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Chapter 9

Chapter 9 . Principles of Learning . Principles of Learning . You walk into a kitchen and smell your favorite food. - What physically happens to you? - What happens mentally? . What is learning? . Learning

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Chapter 9

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  1. Chapter 9 Principles of Learning

  2. Principles of Learning You walk into a kitchen and smell your favorite food. - What physically happens to you? - What happens mentally?

  3. What is learning? Learning - lasting changes in behavior that occur as a result of practice or past experiences - acquiring the ability to do something that you haven’t done before - use an ability in a different way

  4. Not all behavior is learned - reflex • blinking when a puff of air hits your eye • crawling • changes in voice (adolescent boys)

  5. Classical Conditioning Classical Conditioning - learning situation in which a certain stimulus brings forth a response that it did not previously evoke - Ivan Pavlov • studies the salivating of dogs • How did the experiment work?

  6. Classical Conditioning The Experiment - a dog was placed in an apparatus that would measure the flow of saliva when being presented with food - a tube was attached to the mouth to measure saliva - powdered meat was placed in the dogs mouth

  7. Classical Conditioning Pavlov’s Dogs - Unconditioned Response (UCR): Flow of saliva • occurs normally with no learning necessary - Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS): the meat • normal, unlearned agent for causing salivation

  8. Classical Conditioning What is the natural response to each stimulus listed below? (What happens) Stimulus -------------------------------------------------------------------Response - a dog sees food ------------------------------> - a baby hears a loud unfamiliar noise ------------------------> - you put your hand on a lit candle ---------------------------> - your teacher yells at you -----------------------------> Are the responses you wrote conditioned or unconditioned? Why? Design your own example of an unconditioned stimulus followed by an unconditional response (something you do automatically). Stimulus: ____________________ Response: _____________________

  9. Classical Conditioning Pavlov’s Dogs - Next, Pavlov rang a bell just and gave the dog the meat immediately after - Then he sounded the bell without giving the dog the meat • he found that the dog still salivated even though the dog was not given the meat - Conditioned Stimulus (CS): sound of the bell • a new stimulus that originally did not cause a response - Conditioned Response (CR): salivating at the sound of the bell • a similar response to a new stimuli

  10. Classical Conditioning http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhqumfpxuzI (Pavlov’s Dogs) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nE8pFWP5QDM (The Office)

  11. Classical Conditioning In the following examples, the unconditioned stimulus is paired repeatedly with a neutral stimulus. What is the response to the pair stimuli? Unconditioned Stimulus + Neutral Stimulus = Response 1. a dog sees food a bell rings = 2. a baby hears a loud a toy appears = unfamiliar noise 3. a hand is raised to slap a light flashes = your face 4. you put your hand on a door slams = a lit candle 5. You teacher yells at the teacher you taps a pencil =

  12. Classical Conditioning Are the responses you wrote conditioned or unconditioned? Why? Design your own example of an unconditioned stimulus that is paired with a neutral stimulus and generate a response. USC _________________ + NS __________________= R ________________

  13. Classical Conditioning Conditioned Response - What is the Conditioned Response (CR) to each of the conditioned stimulus (CS)? Conditioned Stimulus Conditioned Response 1. the dog hears a bell ---------------------> 2. a baby gets a toy ------------------------> 3. a light flashes ----------------------------> 4. a door slams -----------------------------> 5. your teacher taps a pencil -----------> Are the responses you wrote conditioned or unconditioned? Why? Design your own using your previous example.

  14. HOMEWORK and QUIZ WS: Learning to Learn WS: Classical Conditioning Examples QUIZ TOMORROW!

  15. Classical Conditioning Counter-Conditioning - conditioning the stimulus to a different response - used to get rid of certain, unwanted behaviors - EX: alcohol - can be given a drug that makes a person nauseous - criticized for NOT treating the cause, just the symptoms EX: weight loss Avoidance Conditioning - when an organism is taught to to avoid a stimulus

  16. Classical Conditioning Baby Albert Experiment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hBfnXACsOI

  17. Classical Conditioning Extinction and Spontaneous Recovery - extinction: when the learner stops responding to a stimuli • is not always permanent • EX: War veterans - spontaneous recovery: reappearance of the conditioned response without reinforcement after a period of extinction

  18. Classical Conditioning Reinforcement - presenting the UCS immediately after the CS - faster learning - Intermittent Reinforcement: occasional rather than continuous reinforcement • EX: Gambler

  19. Classical Conditioning Intermittent Reinforcement Schedules - ratio schedule: depends on the number of correct responses • 2 types • fixed ratio: reinforced after a set number of correct responses (every 5th correct response) • variable ratio: number of responses between reinforcement varies - interval schedule: reinforcement is determined between responses (TIME) • 2 types • fixed interval: response is reinforced after a set number of times • variable interval: time varies throughout the conditioning process

  20. Classical Conditioning Generalizations - a conditioned response to stimuli similar to the original stimuli EX: different tones to Pavlov’s dogs Discrimination - tendency to respond to a particular stimulus one way and respond to a similar one another way EX: the term “Daddy” being applied to a particular person

  21. Operant Conditioning Suppose you want to train your dog. How would you train your dog to sit? or fetch? Operant conditioning - strengthening a stimulus-response relationship by following the response with reinforcement

  22. Operant Conditioning Classical Conditioning vs. Operant Conditioning stimulus -> reinforcement -> response stimulus -> response -> reinforcement Reinforcement is given before the Reinforcement followed a correct responseresponse and helps cause the response Subject is passive and reacts only when a Subject is active and operates on the stimulus is introduced environment The specific unconditioned stimulus is The specific unconditioned stimulus is unknown unknown

  23. Operant Conditioning Programmed Learning - an instruction method that uses the operant conditioning techniques of presenting an organism with a stimulus • organism responds and receives reinforcement for a correct response Video: Big Bang Theory http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mt4N9GSBoMI

  24. Operant Conditioning WS: Operant Conditioning WS: How do we learn? Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8vIbuoktew

  25. Operant Conditioning Shaping Experiment - I need a volunteer to leave the classroom for a minute…. - Shaping • the experimenter rewards an organism each time it makes a response that is close to the desired response

  26. Reinforcement Positive Reinforcement - strengthens a response by its presence - operant conditioning relies on reinforcement Negative Reinforcement - strengthens a response with its absence - a reverse reward

  27. Reinforcement Secondary Reinforcement - a stimulus that has been associated w/ something that satisfies a need - EX: Money • to maintain a family, individuals must provide food, clothing, shelter etc. • Money does not give them these things but they can buy the things with money

  28. Reinforcement Role of Punishment - Punishment: providing negative stimulus after a behavior has occurred

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