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Protect Consumer Privacy from Load Monitoring

Protect Consumer Privacy from Load Monitoring. The smart metering technique allows users and power companies to get more accurate power usage data Balanced generation and consumption Save money (both company and end users) More environment friendly.

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Protect Consumer Privacy from Load Monitoring

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Protect Consumer Privacy from Load Monitoring

  2. The smart metering technique allows users and power companies to get more accurate power usage data • Balanced generation and consumption • Save money (both company and end users) • More environment friendly

  3. The problem: disclosure of the users’ privacy • We can actually generate the fingerprint of the power consumption of different devices • New smart meter allows you to sample the power usage each second • Match the usage changes to the signatures of the devices • What you are using, whether or not you are at home, noise level, ----

  4. How can we hide the information: • Non-intrusive load leveling • Add a battery to the circuit • Try to maintain a flat level of usage • When consumption is low, charge • When consumption is high, discharge

  5. Sounds pretty straightforward, right? • If you have a battery with really huge capacity, then yes • But: • Complexity • Cost • Dynamics • Properties of the battery

  6. Goals • Make the power usage at about Kss • The battery is running at about 50% -- 80% full • Never lower than 20% • Not higher than 90%

  7. If the battery’s SOC is high, and the real time usage is smaller than Kss • You are setting the Kss too high (so the battery is always charging) • Need to lower the target • If the SOC is very low and the real time usage is larger than Kss • Setting the Kss too low (the battery is always discharging) • Need to increase the value

  8. Evaluation Setup

  9. Feature reduction results

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