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O u r P e n P a l s b y H a i l e y a n d L i l l y

O u r P e n P a l s b y H a i l e y a n d L i l l y. @ P i t t s f i e l d  M a s s a c h u s e t t s. Okay so you Know our Pen Pals live in Massachusetts if you didn’t then know you know!

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O u r P e n P a l s b y H a i l e y a n d L i l l y

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  1. OurPenPalsby Hailey and Lilly

  2. @ Pittsfield Massachusetts • Okay so you Know our Pen Pals live in Massachusetts if you didn’t then know you know! • Okay if you listen your teacher teach you then you would know that Massachusetts is North of the Equator so that would mean that it’s Very Cold up there!

  3. History Of Pittsfield MA • A group of young men came and began to clear land in 1743 , but threats of Indian raids associated with the conflict of the French and the land remained unoccupied by those of European dicsent for several more years. Finally, in 1752 ,settler, many from Westfield ,MA , arrived and a village began 2 grow ,which was incorporated as pontoosuck plantation became the township of PF named in honor of a british prime minister William Pitt , who later would champion the colonists cause before the revolotion.

  4. What are pen pals ? • In the fourth grade you have a writing taks test and to help you prepare for it you practice by writing. You can also make a life long friend by getting to know each other . You wont to make a good influence on your self .It’s exiting waiting for your next letter to come.


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