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Do Now. List THREE things you know about the 1920s. What is ONE question you have about the 1920s?. Learning Goals. EQ: What made the 1920s into the “Roaring ‘20s?” LTs: Identify characteristics of the 1920s through a video. Describe the economy of America in the 1920s.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Do Now • List THREE things you know about the 1920s. • What is ONE question you have about the 1920s?

  2. Learning Goals • EQ: • What made the 1920s into the “Roaring ‘20s?” • LTs: • Identify characteristics of the 1920s through a video. • Describe the economy of America in the 1920s. • Explain how nativism impacted America in the 1920s. • POUs: • I can identify characteristics of the 1920s by completing the video quiz. • I can describe the approach of Harding and Coolidge to the American economy. • I can explain how nativism led to a distrust of immigrants.

  3. The 1920s

  4. America at the Start of the Decade • Victorious in World War I • Treaty of Versailles rejected • Period of isolationism • Republican-led government Returning WWI soldiers parading in Minneapolis

  5. The Election of 1920 • Republicans nominated Warren G. Harding • “Return to Normalcy” • Getting back to pre-war American business and values • Harding wins in a landslide Warren G. Harding

  6. Harding Administration Scandals • “Ohio Gang” • Harding too trusting and of people around him • Several advisers and Cabinet members deeply involved in corruption and bribes Harding with Attorney General Harry Daugherty (left), who resigned under corruption charges

  7. The Teapot Dome Scandal • Secretary Fall illegally sold government oil reserves to private companies • Fall found guilty of accepting bribes A political cartoon depicting the scandal as a steamroller

  8. 1923 - Harding Dies, Calvin Coolidge Takes Office • Harding died before scandals broke; reputation soon destroyed • Calvin Coolidge becomes the President Harding’s body leaving the White House after lying in state

  9. Coolidge as President • Pro-business • Wanted low taxes and very little government regulation • U.S. production grew by $30 billion under Coolidge • Coolidge will easily win the Election of 1924 Coolidge signing a tax bill, 1926

  10. Nativism • Came out of various worries following WWI • Prejudice against foreign-born people • Evident in immigration quotas, rise of the Ku Klux Klan • Also led to “Red Scare” An anti-immigrant poster from California Senator James Phelan’s campaign, 1920

  11. The “Red Scare”

  12. Immigration Quotas A cartoon satirizing the quota system

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