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Signature of strange dibaryon in kaon-induced reaction

Signature of strange dibaryon in kaon-induced reaction. Shota Ohnishi A in collaboration with; Y. Ikeda B , H. Kamano C , T. Sato A. A; Department of Physics, Osaka University B; Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology C; Department of Physics, Osaka City University. Contents.

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Signature of strange dibaryon in kaon-induced reaction

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  1. Signature of strange dibaryon in kaon-induced reaction Shota Ohnishi A in collaboration with; Y. IkedaB, H. KamanoC, T. SatoA A; Department of Physics, Osaka University B; Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology C; Department of Physics, Osaka City University

  2. Contents • Introduction • Three-body Scattering Equation • Model of 2-body Interaction • Results • Conclusion

  3. Introduction • Three-body Scattering Equation • Model of 2-body Interaction • Results • Conclusion

  4. Jp=1/2-, • q^3(uds): P-wave excited state • unstable bound state • Dalitz, Wong, Tajasekaran, PR 153(1967)1617 • strongly attractive interaction in I=0, L=0 • deeply bound kaonic nuclei are proposed u s d Yamazaki, Akaishi, PLB535, 70(2002)

  5. strange dibaryon • simplest deeply bound kaonic nuclei • many particle dynamics can be examined accurately theoretical analyses:

  6. strange dibaryon • signal of strange dibaryon resonance from reactions Optical potential approach : Koike, Harada, PRC80, 055208(2009) Purpose of this work : within Faddeev approach • study 3-body scattering amplitude • examine signal of strange dibaryon resonances • examine dynamics of in resonance production reaction ・・・ ・・・

  7. Introduction • Three-body Scattering Equation • Model of 2-body Interaction • Results • Conclusion

  8. Coupled channel equation for Faddeev eq. separable 2-body Interaction; Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas(AGS) eq. : Xij;quasi two-body amplitude

  9. Singularity of particle exchange interaction Z-diagram moon shape singularity methods to handle moon shape singularity numerically spline interpolation, point method

  10. Point method L. Schlessinger, PR 167, 1411(1968) Kamada, Koike, Glökle, TP 109 (2003), 869. evaluate X at finite ei Extrapolate X at e=0 continued fraction

  11. Introduction • Three-body Scattering Equation • Model of 2-body Interaction • Results • Conclusion

  12. Interaction meson-baryon interaction based on WT Lagrangian “energy-independent” potentials (static approximation ) “energy-dependent” potentials (chiral unitary) E; two body scattering energy

  13. pole positions of two-body amplitude E-indep.; only one pole E-dep.; two poles ~ chiral unitary model • * two Y* resonances : Jido, Oller, Oset, Ramos, Meissner, NPA 725(2003)263 Possibility to distinguish two models from strange dibaryon production reaction

  14. Introduction • Three-body Scattering Equation • Model of 2-body Interaction • Results • Conclusion

  15. Model of system 2-body meson-baryon interaction; 3-body particle exchange ( Z) interaction report on our first results on only meson-baryon S=-1 interaction, only kaon exchange Z.

  16. |X(W,p’,p)|2 W1 W1’ W1 depend on momentum. correspond to moon shape singularity W1 W1’

  17. |X(W,p’,p)|2 W1 W1’ resonance W1 depend on momentum. correspond to moon shape singularity Quasi two-body amplitudes depend on two-body potential models. W1 W1’

  18. Introduction • Three-body Scattering Equation • Model of 2-body Interaction • Results • Conclusion

  19. Conclusion • Signal of dibaryon resonance shows up in the quasi two-body amplitude X. • Strange dibaryon production reaction can be used to distinguish dynamical model of L(1405). Future plan • Include complete 3-body dynamics • (include N and p exchange Z) • Study , etc.

  20. Thank you!

  21. test of approximation method three identical bosons model of Amado scattering of a boson b from a two-boson bound state d Matsuyama, Sato, Lee, PR439, 193(2003) m; boson mass, E; total energy, B; two-body binding energy, b; cut-off We can use this method for coupled-channel AGS eq.

  22. model dependence of X Three-body amplitudes depend on two-body potential models.

  23. |X(W,p’,p)|2 W1 W1

  24. cutoff (model parameters) cutoff which reproduce invariant mass & 2-body cross sections.

  25. pole positions of strange dibaryon

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