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10.3 revision: Worship and Celebration

10.3 revision: Worship and Celebration. Structure of the Mass. The Penitential Rite (confess sins) The Liturgy of the Word (Bible readings and homily/sermon) The Liturgy of the Eucharist (bread and wine is consecrated/made holy)

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10.3 revision: Worship and Celebration

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  1. 10.3 revision: Worship and Celebration

  2. Structure of the Mass • The Penitential Rite (confess sins) • The Liturgy of the Word (Bible readings and homily/sermon) • The Liturgy of the Eucharist (bread and wine is consecrated/made holy) • The rite of Communion (people exchange peace and receive blessed bread and wine) • Concluding Rite (priest blesses the people)

  3. Importance of the Mass • It’s a way of purifying sins • Fulfils the commandment ‘Keep the Sabbath holy’ • Unites people with Christ and other Catholics • Spiritual nourishment/food • A sacrament of love from God to Christians through Jesus’ sacrifice

  4. Different meanings of the Eucharist • Catholics: transubstantiation (the bread and wine mysteriously changes into the actual body and blood of Christ) • Orthodox: consubstantiation (Jesus’ presence enters people through bread and wine) • Most Protestants: a symbol of Christ’s presence • Salvation Army and Quakers: no Eucharist as they don’t need rituals to be close to God

  5. penance and reconciliation • Also known as ‘confession’ • Has 4 parts: • Contrition – person says sorry • Confession – admit responsibility to the priest • Satisfaction – being prepared to make up for your sins to God (and anyone you’ve hurt) • Absolution – priest gives a penance (‘punishment’) to be performed

  6. Anointing of the sick • Gives strength to those seriously ill or near death • The main features of the ceremony are: • The person confesses sins (if possible) • The priest anoints forehead and hands with chrism • The person is given communion

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