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AFRICA. GEOGRAPHY & PEOPLES. Identify key landforms and resources. Locate nations and geographic features on a map of Africa. Explain how geographic features have influenced where people live and contributed to the cultural diversity of the continent. OBJECTIVES. Warm up.

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  2. Identify key landforms and resources. Locate nations and geographic features on a map of Africa. Explain how geographic features have influenced where people live and contributed to the cultural diversity of the continent. OBJECTIVES

  3. Warm up • List the features you associate with Africa’s geography & climate.

  4. Geography • Hospitable coasts • Inhospitable interior • 5 geographic regions • North Africa • West Africa • East Africa • Central Africa • Southern Africa

  5. Climate, Landforms, & Vegetation • Most Africa plateau • 80% tropics = warm • Rainfall decreases w/distance from equator • Tropical Rainforests • Tropical Savanna • Drought/Desertification • Deserts • Mediterranean Climate

  6. Climate, Landforms, & Vegetation • Mountains: • Atlas in NW • Drakensberg in SE • Mt. Kilimanjaro – Tanzania • Great Rift Valley • Break in Earth’s crust • Deserts: • N.Africa – Sahara (3.2mm2) • Kalahari & Namib in south • Rivers: • Nile Zambezi • Congo Niger

  7. Hydroelectric power Minerals – gold, diamonds, copper, uranium, coltan (cell phones & computer chips) Oil – Algeria, Libya, Nigeria, Angola Tropical woods, palm oil Agriculture – rubber, coffee, cotton Underdvpt = political instability, transport issues Foreign co’s make $ Natural & economic resources

  8. Human diversity • 763 million ppl & growing • Many ethnic groups w/unique languages • Most live in rural areas, in savanna • Recent migration

  9. Climate & Health • Disease-carrying insects • Malaria • Tsetse fly • River blindness • Unclean water • Parasites • Diarrheal diseases • Hunger • Drought = no crops • Lack protein

  10. Map – Using Africa book (or internet) label all 53 nations • Color North African nations red (p10) • Color West African nations yellow (p18) • Color Central African nations purple (p64) • Color East African nations green (p92) • Color South African nations blue (p136) • Make a key on your map Activity 1

  11. closure • What resources do African nations export to the world?

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