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Situation of Disabled People in Lithuania : Possibilities and Problems. Lithuanian Association of People with Disabilities Ms Rasa Kavaliauskaitė, President Ms Ginta Žemaitaitytė, Vice-president Ms Jurgita Masiulionytė, Projects coordinator. Regional North-East seminar
Situation of Disabled People in Lithuania: Possibilities and Problems Lithuanian Association of People with Disabilities Ms Rasa Kavaliauskaitė, President Ms Ginta Žemaitaitytė, Vice-president Ms Jurgita Masiulionytė, Projects coordinator Regional North-East seminar Disability Rights and Reality 28-31 October 2010, Vilnius
Disability Statistics • In Lithuania, 7% of all residents are disabled. • According to the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, in 2009, there were about 269 thousand disabled people receiving work incapacity pensions or benefits: • the majority of disabled, 159.5 thousand (59.3 %), are people with established 30-40 % capacity for work • 34.7 thousand (12.9 %) people have the most severe form of disability • 58.8 thousand (21,9 %) people have 45-55% capacity for work • Almost 16 thousand (5.9 %) are disabled children
Social Integration System for the Disabled The social integration system for the disabled consists of the following: • Provision of medical services, • Provision of vocational and social rehabilitation services, • Meeting special needs with the help of the special assistive aids, • Supporting the employment of the disabled, • Provision of social support, • Appropriation and payment of pensions and benefits from the State Social Insurance Fund • Appropriation and payment of benefits from the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund, • Provision of education services, • Ensuring equal opportunities to participate in cultural events, sports, and other areas of social life.
Funding Social integration system for the disabled is funded by: • State Budget, • Municipal budgets, • State Social Insurance Fund, • Compulsory Health Insurance Fund, • Employment Fund, • EU structural funds, • Other legally acquired funds.
Each person with established disability or vocational incapacity for work higher than 65 % is entitled to work incapacity pension or social assistance pension. Since 1 April 2004, three disability levels were set for children under 18 (with the exception of those covered the State Social Insurance): severe, moderate, and mild. Since 1 July 2005, the level of vocational incapacity for work for adults and persons under 18 if they are/were covered by the State Social Insurance, is established by taking into consideration medical, functional, professional, and other criteria aiming to assess the person’s capacity for work and employability. Lost capacity for work is expressed in percentage up to 100 %: Complete incapacity for work is from 75 to 100 %; Severe incapacity for work is from 60 to 70 %; Partial incapacity for work is from 45 to 55 %.
Loss of 75-100%capacity for work – LTL720 per month Loss of 60-70%capacity for work – LTL540 per monthLoss of 45-55%capacity for work – LTL270 per month
Beneficiaries, thousands Special needs Entitled to the benefit: Amount of the benefit 2007 2008 2009 Target compensation for nursing expenses People with severe disability LTL 765 monthly 27.0 36.3 40.5 Number of beneficiariesincreased by 1.5 times Loss of 75-100% capacity for work LTL 306 monthly Target compensation for attendance (assistance) expenses 50.8 78.3 76.6 Loss of 60-70% capacity for work Old-age pensioners LTL 153 monthly Number of beneficiariesincreased by 1.5 times
Technical Aids • Technical aids are given and repaired for free (for children, disabled with incapacity for work anddisabled of group I); for other disabled it costs up to LTL 1500. • Expenses for electrical wheelchairsare compensated once in 8 years – 95% of the pricefor electrical wheelchair. Repair – 80% of repair and battery change expenses are compensated. A person is entitled to a compensation for active wheelchair cost once in 4 years, but not more than LTL 2500. 23 August 2005 Order No. A1-238, issuedby the Minister of Social Security and Labour on the Approval of Procedure for Provision of Aids to the Disabled and for Compensation of Costs.
Orthopedic Equipment and Prothesis • The whole price of the basic orthopedic equipment is compensated. 31 March 2006 Order No. V-234, issued by the Minister of Health on the Approval of Organisation Procedure for State Support for Purchasing Technical Orthopedic Equipment • The lowest price of the relevant group endoprothese, purchased during the period of surgery is compensated by the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF). 28 September 1999 Order No.3/4, issued by the Compulsory Health Insurance Board on the Procedure for Compensation the Joint Endoprotheses Purchasing Expenses
Home Adjustment • Municipalities spend 80% of the state budget and 20% of the municipal budget revenue for people with very severe and severe movement and self-servicing impairment for adjusting their homes. • Municipalities spend 50% of the state budget and 50% of the municipal budget revenue for people with moderate movement and self-servicing impairment for adjusting their homes. 28 June 2006 Resolution No.638 issued by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the Approval of the Programme on Home Adjustment for the Disabled 2007-2011
Programme on Home Adjustment for the Disabled • In 2009, the Programme was implemented by 57 cities and district municipalities. • 262 homes were adjusted, including 154 homes for people with very severe movement and self-servicing impairments, 99 homes for people with severe movement and self-servicing impairments and 9 homes for people with moderate movement and self-servicing impairments. • Within the total number of adjusted homes, 26 were for the disabled children and young people, 26 were for disabled students, and 3 homes were for working disabled. • The adjustment of homes included 57 pcs of expensive equipment (hoists or lifts). • The majority of homes were adjusted in the municipalities of Vilniaus (21 homes), Kaunas (15), Visaginas (16), Biržai (11), Plungė (9) and Šakiai (9). • In 2009, under the Programme, LTL 4754.5 thousand (LTL 3710.3 thousand from the state budget and LTL1044.2 thousand from municipal budget) was spent.
Accommodation (1) • State support for purchasing home and for adjusting it for the needs of the disabled is provided for: • People with established severe or moderate level of disability; • Families where a family member has established severe or moderate level of disability. Law on State Support for Purchasing or Renting Housing and for Modernisation of the Blocks-of-flats (Article 4) • Families with a disabled child, which received loans under privileged conditions before 31 December 2002 and families with disabled child after 01 January 2003 have 20 % of the provided loan residue covered. Law on Implementation of State Support for Purchasing or Renting Housing (Article 2-1)
Accommodation(2) • A family with disabled child which resides in a home rented by municipality with the floor space less than 10 square meters or 14 square meters per family member is entitled to improved social housing (Article 8 and 9). • A family with disabled child and entitled to social housing is included into the list based on the date of application registration in municipality. The list contains families with disabled child. Law on Provision Housing to Residents
Special Cars and Compensation for Transportation Costs • Disabled with impaired movement are entitled to a compensation amounting to 32 minimum monthly wages (LTL 4000) for purchasing special car and making technical adjustments, if the disabled can drive the car. A person with disability can benefit from this privilege once in 6 years. • People with disability with impaired movement are entitled to a monthly compensation for transportation expenses; the compensation amounts to 0.25 of the minimum monthly wages (LTL 32.50). Law on Transport Privileges
Education • Financial assistance for disabled students: 1) 50 % of the basic pension paid by the State Social Insurance (LTL 180) for meeting special needs – monthly targeted benefits; 2) amount equal to 3.2 of the minimum monthly wages, set by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania (LTL 400) for students, studying in partially state funded or not funded places - monthly targeted benefits. 2006 Resolution issued by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the Approval of the Description of Procedure for Supporting the Disabled Students at Higher Schools • Persons with special needs are supplied with educational assistive technology in educational institutions and at home. Law on Special Education (Article 25)
Growth of the Number of Disabled Students • In the academic year of 2009-2010, as many as 1026 disabled students studied at Lithuanian universities. • Since 2005, the number of students at universities and colleges doubled. • During the first quarter of 2010, the Department of Disabled Affairs under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour received applications for financial assistance from 36 higher schools (26 state and 10 non state higher schools). • During the above period, 864 disabled students received support (in total LTL 579.4 thousand absorbed): • 864 disabled students received benefits for meeting their special needs (LTL 418.9 thousand absorbed), • 333 students received target benefits for partial coverage of study related expenses (LTL 141.4 thousand absorbed).
VocationalRehabilitation • The Law on Social Integration of the Disabled defines vocational rehabilitation as restoration of person’s capacity for work, professional competence and ability to participate in the labour market or enhancement through educational, social, psychological, rehabilitation or other measures. • Vocational rehabilitation services: • Professional counselling • Consulting • Assessment and restoration of professional skills or development of new skills • Requalification
Stages ofVocationalRehabilitation: • Disability and Working Capacity Assessment Office determines personal need for vocational rehabilitation services; • A person needs a conclusion on the vocational rehabilitation needs, issued by the Office to the Territorial Labour Exchange Office of the place of residence. • The Territorial Labour Exchange Office issues a licence to attend vocational rehabilitation establishment where a person will undergo vocational rehabilitation based on a personal plan. A disabled person will be paid vocational rehabilitation benefit of LTL 720. 18 April 2005 Resolution No.413 issued by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the Approval of Regulations for Provision of Vocational Rehabilitation Benefit and Payment. • Upon completion of vocational rehabilitation programme, the person returns to Disability and Working Capacity Assessment Office were the final assessment of the capacity for work is established. • The average duration of vocational rehabilitation is 5.4 months.
VocationalRehabilitation • In 2008, the services of vocational rehabilitation were provided by 9 companies which offered to the disabled vocational training under 139 programmes. • In 2008, LTL 12.9 million was spent on vocational rehabilitation programme, various services and benefits related to the implementation of this programme.
Employment of Disabled The main pieces of legislation, regulating the employment of the disabled in the Republic of Lithuania: • Constitution, 1992 • Labour Code, 2000 • Law on Equal Opportunities, 2003 • Law on Social Integration of the Disabled, 1991, 2004 • Law on Social Services, 2006 • Law on Support for Employment, 2006 • Law on Social Enterprises, 2004
Labour Market Statistics • As little as 15% (28–29 thousand) of the disabled take part in the labour market including 5% of those with the status of unemployed; • Out of all registered unemployed as little as 2 % of the disabled found a job. • Only 10.5% of potentially capable for work disabled had a job in 2009, according to Lithuanian Labour Exchange. • In 2010, in Lithuania there were 107 social enterprises. • There are over 70 social companies for the disabled. • About 3600 people work in the social companies, including 1850 people with different disabilities.
LAW ON SUPPORT FOR EMPLOYMENTsubsidies for job creation Subsidies for job creation– irreclaimable funds for creating jobs or adjusting work places; without such funding the workplaces could not be created. Subsidy for job creation is provided for compensation costs of: • work tools and technical aids, necessary for the functionality of the workplace, ensured through purchasing, assembling or adjusting; • training when professional qualification or competence is needed for the created job and when such training is not provided by the Labour Exchange; • Renovation and adjustment of owned premises when a work place has to be set up (50 % of the subsidy amount) • Insurance of long-term tangible assets funded from the subsidy.
LAW ON SOCIAL ENTERPRISES • Types of State Aid Provided to a Social Enterprise : • partial compensation for wages and state social insurance contributions; • subsidy for the creation of workplaces, adaptation of workplaces to disabled employees and acquisition or adaptation of their work equipment; • subsidy for training the employees who are attributed to the target groups. • Besides the above mentioned state aid, a social enterprise of the disabled may be allocated additional state aid for the following purposes: • Subsidy for the adaptation of work environment, production premises and recreation rooms to disabled employees; • Subsidy for the reimbursement of additional administrative and transport expenses; • Subsidy for the reimbursement of expenses on an assistant (sign language interpreter).
LAW ON SOCIAL ENTERPRISESpartial reimbursement of wages and state social insurance contributions