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Maciej S. Siekierski. Polymer Ionics Research Group. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, ul. Noakowskiego 3, 00-664 Warsaw, POLAND e-mail: alex@soliton.ch.pw.edu.pl , tel (+) 48 601 26 26 00, fax (+) 48 22 628 27 41.
Maciej S.Siekierski Polymer Ionics Research Group Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, ul. Noakowskiego 3, 00-664 Warsaw, POLAND e-mail: alex@soliton.ch.pw.edu.pl, tel (+) 48 601 26 26 00, fax (+) 48 22 628 27 41
Modeling of conductivity inComposite Polymeric Electrolytes Thermodynamical models
Modeling of the conductivity in polymeric electrolytes: Thermodynamicalmodels (macroscopic and microscopic): • Free Volume Approach • Configurational Entropy Approach • Dynamic Bond Percolation Theory • Dielectric Response Analysis Molecular scale models: • Ab initio quantum mechanics (DFT and Hartree-Fock) • Semi empirical quantum mechanics • Molecular mechanics • Molecular dynamics Phase scale models: • Effective medium approach • Random resistor network approach • Finite element approach • Finite gradient approach
Experimental determination of the material parameters: • The studied system is complicated and its properties vary with both • composition and temperature changes. These are mainly: • Contents of particular phases • Conductivity of particular phases • Ion associations • Ion transference number • d.c. conductivity value • diffusion process study • transport properties of the electrolyte-electrode border area • determination of a transference number of a charge carriers. • Variable experimental techniques are applied to composite polymeric electrolytes: • Molecular spectroscopy (FT-IR, Raman) • Thermal analysis • Scanning electron microscopy and XPS • NMR studies • Impedance spectroscopy
Initial concept – helices and cationsalso being very new one (P.G. Bruce)
SPE as an liquid crystal polymer smectic versus nematic alligment
SPE as an liquid crystal polymer smectic versus nematic alligment A sketch of the smectic short-chain system showing the disconiuity of the helices and ion-pairing at the surface.
Free Volume Approach • M. H. Cohen & D. Turnbull J.Chem. Phys. 31 (1959) 1164 • Diffusion of charged species is not thermally activated. • It is a result of redistribution of free volume within a liquid like amorphous phase. • The charged species are trapped in cages, except when a hole is opened being large enough for a molecule to diffuse through. • The conductivity increases with the increase of the free volume with temperature: vf = vg(0.025 + a (T-Tg) Vf – free volume vg – molar volume a – thermal expansivity T – temperature Tg – glass transition temperature • Finally the thermal dependence of conductivity is descirbed by Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher (VTF) or equivalent William-Landel-Ferry (WLF) equation s = so exp (-B/(T- To) s – conductivity so – preexpotential factor To – thermodynamical equilibrium glass transition temperature To = Tg – 50 • Model is valid for monophase amorphous systems only. • In polymeric electrolytes which are often semicrystalline with noncomplete slat dissociation cannot be applied.
Configurational Entropy Theory • G. Adam, J. H. Gibs J. Chem. Phys. 43 (1965) 139 • Extension tot he Free Volume Approach • Charge Carrier Movement occurs by group cooperative rearangements • Conductivity is related to the propability of the rearangement W = A exp (-Dmsc*/kTSc) sc* - minimal configurational entropy needed for rearangement Sc – configurational entropy for a temperature T Dm – energy barrier for the rearangement process • Two parameter model • Leads to the VTF conductivity dependence • Similar limitation to free volume approach
Dynamic Bond Percolation Theory • S. D. Druger, M. A. Ratner, A.Nitzan Solid State Ionics 9&10 (1983) 1115 • A first microscopic approach • The master equation for a static percolation approach: Pi = S (PjWij – PiWji) Pi – propability of finding carrier at site i W – the frequency (hopping rate) for a carrier between sites W = 0 with propability (1-f) and 1 with propabilty f f – fraction of bonds (links between sites, not chemical bonds) which are open (1-f) - fraction of bonds (links between sites, not chemical bonds) which are closed • This assumptions are valid for an ordered system • For polymers (disordered systems) an additional parameter is needed to descibe the renewal of the lattice l = 1/tr where tr is a renewal time • Finally the correlation between static and dynamic diffusion coefficient can be sketched: Ddy (w) = Dst(w – il) w – hopping frequency of charge carriers
Meyer Neldel Rule 1/3 • D. P. Almond & A.R. West Solid State Ionics 23 (1987) 27 • For semicrystalline polymeric elecrtolytes an Arrhenius dependence of conductivity is observed: s – conductivity so – preexpotential factor Ea – activation energy T - temperature • For a wide range of polymeric ionic conductors the magnitudes of the preexpotential factorand the activation energies of conduction are connected by the equation ln so = aEa + b so = K n0 exp (DSm/k) K – correlation therm k – Boltzman’s constant n0 - ionic oscillation frequency DSm- entropy of ion migration s = so exp (-Ea/kT)
t R Model of the composite polymeric electrolyte • Sample consists of three different phases: • Original polymeric electrolyte – matrix • Grains • Amorphous grain shells Last two form so called composite grain characterized with the t/R ratio
Meyer Neldel Rule 2/3 • For a range of materials the entropy of ion migration and the enthalpy of activation are related with the order-disorder transition temperature (TD) according to the following equation: Ea / TD = DSm • For the polymeric electrolytes the TD temperature can be attributed to the melting of the crystalline phase of the polymeric host • As an example of the applicability of the Meyer-Neldel rule to composite polymeric electrolytes a PEO-NaI-Q-Al2O3 “mixed-phase” system can be used. Fillers of different grain size were used as additive. • W. Wieczorek, K. Such, H. Wyciślik, J. Płocharski, Solid State Ionics 36 (1989) 255 • The calculated value of TD is equal to 358 K being significantly higher than the melting temperature of the pure crystalline PEO phase. • The values of Ea and Sa are rapidly growing with an increase of filler grain size. • Thus, even after exceeding the melting temperature the properties of the amorphous phase present in the system are still affected by the presence of the inorganic filler.
Meyer Neldel Rule 3/3 • Plots of logarithm of conductivity • preexpotential factor against • activation energy for: • PEO-PMMA-LiClO4 • PEO-PMMA-NaI • blend based polymeric electrolytes • of various blends composition Plot of logarithm of conductivity preexpotential factor against activation energy for: (PEO)10NaI – Q-Al2O3 10 wt% of the filler for fillers of different grain sizes
Rb Cdl Z” w Z’ Impedance spectrum of the composite electrolyte Equivalent circuit of the composite polymeric electrolyte measured in blocking electrodes system consists of: • Bulk resistivity of the material Rb • Geometric capacitance Cg • Double layer capacitance Cdl Cg
Rb Qg Cdl Impedance spectrum of the composite electrolyte – real system ZCPE= -1/(jwC)n w = 2Pf n = 1.0 Df=90o n = 0.5 Df=45o n = 0.0 Df=0o The dependency of the high frequency semi-arc on the value of the n parameter. Coming to real systems leads to change of capacity Df=90o to the Constant Phase Element df<90o and frequency independent.
Rb Qg Cdl Impedance spectrum of the composite electrolyte – real system ZCPE= -1/(jwC)n w = 2Pf n = 1.0 Df=90o n = 0.5 Df=45o n = 0.0 Df=0o The dependency of the high frequency semi-arc on the value of the n parameter. Coming to real systems leads to change of capacity Df=90o to the Constant Phase Element df<90o and frequency independent.
Activation energy analysis For most of the semicrystalline systems studied the Arrhenius type of temperature conductivity dependence is observed: σ(T) = n(T)μ(T)ez = σ0exp(–Ea/kT) • Where Ea is the activation energy of the conductivity process. • The changes of the conductivity value are related to the charge carriers: • mobility changes • concentration changes • Finally, the overall activation energy (Ea) can be divided into: • activation energy of the charge carriers mobility changes (Em) • activation energy of the charge carriers concentration changes (Ec) Ea = Em + Ec These two values can give us some information, which of two above mentioned processes is limiting for the conductivity.
Jonshers Universal Power Law of Dielectric Response σRe(ω) = σDC + Aωn σRe(ω) -σDC=Aωn ln(σRe(ω) –σDC)=ln A + n lnω σRe–real part of the complex conductivity σDC– DC conductivity of the sample A,n – material parameters Calculation of wp for a set of impedance spectra registered in different Temperatures for the same sample ωp = (σDC/A)(1/n)
Analysis of the impedance spectra according to the Jonsher’s law of the Universal Dielectric Response ln(σRe(ω) –σDC)=ln A + n lnω σDC
Conductivity for (PEO)10NaI + 20% Q-Al2O3 as a function of the frequency.
Almond – West Formalism The application of Almond-West formalism to composite polymeric electrolyte Allows to divide the overall activation energy of the conduction process to parts related to charge carrier migration and creation. • calculation of activation energy of conductivity from Arrhenius type equation s = so exp (-Ea/kT) • calculation of activation energy of migration from Arrhenius type equation wp = ωe exp (-Em/kT) • calculation of effective charge carriers concentration K = σDCT/ωp • calculation of activation energy of charge carrier creation Ec = Ea - Em
Arrhenius plots of conductivity and hoping frequency for a polymeric electrolyte
Thermal dependence of the effective concentration of charge carriers and power exponent n
Thermal dependence of the effective concentration of charge carriers
Thermal dependence of the effective concentration of charge carriers
Activation energy of conduction and migration for a pristine and composite polymeric electrolyte as a function of the filler contents
Activation energy of conduction, migration and creation for a composite polymeric electrolytes as a function of the filler contents
Concept of mismatch and relaxation • K. Funke, D. Wilmer, Solid State Ionics 136-137 (2000) 1329-1333 • Conductivity data were collected in a very wide frequency range combiningclassical impedance spectroscopy measurements, microwave spectroscopy and far infrared. • The isea of the concept is to correlate the spectral data with the mobile ion dynamics in the samples. • A jump relaxation model was built over the CMR basis. • After each hop of the mobile ion a mismatch is created between its own position and the arrangement of the neighbours. • The reduction of the mismatch is possible either through neighbours rearrangement or through the hop back of the ion. • In amorphous materials such as conducting glasses, ions encounter different kinds of site and the model must be modified accordingly. • One can assume that for very wide frequency range the conductivity vs frequency plot reveals three different regions which are: • Low frequence plateau • Medium frequency power law region • High frequency plateau • Both high frequency and low frequency conductivites obey Arrhenius law with different activation energies.
t R Solid composite polymeric electrolyte Last two form so called composite grain characterized with the t/R ratio. This units are randomly distributed in the matrix • Sample consists of three different phases: • Original polymeric electrolyte – matrix • Grains • Amorphous grain shells
t R Effective Medium Theory
Effective Medium Theory • Conductivity can be easily numerically simulated by means of the • Effective Medium Theory. • The geometry of the composite unit consisting of a grain and • a highly conductive shell suggests the application of the • Maxwell-Garnett mixing rule for the calculation of composite grain conductivity. • The value of effective conductivity can be easily calculated for conductivities • of the grain (almost equal to 0), the shell and volume of the dispersed phase • in a composite grain. • Later, the composite electrolyte can be treated as a quasi two-phase mixture • consisting of the pristine matrix and composite grains. • Landauer and Bruggemanequations are valid only • for composite unit concentrations lower than 0.1.
Effective Medium Theory • The obtained set of equations allows to predict conductivity of the composite • in all filler concentration ranges. • Three characteristic volume fractions are defined for the system studied. • The first is the continuous percolation threshold where the composite grains • start to form a cluster. • The second one is the volume fraction of the filler at which the cluster • of composite grains fills all the sample volume. • The third one observed at very high filler concentrations, can be attributed to • conductor to insulator transition occurring when the polymer matrix loses its continuity. • These values can be attributed to the phenomena observed in the sample, • i.e. abrupt conductivity increase, conductivity maximum and, later, conductivity deterioration, respectively.
In real systems this value is much higher and thus the equation must be improved • by the corrections developed by Nan and Nakamura. • System consists of pristine electrolyte and growing ammount of composite grains. • Vc = V2 / Y V2 – volume fraction of the filler Vc = 1 and s = max when V2 = Y • If V2 > Y then a different situation is observed. System consists of composite grains and diluting them bare filler grains. A different set of equations must be used.
Effective Medium Theory – model improvement • A stiffening effect of the hard filler is observed for the amorphous shell. • A conductivity decrease is observed. • The conductivity of the amorphous phase is dependent on the filler volume ratio. • As the shell is amorphous a VTF type equation can be applied. • The Tg value can be extracted for real samples from the DSC experiments. • For composite system a dependence of Tg can be fitted with the empiric equation. • K0 is related to the salt influence on Tg without the filler addition • K1 represent the filler polymer interaction • K2 represents polymer – filler – salt interactions
Effective Medium Theory – a.c. approach • For a.c. conduction the s parameters in all equations were replaced with complex • conductance parameters expressed according to the following equation: • j2 = -1 w – angular frequency e – dielectric constant
Disadvantages of the EMT approach • Assumption that all grains are identical in respect to their shape and size. • A need for a new mixing rule for each particular grain shape. • A need of percolation threshold determination for each particular grain shape. • Assumption that each grain generate shell of the same thickness. • Assumption that the shell is uniform and no changes in conductivity are observed within it.
ALISTORE Sixth Framework Programme Advanced lithium energy storage systems based on the use of nano-powders and nano composite electrodes/electrolytes