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DEAR STUDENTS & PARENTS:. Welcome to the sixth grade of Delran Middle School. INTRODUCTION.
DEAR STUDENTS & PARENTS: Welcome to the sixth grade of Delran Middle School.
INTRODUCTION This year you will be experiencing many new and exciting changes as you adjust to middle school life. One important difference you will face is our integrated approach in studying the language arts. Instead of having two separate classes for English and reading, you will be studying all facets of the language: LISTENING, SPEAKING, READING, WRITING, VIEWING during our double-period course. To assist us in learning, we will be using the Prentice Hall Literature Series, Houghton-Mifflin’s The Write Source, and various trade books for enrichment and enjoyment as well.
MATERIALS In order to experience success, you will first need to be properly prepared for class. Each day you should report on time with all necessary materials including: • A ONE-INCH BINDER to be used solely for language arts• A FOLDER clearly marked for keeping work organized• An adequate supply of loose leaf PAPER• Proper writing UTENSILS • TWO different colored HIGHLIGHTERS• The Delran Middle School Premier AGENDA• Any due ASSIGNMENTS.
QUARTERLY BOOK REPORTS You should also bring a book of choice to class daily. This book can be enjoyed when class work is finished, and will be used for the REQUIRED BOOK REPORT DUE QUARTERLY .
HOMEWORK Homework will be given approximately four days each week and should be recorded in the daily agenda provided by the school. Parents can check this log periodically for assurance that your child is preparing himself/herself properly for class. For your convenience, homework is also recorded on each teacher’s webpage which can be accessed through the Delran Middle School Home Page. Regular homework will NOT be accepted late. Graded assignments must be done completely, according to directions, and on time in order to receive full credit. Absentees (including those who miss class for reasons other than absence) should accept the responsibility of obtaining any work missed and make it up in a timely fashion. A percentage grade for preparationwill be updated regularly on the Parent Portal. This grade will then be averaged with any test, quiz, or project grades earned throughout the quarter. + =
You are also cordially invited… To step inside… DELRAN Middle School’s PARENT DELRAN MIDDLE SCHOOL CODE = 1060140054
EXTRA HELP If at any time during the year you find yourself experiencing difficulty, extra help is available both before and after school. Please feel free to take advantage of this prior to tests, however, rather than allowing yourself to experience failure. Arrangements should be made in advance. Late buses are generally available.
CONCLUSION We are looking forward to working together to make this an enjoyable and successful year for all. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at the middle school any time. Thank you. Mrs.Gutelius Mrs. Tieman jgutelius@delranschools.comptieman@delranschools.com (856-461-8822, extension 4522) (856-461-8822, extension 4560) Mrs. Barbosa cbarbosa@delranschools.com (856-461-8822, extension 4500)
SIGNATURES I have read this letter, and I understand its contents and my responsibilities.__________________________________________ __________________________________________ (Student’s Signature) (Parent’s Signature)Phone Number_____________________________ Emergency Number________________________E-mail____________________________________ Cell Phone Number________________________ Signatures due by Friday, September 10.
Sixth Grade Language Arts Literacy Class / Student Expectations Mrs.Gutelius/ Mrs. Tieman / Mrs. Barbosa
COMMUNICATION • Our job is to help you. Please communicate with us if you have any questions or concerns. It is the only way they will be resolved! • Mrs. Wolf: Voice mail extension 4522 • E-mail:jgutelius@delranschools.com • Mrs. Tieman: : Voice mail extension 4560 • E-mail: ptieman@delranschools.com • Mrs. Barbosa: Voice mail extension 4500 • E-mail: cbarbosa@delranschools.com
RESPECTRESPONSIBILITYINTEGRITY These three words are the foundation of behavior and will govern our classroom. Any behavior that interferes with teaching and learning will be unacceptable and dealt with in accordance with the rules and regulations outlined in the school handbook. =
RESPECT • Above all, respect yourself. • When you do, you respect others in turn. • Rude or offensive language and put downs are unacceptable. Respect the property of others and of the school. • Remember the Golden Rule: • “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
RESPONSIBILITY • The classroom is a community. You have a responsibility to contribute to this community in a positive way. Here are a few ways in which you can contribute: • BE PREPARED.Although this is known to be the “Boy Scout Motto,” it works for us too. Have all necessary books, notebooks, papers, writing implements with you daily. Have your homework ready to turn in at the start of each class. Be on time and come prepared to work. • HOMEWORK…This Nike Slogan says it all: “JUST DO IT!” • Homework is very important to your success in school. Sometimes it will be used to reinforce what we have been working on in class. Other times, it may be preparation for what we will be doing, in which case, if you don’t do it, you may not be ready to move on to the next step. In any case, good work habits are a basic building block for doing well in school and more importantly, in life itself. So “Just do it!” (And REMEMBER: None of this…) • A HOMEWORK BUDDY can be a life saver! Select a reliable and conscientious person from this class to be your homework buddy. This is a friend whom you can call or e-mail when you are absent, miss class, or simply need clarification about an assignment. Write his/her name and contact information in your agenda book so you can access it easily.
INTEGRITY • The dictionary defines this word using the synonym, “honesty.” However, here are some definitions offered by others. Circle the one you like best: • Ralph Waldo Emerson: “What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” • Thomas Jefferson: “Whenever you do a thing, act as if the world were watching.” • Oprah Winfrey: “Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.” • Joe Paterno: “Success without honor is an unseasoned dish; it will satisfy your hunger, but it won’t taste good.” • Mother Theresa: “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” • Chinese Proverb: “If you stand straight, do not fear a crooked shadow.”
Bottom line… Be honest! Do your own work, and don’t plagiarize. Work to the best of your ability, and you will do fine! (See Delran Middle School Handbook pages 11-12 for Plagiarism/Cheating Policy.)
“NO RULES CREED” • NO drug RULES my body, • For I am a scholar & an athlete. • NO prejudice RULES my judgment; • I will form my own opinions, thank you! • NO peer pressure RULES my actions; • I will make my own decisions. • NO limitation RULES my effort; • For I am a competitor. • NO attitude RULES my reasoning; • I will learn from my own mistakes. • NO RULES challenge my spirit. • I will overcome obstacles. • I will excel. • I have the potential for greatness!
“Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it will elude you. But if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder…” (Henry David Thoreau)HAPPY SCHOOL YEAR!