key points include the detection of new solar burst spectral components in the terahertz range, the analysis of high-energy events, and the investigation of thermal emissions from the chromosphere. Discover insights from workshops, balloon experiments, and telescope projects focusing on terahertz solar astronomy.

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Jean-Pierre Raulin Centro de Radioastronomia e Astrofísica Mackenzie - CRAAM Engineering School

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  1. SOLAR PHSICS AND SOLAR TERRESTRIAL RELATIONSHIP RESEARCH ACTIVITIES AT THE CENTRO DE RADIOASTRONOMIA E ASTROFISICA MACKENZIE (CRAAM) Jean-Pierre Raulin Centro de Radioastronomia e Astrofísica Mackenzie - CRAAM Engineering School Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie São Paulo, Brazil Jordi Tuneu, Sergio Szpigel, Douglas Silva, Ray Hidalgo, Adriana Valio, Guillermo Giménez de Castro, Deysi Cornejo, Pierre Kaufmann*, Marta Cassiano, José Tacza, Emilia Correia, Gérard Trottet, Alec MacKinnon, Stephen White, Paulo Simões, Matt Penn, Germán Fernandez, Adolfo Marun, Pablo Pereyra, R. Godoy, Carlos Francile, Adeildo Sombra * In memoriam 1938-2017

  2. MHz 10.0 100.0 1.0 0.1 INDICATION OF ANOTHER SOLAR BURST CONTINUUM SPECTRUM IN THz U-shaped spectrum (Castelli 1972) Assumed as typical and common to all bursts ? ? New solar burst spectral component(s) observed in the THz range THz 0.001 0.01 OBSERVATIONS IN THE THz RANGE ARE NEEDED TO UNDERSTAND THE EMISSION MECHANISMS INVOLVED SPAnet Workshop of Radio Astronomy, São Paulo, 28/09/2017

  3. Radio Emission at very high frequencies Sub-THz event: fluxes with frequencies > 100 GHz 2003/11/04 Sub-mm impulsive radio emission associated with high-energy -ray (CORONAS) 2003/10/28 SST SST Trottet et al. 2008: Synchrotron radiation by positrons from charged-pion decay is likely to be too small to account for the observed submm emission Radio source position ~ position of 2.2 MeV line Ep ~ 10 – 20 GeV Transport of secondary particles Knock-on electrons (-rays) below few MeV Not enough to explain 04/11/2003 Transport (Tuneu et al. 2017) Kaufmann et al. (2004; 2009) Luethi et al. 2004; Trottet et al. 2008; 2011); Silva et al. 2007; Raulin et al. (2003; 2004; 2014); C.G. de Castro et al. (2004) SPAnet Workshop of Radio Astronomy, São Paulo, 28/09/2017

  4. IR Instrumental facilities Solar Observatory at MACKENZIE, 10  10 microns solar observations at OAFA (Kaufmann et al. 2013) 2014, August 1 at CRAAM (Miteva et al., 2016) SPAnet Workshop of Radio Astronomy, São Paulo, 28/09/2017

  5. Genuine 30 THz (10 µm) solar emission during the impulsive phase of flare on 13/03/2012 (Initial results published in Kaufmann et al. 2013, ApJ) 12000 SFU (Kaufmann et al. 2013) (Trottet et al., 2015) 30 THz emission  another “THz event” ? HXR observations  High-energy e- and p  transport energy to the lower layers (chromosphere, photosphere) ? SOL2012-03-13 is the first event detected at 30 THz. HXR/GR are detected up to 10 MeV. 20 – 200 GHz radio spectrum is radiated by e- > 800 keV, i.e. the harder part of the HXR/GR emitting distribution of e-. 30 THz quiescent emission  an optically thick layer at ~ 5000 K below the temperature minimum region. 30 THz flare emission is consistent with that expected from the F2 (Machado, Mauas) model: (i) 80%  optically thin source at ~ 8000 K well above the temperature minimum region; (ii) 20%  optically thick source below the temperature minimum region. In agreement with old models (Ohki & Hudson, 1975). Thermal emission from the chromosphere heated by accelerated particles provides a plausible quantitative interpretation of the 30 THz emission during the impulsive phase. SPAnet Workshop of Radio Astronomy, São Paulo, 28/09/2017

  6. SOLAR-T (Kaufmann et al. 2017) • Results demonstrate that 3 and 7 THz SOLAR-T photometers were responding well and were properly calibrated • Solar disk brightness fit fairly well to other observation at a poorly known range of frequencies 4800 K and 4700 K at 3 THz and 7 THz • First THz Burst Being Analyzed: 28 January 2016, 12:12:10 UT Eddy, Léna and MacQueen, 1969 SPAnet Workshop of Radio Astronomy, São Paulo, 28/09/2017

  7. SOLAR-T (Kaufmann et al. 2017) THE THz SOLAR FLARE BALLOON EXPERIMENT (SOLAR-T) Pierre Kaufmann, André Abrantes, Emilio C. Bortolucci, Amir Caspi, Luis O. T. Fernandes, Carlos Francile, Grigory I. Kropotov, Amauri S. Kudaka, Glenn Laurent, Nelson Machado, Rogério Marcon, Adolfo Marun, André Morosi, Valery Nicolaev, Pablo Pereyra, Ray F. Hidalgo Ramirez, Jean-Pierre Raulin, Pascal Saint-Hilaire, AlbertY. Shih, Claudemir M. Silva, and Alexander Timofeevsky SPAnet Workshop of Radio Astronomy, São Paulo, 28/09/2017

  8. HATS: High Altitude Terahertz Solar telescope 870 GHz, 1.5 THz < 20% transmission at > 5000 m for PWV << 0.5 mm  < 1 month/y Opaque for PWV > 0.6 mm Famatina (5500 m): characterization LLAMA (first light 2018 ?) 16 THz ? OK at 2550 m, asl ~ 10s% temperature excess (OTTB) SOLAR-T onboard ISS, accepted 1.5 30 16 0.87 0.4 0.2 (Simões et al. 2017) SPAnet Workshop of Radio Astronomy, São Paulo, 28/09/2017

  9. TRANSIENT SOLAR FORCING: FLARES South America VLF NETwork - SAVNET South America VLF NETwork - SAVNET Photons and/or energetic particles  ionization excesses  changes of the electrical conductivity VLF propagation anomalies  VLF phase and amplitude changes Solar: quiescent, Ly-, X-rays (flares), particles (SEPs); Non-Solar: X-rays, GRB, flares from SGR ≥ B4 Class events are detected with 100 % probability the higher the solar activity the higher Px Fmin is well correlated with reproduces the solar Lyman- photon flux C 5 M Class B Class C Class B 2.5 Lyman- solar radiation maintains the quiet (non-disturbed) ionospheric D-region (Nicolet & Aikin 1960) Ionospheric índice for the solar Ly- radiation ? SPAnet Workshop of Radio Astronomy, São Paulo, 28/09/2017

  10. SGR J1550-5418 on 2009, January 22 OTTB with kBT ~ 39 keV VLF phase and amplitude changes, ∆ , ∆A are well correlated with the X-ray fluences F25 The VLF technique can be used to study remote objects of great astrophysical importance. The fact that the nighttime ionosphere can be disturbed by intermediate cosmic X-ray bursts, and not only by giant ones, indicates that the frequency of detection of such events could be improved. The VLF detection appears as an observational diagnostic that complements their detection in space, in particular when space observations are not available, for example during Earth’s occultation or above the South Atlantic Anomaly region, or suffer from saturation. The VLF technique can be used to constrain the low energy photon spectrum. SPAnet Workshop of Radio Astronomy, São Paulo, 28/09/2017

  11. The AFINSA network https://theafinsa.wordpress.com/ operating Atmospheric Electric Field - GAEC Superimposed method for hundreds of solar flares in 2017 * + Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Station (EACF) (2) Superimposed method for 20 SEP events SPAnet Workshop of Radio Astronomy, São Paulo, 28/09/2017

  12. Charged particle observations at CASLEO UP LOW TEL Modulation of CR during cycle 23 Charged particle acceleration due to few 10s kV/m AEF (Alexeenko, Toropov, Muraki papers). Forbush decrease SPAnet Workshop of Radio Astronomy, São Paulo, 28/09/2017

  13. Neutrons and X/-rays observations at CASLEO Energetic processes in the Earth atmosphere during thunderstorm activity. Detected > 3 MeV HXR/-Ray spectra~(0.1 – 10 MeV) is similar to spectra observed during TGF SPAnet Workshop of Radio Astronomy, São Paulo, 28/09/2017

  14. ROEN INPE: Unidade de Eusébio VLBI: Fortaleza station Rádio Observatório Espacial do Nordeste Agreement: CRAAM, AEB, NASA, USNO e NOAA. Pesquisas Quasar mapping; Solar-Terrestrial Relationship; SPAnet Workshop of Radio Astronomy, São Paulo, 28/09/2017

  15. Conclusions Solar flare continuum observations from the mid-infrared domain (a few tens of THz) to the millimeter-sub-millimeter radio domain provide in principle unique diagnostics of energy transport processes from the flare energy release region to the chromosphere and of the most energetic flare accelerated particles. Since year 2000, 212 and 405 GHz observations have been routinely obtained by the Solar Submillimeter Telescope (SST), KOSMA + BEMRAK and more recently high-cadence imaging observations of both the quiet Sun and flares have been obtained at 30 THz, SOLAR-T. High frequency radio emissions in the mm- to submm- are produced by the highest energy particles accelerated during solar flares: radiation processes, acceleration mechanisms High frequency radio emissions in the mm- to submm- inform on the properties and the dynamics of the cool and dense plasma in the chromosphere Connection, if any, with mid-infrared emission spectrum is still not clear. OThinTB and OThickTB candidates to explain IR observations; chromospheric/photospheric plasma heated by accelerated particles More observations in the far- and mid-infrared are needed (HATS…) The VLF technique provides a powerful diagnostic of the long-term and short-term solar activity, disturbances from cosmic burts  SPANET ? New diagnsotics of energetic phenomena in space and the atmosphere of the Earth are available  SPANET ? SPAnet Workshop of Radio Astronomy, São Paulo, 28/09/2017

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