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Exploring Life's Big Ideas: Evolution, Interaction, Energy, Information, Organization

This content delves into the fundamental concepts in biology, such as evolution, interaction, energy transfer, genetic information, and structural organization in living systems. It explains how populations evolve, the importance of interactions between organisms and their environment, energy transformation, genetic inheritance, and the hierarchical organization from cells to ecosystems. The text emphasizes the significance of maintaining order, passing genetic codes, and transforming energy for life processes. It also discusses the unity in diversity seen in evolution and introduces the scientific method in understanding biological phenomena.

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Exploring Life's Big Ideas: Evolution, Interaction, Energy, Information, Organization

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  1. Foundations of Biology!


  3. What’s the BIG IDEA? EVOLUTION – the core theme! Populations of organisms change over time INTERACTION Organisms must interact with each other and the environment ENERGY Life requires transfer and transformation of energy & matter INFORMATION Organisms must express and pass on genetic information ORGANIZATION Organisms maintain order & link structure & function

  4. Organization – life is ordered! • From atoms to ecosystems, the structure determines the function • Molecules: enzymes must perfectly match their substrates; order of bases in DNA sets the code • Cells: nerve cells have many branches to better send and receive signals • Organs: the stomach has thick muscle to allow churning • Ecosystems: rainforest canopy vs mid-level vs floor (different “ways of life” at each level)

  5. Organization – life is ordered! • Cells are basic units of life…all life functions happen at the cellular level • Have specific structures to do specific jobs (organelles) • Ex: mitochondria – curvy surface to make more ATP • Prokaryotic = simple, non-nucleus cell; bacteria • Eukaryotic = fancier cell with nucleus & the fancy organelles; all other cells

  6. Organization – life is ordered! …apparent at ALL levels! Does this cost energy or give off energy to maintain?

  7. Organization – life is ordered! Form fits function The way something is put together determines how it works What is an example of this on a human?

  8. Organization – the hierarchy… Atom Molecule Organelle Cell Tissue Organ Organ System Organism Population Community Ecosystem

  9. Organization – Life maintains homeostasis Maintain internal environment What sorts of things must be kept stable within you? Once the value is set, why doesn’t it just stay there?

  10. Information • DNA holds code for all types of life functions • All organisms use this, and it is same structure • Proteins made with same process in all life • DNA copied into RNA which builds proteins ALL organisms share these …why is that significant?

  11. Information • Genetic code passed to offspring • By combining sexually – meiosis • By exact copying – mitosis & asexual reproduction Why is it so important to pass on these codes? Do all organisms do this?

  12. Information - Life reproduces itself life comes from life …applies to cells as well as whole organisms So where did the first life come from?

  13. Recap… Predict 4 characteristics that the first cells would have had. Defend your choices.

  14. Information • Organisms send and receive signals • Internal – hormones, nerve impulses, … • Exterior – sounds, sights, etc Why is it so important to pass on these signals? Do all organisms do this?

  15. Information - Signaling Must take in info and respond accordingly What is an example of your body doing this? Does this happen at the cell level?

  16. Energy – at all levels! • All organisms make ATP by breaking down glucose… which is made by the green things • Ecosystem: sun  autotrophs  heterotrophs • Chloroplasts: light + CO2  glucose • Mitochondria: glucose  ATP + CO2 Why is it so important to transform energy? Do all organisms do this?

  17. Energy – at all levels! need energy to do work …at ALL levels! What kind of work does “life” do?

  18. Interaction • Life depends on the environment • Abiotic factors: light, water, O2, etc • Ex: plants use light & CO2 & water to make sugar • Life depends on other living things • Biotic factors: symbiosis, parasitism, predation, etc • Ex: flowers needs bees for pollination What is the payoff for this interaction? What is the risk?

  19. Evolution – the core theme!!! • Descent with modification • Populations of organisms share common ancestors, but make changes to genes over long periods of time • Natural selection • Survival of the fittest: genes that give better traits move on to next generation (reproductive success) • Depends on variation (what nature selects from) Why can’t you personally evolve?

  20. Evolution – unity in diversity ALL organisms share certain traits (like glycolysis, DNA, ATP, cell structures,…) Many species exist…all with varied traits 3 Domains…6 Kingdoms …what are they called?

  21. Evolution – unity in diversity • 3 Domains • Archaea – extreme-habitat prokaryotes • Bacteria – “common bacteria”; prokaryotes • Eukarya – all eukaryotes (animals, plants, fungi, protists)

  22. The End

  23. Science as a Process Chapter 1 – Part 2

  24. Scientific Method

  25. ScientificMethod

  26. It starts with a question, then… • You make a hypothesis • Tentative explanation based on previous knowledge • Must be testable • Can be eliminated, but not confirmed with certainty

  27. Does the amount of protein affect growth rate of mice? • What would a proper hypothesis for this question be?

  28. Null Hypothesis Assumption that the observed difference between two samples is purely accidental - not due to the effect the independent variable has on the dependent variable Example… Ho = Adding more water to daisies will have no effect on how tall they grow. OR… for some types of experiments, the null will be “the observed data & expected data are the same”

  29. Null Hypothesis If experiment is does not have an independent variable the null will more likely be written as… “there will be no difference between the expected data and the observed data” Example: when a red-eyed female fruit fly is crossed with a white-eyed male fruit fly, what are the results? (white is recessive, so we expect all babies to be red) Null: All offspring will have red eyes.

  30. Does the amount of protein affect growth rate of mice? • What would a proper NULL hypothesis for this question be?

  31. Experimental Design • Large sample size • Replicated many times • Control Group • The “baseline”…what results compared against • Not present in “comparative” investigations • Controlled Variables • Remain the same between all groups, so that they are NOT factors in the experiment

  32. Experimental Design - Variables Independent Variable (“I” set up beforehand) ~ is the only variable that is changed between experimental groups ~ example: color of light on plants Dependent Variable (“Data” collected “During” experiment) ~ is the effect of the independent variable ~ it is what you measure as you experiment ~ ex: height plants grow

  33. Does the amount of protein affect growth rate of mice? • What would the control for this experiment be? • What are the… • IV • DV • CV

  34. Experimental Design • Bob wants to see which fertilizer will make his tomato plants produce the largest # of tomatoes. He uses the same variety of tomato, same amt & type of soil, same amt of water & plants them in same area. • Group 1 gets no fertilizer, group 2 gets Brand Q, group 3 gets Brand R, group 4 gets Brand S. • Identify: • IV • DV • CV • control group • experimental groups

  35. Experimental Design • Sue wants to see if plant food makes rose bushes produce more flowers. • Identify: • IV • DV • CVs • Control group • Null hypothesis • On her data table, what would the labels be at the top? (which one goes where?) • What would the labels on each axis of a graph be?

  36. Data Tables

  37. Data Tables Table 1. Height of Sunflowers when Grown in Varying Colors of Light

  38. Lab – Oreo Claim I. Purpose: Do double-stuff Oreos really have double the stuff? II. Background • What do you already know? III. Hypothesis • HO = • HA = IV. Procedure • IV=? DV=? CV=? • Normally Simple labeled sketch of procedure • For this one  easier to describe in words?

  39. Do Double-Stuff Oreos really have the double the stuff? • Regular (x2) DS • … … • … … • … … • … … • … … • … … • … … • … … • … … • … … • … … • … …

  40. Analyzing Data Standard Deviation How spread out is the data? Standard Error of the Mean How likely is it that our “mean” is a good value? Chi-square test & t-Test How close to our “expected” is close enough?

  41. Analyzing Data Standard Deviation: How spread out is the data? how far on average any data point is from the mean the smaller the SD, the closer the scores are to mean when SD is large, the scores are more widely spread

  42. Analyzing Data Standard Deviation: Moving a SD away from mean in either direction lets us estimate what % of points are within that section In science we almost always go with the 95% confidence level… this is equal to +/-2 SD units

  43. Analyzing Data Standard Deviation: To calculate, you need to know… Individual data points (x) Mean of data points ( ) Sample size (n)

  44. Analyzing Data Standard Deviation: Steps… 1. Calculate mean 2. Fill out chart with calculations (subtract & square) 3. Add up last column 4. Divide that sum by (n-1) 5. Take square root of that number

  45. Analyzing Data Standard Error of the Mean How likely is it that our “mean” is a good value? the higher the sample size, the more sure we can be to calculate this, simple divide the standard deviation value (s) by the square-root of the sample size. Yes, you have already done most of the work by now! In science we almost always use 2xSEM to get to the 95% confidence level

  46. Graph – DRYMIX Graph 1. Height of Sunflowers when Grown in Different Colors of Light Height of Sunflowers (cm) Color of Light

  47. Which Graph to Use? Check the x-axis (the IV) If it is numbers…make it a LINE graph If it is words…make it a BAR graph

  48. Which Graph to Use? Bar Graph For discrete data…words on the X!

  49. Which Graph to Use? Modified Bar Graph Includes error bars (see SEM)

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