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MAJOR THEMES IN . ANTHEM. By: Ayn Rand. INDIVIDUALISM. Individualism & Identity.
Individualism & Identity Equality 7-2521 struggles throughout the entire novel because he has a desire to spend time alone and create things for his own purpose. He was afraid to face the rejection of his peers who live for “we.” He was only able to find himself once he broke free from society. Rand discusses the importance of how discovering who you are will ultimately lead you to happiness. No matter how hard society tries to keep everyone equal the individual will always resurface because of our human need of identity.
Freedom Rand witnessed in Russia duringthe 20th century a collectivist society and how limiting it was. She realized in order to progress and move forward as a society you need the freedom to develop new ideas and technology. In Anthem, Equality had to secretly create his inventions and they were still not accepted by society. If society gave their people the freedom to learn and create things they would be much more advanced. Freedom may not keep everyone equal, but it gives everyone the opportunity to happiness.
Objectivism Definition Objectivism is the philosophy that Ayn Rand created. It is “the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute” (Browse Nowa).
Objectivism Debates The health care debate ties into objectivism because some people believe that everyone has the right to health care. However, Objectivists say that they should not have to pay for other’s health care. They believe that everyone is responsible for themselves and if YOU want healthcare YOU need to pay for it. This also ties into other expenses such as student loans, which we can all relate to. Objectivists believe that if YOU want to go to college YOU have to pay for it yourself. They do not believe in student loans or other forms of government financial aid.
Work Cited “Browse Nowa.” Ayn Rand Lexicon. Ayn Rand Institute. Web. 12 Mar. 2012. <http://aynrandlexicon.com/lexicon/object ivism.html>.