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Lessons Learned from the Past Year and Looking to the Future Marya Castillano, Moderator Director, Energy Management Services. 9/01. BACKGROUND & SUCCESS FACTORS. Implemented in 1977; operated by municipal electric utility Energy savings are part of the City’s energy resource portfolio

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  1. Lessons Learned from the Past Year and Looking to the Future Marya Castillano, Moderator Director, Energy Management Services 9/01

  2. BACKGROUND & SUCCESS FACTORS • Implemented in 1977; operated by municipal electric utility • Energy savings are part of the City’s energy resource • portfolio • Supportive elected officials & supportive community • Service delivery w/ field staff & trade allies • All sectors served: Residential, Commercial, Industrial Institutional, • & Governmental • Target market segments: Low Income, Single & Multifamily, Small • Businesses, Commercial & Industrial retrofit, & new Construction • Variety of services & programs • Utilization of incentives • Extensive collaboration & leveraging of resources

  3. CURTAILMENT STRATEGY 2001 Situation: ENERGY PRICES WATER SUPPLY • Reduce utility’s electric load • Offset impact of higher electricity rates • Implement simple programs & services • Conduct community workshops & • outreach • Broaden focus on low-income • Provide support to small businesses • Intensifyfocus on city’s largest consumers

  4. 10 + 10 Bonus • CURTAILMENT SPECIFICS Services & Activities • Provided give-away efficiency products • Provided specialized O&M services • Provided self help advice • Installed energy saving devices incentives • Offered bonus incentives to commercial • customers • Increased utilization of the city/utility’s • websites • Conducted major conservation awareness • promotional campaign

  5. LONG TERM STRATEGY Beyond Curtailment • Install permanent conservation measures • Ensure long-term savings • Target medium & large Commercial & Industrial users • Capture lost opportunities • Provide incentives • Enhance current program & service offerings; fill in • service gaps • Increase commitment to low income • Double savings acquisition (6 aMW to 12 aMW) • Increase budget by 1/3 ($18m - $25m) • Increase stringency of local energy codes & connection • standards • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

  6. LONG TERM DETAILS PROGRAM & SERVICES • specific end-uses • lighting • appliances • water heat • space heat • plug loads • comprehensive • public sector tailored agreements • private sector individualized contracts • new construction & retrofit • multifamily & limited single family • commercial & industrial structures • sustainable building incentives • motors & fans • chillers • HVAC • equipment • electronics

  7. LONG TERM DETAILS, cont’d. SERVICES & ACTIVITIES • education & outreach • business & community workshops • website technical & program/service info • lectures & forums • major multi-media awareness campaigns • energy codes & standards • more stringent local codes • more stringent connections standards • federal efficiency standards for • appliances • market transformation • collaboration w/ NW Energy Efficiency • Alliance

  8. RESULTS For 2000 • Energy Savings - approx. 5.7 aMW • Enough energy to power over 4,600 Seattle • homes for one year. • Energy Savings in 2000 were worth approx. • $11 million in avoided power purchases • CO2 Reductions • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions by • 20,500 short tons = to more than • 4,100 vehicles off road / yr • YTD 2001 • Energy Savings - approx. 12.5 aMW • Enough energy to power over 10,000 Seattle • homes / one year • Participation • Oversubscribed in virtually all programs • CO2 Reductions • 45,000 short tons = approx. 9,000 vehicles off road / yr

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