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DHS S&T First Responder Collaboration and Integration Capabilities

DHS S&T First Responder Collaboration and Integration Capabilities. Sandi F. Lehan SSC Pacific Homeland Security Coordinator~1 st Responder Liaison Sandi.lehan@navy.mil 619-767-4173 7 October, 2009. Distribution Statement. Perceived Gaps.

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DHS S&T First Responder Collaboration and Integration Capabilities

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  1. DHS S&T First ResponderCollaboration and Integration Capabilities Sandi F. Lehan SSC Pacific Homeland Security Coordinator~1st Responder Liaison Sandi.lehan@navy.mil 619-767-4173 7 October, 2009 Distribution Statement

  2. Perceived Gaps • Need for a unified approach to support technology transition, development and sustainment • A collaborative strategy between key players to ensure: • Information sharing and Interoperability • Between DHS S&T, DoD, 1st Responders and C4ISR developers, Industry and Academia • Integrity • “honest broker” for technology and infrastructure • Continuity • Standards • Policy & Procedures • Architecture/Structure

  3. Sample set of SSC Pacific Outreach- Local • San Diego Police Department/San Diego Fire-Rescue • San Diego County Sheriffs Department • DHS Customs & Border Protection (Sector San Diego) • Regional Terrorism Threat Assessment Center (RTTAC) • Law Enforcement Coordination Center (LECC) • State of California, Office of the Governor , CALEMA • City of San Diego Homeland Security • County of San Diego Office of Emergency Services • SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific • San Diego State University Homeland Security VizLab/RTC/HSSTT • CalFire – San Diego • Unified Port District of San Diego • USCG Sector San Diego

  4. SSC Pacific Support to 1st Responder Outreach • Technology transition supporting: • Information Sharing/Collaboration • Command & Control • Situational Awareness • Decision Support • Integration of Components supporting: • Real time detection, tracking and classifying of all threats along the terrestrial and maritime border (fusion of data) • Analysis and decision making tools (modeling and simulation) • Collaboration across multiple agencies (relationships/trust/system integrity)

  5. C4I Suite JPSC2/SMS ICBRNE WEB EOC ICTAP/CASM Etc…… HLD/HLS Interfacing Roadmap DHS S&T Industry Support and Coordination HLS Users Outreach Center R&D Labs DoD 1401 S&T Trans First Responders City County State Tribal Federal International ARCH US C&BP GIG/NCOW-RM Data TEST BED FEMA Help Desk IA M&S Training ETC….. CommonServices Governance Standards Policy Information Assurance Data Certification VV&A HLS/HLD Common Architecture Technology Transition Section1401 1st Resp Common Framework Common Interface EOC ROC Plug and Play NOC Developer Toolkits and Frameworks Guardian GCCS…etc

  6. Next Steps • Pubic Safety Technology Assistance Center • Feasibility • Funding sustainability • We have the infrastructure in place at SSC Pacific/San Diego to stand up a Technology Assistance Center to support the 1st Responders (virtual, model&simulation, SMEs, etc) • Common Infrastructure Supporting Multiple Echelon C4ISR Response • Architecture • Services • Data • VV&A

  7. Backup Slides on Projects

  8. Homeland Security Science & Technology Testbed (HSSTT) • Description • Established capability to leverage events, training, operations, and exercises to assess & improve homeland security • Initially centered in San Diego region • SSC-SD, SDSU/RF, HSSAI Team • Region’s Federal, State, and local agencies participating • Sponsor: DHS/S&T/OAD • Vision • Provide a national resource, through experimentation in operational environments, for identifying homeland security R&D challenges and solutions Effective Future Systems Operational Assessments Development Sponsors Operational Users Homeland Security Technologies • Experiments: • Golden Phoenix 2008 • Golden Guardian 2008 • Border Operations 2009 • S&T Transition Game 2009 • Border Operations 2010 • Golden Phoenix 2010

  9. Communication Assets Survey & Mapping Tool (CASM) • Provide a tool for agencies to capture and assess information about public safety communications across a State, Urban Area, or region • A single database to collect standardized radio system information to support strategic and tactical planning • A method to share public safety system information across a region • Provides an analysis of system information and visualization of interoperability gaps

  10. Interoperable Technical Assistance Program (ICTAP) Overview • Earned trusted reputation with Public Safety agencies at local level over 6 years • Objective “Honest Broker” status • Voice, data, & situational awareness interoperability expertise • Sponsored by DHS Office of Emergency Communications Unique team of SME’s to address Nation-wide Federal/State/Local Interoperability • Policy & planning • Technical • Operational procedures • Methods & Processes • Exercise & Training • Software Tools Staff of ~30

  11. Incident Resource Tracking Tool (IRTT) Incident Command Post • Vision • Provide 1st Responders with multi-discipline resource tracking capability in the field during an incident or event Card Readers PD Command Vehicle Staging • Personnel • Equipment • GPS Tracks EOC • Personnel • Equipment • GPS Tracks AVL GPS GPS GPS • Prototype spiral driven by users: • San Diego Police Dept. • San Diego Fire Dept. • Riverside Police Dept. • Minimal funding • Seeking development sponsorship • Proof of Concept Description • Personnel and equipment check-in via automated credential readers • Resource assignment tracking and financial reporting • Near-real time map-based tracking in open architecture shared environment • Sponsor: DHS/S&T/OAD • GOTS

  12. C4ISuite GCCS-M NOAA Description C4I Suite is a set of core services for fusing and filtering the information from multiple, disparate systems and sensors to provide more complete information to AT/FP, EM watch standers and senior executive decision makers. With C4I Suite, all operations centers can share status information and the combined output of their C4I systems. Geospatial visualization systems and agent based analyses then transform the data into actionable knowledge in a cutting edge common operational picture. Navy Coast Guard Collaboration Status COP • Major Accomplishments: • Enhances around-the-clock AT/FP readiness at CNIC ISC and 66 Navy Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) and Regional Operations Centers (ROCs) around the world • Deployed on a CNIC domain network and utilized 7/24 by CNIC ISC, CONUS and OCONUS Navy Regions and their subordinate EOCs and ROCs • Chosen by CNIC N7 to support their Shore Forces Training Center due to stand up in October 2008 • Selected by BUMED for management and monitoring of their Navy Medicine hospital operations • Heavily utilized for AT/FP communications, situation awareness, and reporting during all major AT/FP and EM exercise since September 2007. Supported up to 362 concurrent users • Operational Relevance: • Consumes data output streams from a variety of C4I applications and fuses them into a unified COP that can be tailored to user needs • Allows users are able to modify their web pages to reflect and support their unique area of operations • Streamlines the current C2 paradigm by providing real-time information simultaneously to every echelon in the chain of command • Permits access to the system from any unclassified, CAC-enabled internet browser

  13. SKIPAL – Strategic Knowledge Integrated Personalized Assistant that Learns Virtual Assistant that Learns

  14. Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) Prototype Project Test, System and SOA Integration Description: MDA Laboratory The MDA Test, System and SOA Integration laboratory, and Software Support Activity is located at SSC-Pacific, BLDG. 606, Laboratory 140. This facility supports the (a) fielded MDA hardware and software baselines, (b) the test and evaluation of new software and SOA technologies, such as new visualization engines and and publish-and-subscribe infrastructure, (c) acceptance testing of new technologies, and (d) MDA live demonstrations, assessments and end-user training. • Operational Relevance: • MDA Technologies • Enhanced Vessel Tracking • Anomaly Detection • Vessel Threat Detection • People (e.g., Vessel Crew) Threat Detection • Expanded Maritime Interdiction Operations (EMIO) • Cargo Data Analyses • Port and Coastal Surveillance • Geospatial Collaboration • MDA Locations • CENTCOM AOR • PACOM AOR • Interagency Partners • US Port (San Diego) • Australia • Major Accomplishments, Products, • Deliverables, Future Milestones: • New systems and networks installed including: • CENTRIXS CMFP and CFMC Enclaves • GCCS-M, I3, and other C2 fielded systems • Network monitoring tools • Software and hardware test equipment • Software Support Activity (SSA) contract awarded • Initial integration of MDA SOA stack completed • Evaluation and resolution of MDA Problem Reports (PR) and Software Change Requests (SCR) ongoing • MDA BAA Technical Evaluation Board (TEB) technical review completed • Multiple live demonstrations provided to flag-level visitors

  15. Navy Chat Systems Description (your involvement): This project will provide essential upgrades and improvements to the Navy’s tactical chat capability. The IRC capability currently provides chat room services over low-bandwidth communication systems that are the only communications alternatives to radio available to many U.S. Warfighters, from Navy ships to troops in the field in Iraq and Afghanistan. This project is focused on enhancing the continuity, security, and redundancy of this vital communications link and facilitating the transition to XMPP as a chat protocol, in alignment with DISA CMO. • Operational Relevance: • Provides text chat for war fighters on an austere network • Computer networks with high latency, intermittent network connections, and low bandwidth • Unique requirements driven by the war fighter community and not by a commercial/business model • Major Accomplishments, Products, Deliverables, Future Milestones: • Developed Mako, a text chat client and sever, as the proposed Tactical Chat Framework, tested in TW08, and delivered to PMW-160 for transition • Initiated development of Navy Requirement and POR for Text Chat. Dr. Duffy has established agreement to pursue and participates in bi-weekly meetings with NNWC N5, OPNAV N-6F, and PMW-160 to pursue this goal. • - Assist PMW-160 decision paper/briefing to Chris Miller to determine text chat, way ahead for Navy.

  16. Wide Area Alert Network (WAAN) Description: The WAAN CAC is the ATFP program subject matter expert on mass notification and early warning technologies. The CAC provides specifications and requirements, systems engineering support, research and development, contract planning and support, as well as test and evaluation support to the test director, at the direction of and in coordination with the Capability Area Systems Engineer (CASE). Computer Desktop Notification System (CDNS) Automated Telephone Notification System (ATNS) • Operational Relevance: • Provides systems architecture design, interoperability evaluation, and standardization to the ATFP program. • Develops SOWs and performs technical reviews • Advises the ATFP Program on technical issues such as design, compliance, configuration control, etc. • Defines testing parameters, reviews test plans and monitors test and evaluation efforts • Researches and reports to the CASE on emerging mass notification and early warning technologies for potential inclusion in ATFP products. • Gathers requirements from end users. • Is an active participant in the ATFP SEIPT • Major Accomplishments, Products, • Deliverables, Future Milestones: • WAAN is installed at 5 CONUS and 1 OCONUS Regions, with 1 CONUS and 6 OCONUS installations planned by January 09. • BUMED WAAN installation has been completed. • Weather Alerts pilot is in evaluation. • Army WAAN Pacific installation is planned for FY09 • OCONUS ATNS pilot for FY09 is planned.

  17. Secure Wireless Testbed Description: Information Technology Engineering • Develop secure wireless network architectures • Secure wireless network test bed • Transition agent for DARPA • Develop overall system architecture integrating C4ISR technologies to support 1st responder/homeland security operations • Provide IA Engineering, Certification and Accreditation support to DHS and other agencies Secure Wireless Networking Homeland Security/Defense Information Assurance • Operational Relevance: • Targeted transition Programs of Record including JTRS, CANES, WIN-T, others • Support FORCEnet objectives of network-centric warfare • Full Border and Transportation intelligence fusion • Support DHS Programs with Information Assurance and Communications Expertise Products: • MARFORPAC WSE • Security Design Document • TMS • Spatial Visualization System for Trend Analysis • DHS Efforts • C&A for BorderNet • IA Engineering for FEMA

  18. Integrated Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear and Explosives (ICBRNE) Description • Increase the sharing of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) detection-based information across local, regional, state, tribal and federal agencies • Improve CBRNE situational awareness and collaborative emergency management • Increase the use of standards for improved interoperability • Virtual Interoperability Testbed Leveraging Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Maritime Interdiction Operation (MIO) network • Collaborative development of relevant government exchange standards with support of National Information Exchange Model (NIEM), Ucore, CBRN Data Model Accomplishments • Completed successful ICBRNE MIO experiment sharing real-time CBRNE sensor-based information with Los Angeles Fire sensors, DoD CBRN Tools, and ARDEC Joint Situational Awareness System (JSAS) • JPEO CBD Demonstrated DoD/DHS Interoperability at Joint CBRN Conference and Exhibition • Completed successful use of web-based CBRNE sharing via standards leveraging Interoperability Testbed in support of Long Beach Grand Prix and World Baseball Classic • Completed successful “CBRN Interoperability for Situational Awareness” workshop in Monterey with over 45 participants representing local, regional and federal organizations • Upcoming: • Sep 09 MIO Experiment • May 10 Golden Phoenix Operational Relevance • DoD: Supports JPEO CBD requirements for CBRNE information sharing for installation protection, leverages DoD standards, supports DoD policies for use and advancement of open standards, increases data technologies competency for improved sharing within and across DoD and partner organizations • DHS: Enhance real-time sharing of CBRNE related alert and awareness information, increase collaboration, leverage existing knowledge & capability, don't reinvent the wheel • Los Angeles: Save lives and protect property via real-time sharing of sensor-based information among the first responders, hazard analysts, and the incident / unified command centers

  19. Personnel Accountability and Assessment Systems (PAAS) System Components Description: The Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (PAAS) was developed following the Hurricane Season of 2005 where thousands of Navy Families were affected by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma. PAAS provides an automated means for accounting for personnel, assessing the impact, and tracking recovery efforts provided following a natural or manmade disaster. The system also provides a means to disseminate information, instructions, phone numbers, website, etc for the users. PAAS is used to determine where Navy personnel are geographically located to assess the number of personnel affected by event (tornado, flooding, etc), or number of personnel who may be impacted (hurricane, pandemic). It provides workforce management tools and reports to coordinate the recovery efforts of multiple disparate subject matter experts. External Data Sources Database Event Management One way data sharing Personnel Accountability Navy Family Members Assessment Case Management • Major Accomplishments: • NFAAS (Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System) IOC: June 2006 (Case Management only) • NFAAS FOC w/ Personnel Accountability: June 2008 • ADPAAS (Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System IOC: June 2008 • AFPAAS (Air Force Personnel Accountability and Assessment System) IOC: November 2008 • CGPAAS (Coast Guard Personnel Accountability and Assessment System) IOC November 2009 • Future Milestones: • Monthly capability releases • Discussions with other services and agencies on going • Operational Relevance: • Personnel affected by a natural or man-made event impacts Command readiness. DoD and DHS leadership knows that taking care of department personnel and their families helps readiness and retention. • PAAS Capabilities: • Web-based, secure access • Multiple simultaneous events; geographically dispersed; global • Personnel Accountability (status and location) • Contact and Location information • Personnel Capabilities and Key Personnel • Needs/Capabilities Assessment (assessing impact and needs) • Case Management (coordinate multiple agencies) • Reporting (ad hoc, graphical, canned) • Delegated Management of PAAS access and UIC Hierarchy • Information Dissemination via email, text msg, web pages • Reference Library Internet Browser Individual Augmentation Commands Case Managers Internet Browser (PKI) Reporting Leadership Reference Library

  20. Sensor Management System (SMS) and Joint Perimeter and Surveillance System (JPSC2) OVERVIEW The SMS/JPSC2 system is a state of the art security system that provides complete security Command and Control including surveillance and perimeter security through numerous sensors including, marine & ground RADAR, EO/IR cameras. This system is capable of surveying any area, detecting and tracking any intrusion and automatically notifying the Security Watch Officer. FIELDING This system can be installed at any secure facility or Base with the requirement for upgraded surveillance and perimeter security. Further, the system can provide a cost effective alternative to physical barriers, both land and water. For regions with the requirement to reduce manpower the system can offset personnel reductions with automated surveillance. OPERATION Simple drawing tools and a graphical map- based display allow easy setup and use. The JPSC2 client allows the operator to draw “virtual fences,” and create business rules to alert the operator when certain criteria are met. The system also allows operators to mark tracks, display track detail, slew to track, follow track, retrieve historical data, and full sensor or camera control.

  21. JPSC2/SMS Homeland Security / Homeland Defense (HLS/HLD) Description: The HLS/HLD portfolio provides systems engineering, design, acquisition, integration, sustainment and logistics support of Sensor Management Systems including Intrusion Detection (IDS), Access Control (ACS) and Perimeter Surveillance. Provides a scalable, unified design and project management discipline to all users that can be deployed in small installations or as an enterprise solution. • Operational Relevance: • Homeland Defense (HLD) • Protection of Critical Infrastructure & Key Assets • Works in conjunction with other established infrastructure providing a layered defense at critical areas • Emergency Management • Homeland Security (HLS) • Protection at Ports of Entry (POE) including harbor and terrestrial POEs. • Protection of Critical Infrastructure & Key Assets • Anti-Terrorism Force Protection (AT/FP) • Protection Against Terrorist Threat • Enhance Physical Security • Protection for Military/Civilian Personnel • Major Accomplishments, Products Deliverables, Future Milestones: • NAVFACHQ • AT/FP ENTERPRISE Deployment (C2 and Surveillance) • MDA Spiral 3 • SMS Surveillance systems feeding MDA COP • USCG Sector Command Center - Joint (SCC-J) • Bus/IT and Surveillance Systems • Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) • National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA) Frequency Transition to 8GHZ • CNIC Emergency Management • Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officers • Life Cycle Support • CNRSW, FRCSW, SCC-J Coast Guard/CNIC

  22. Automated Wildfire Mapping from Satellite Imagery • Automated Wildfire Mapping from Satellite Imagery • Problem: Capability needed to map fire lines quickly and accurately, over large areas, and send those maps to first responders and disaster managers. • Solution: Use software to automatically analyze freely available satellite imagery to create Google Earth Overlays (or other mapping overlays) of fire extent thus providing situational awareness to first responders and planners in a timely manner. Fire boundaries, or “hot spots”, can be automatically detected beneath smoke as well, producing a reliable map of fire extent which would otherwise require the dangerous and expensive deployment of resources and manpower. • Approach: Leverage existing and available satellite imagery (at no cost) from the San Diego Eagle Vision ground site system. Develop automated software to extract fire boundaries from available high resolution, large footprint satellite imagery. Automatically produce small sized Google Earth files (or other map overlay files) for quick transmission.

  23. P536 ILIR TSAT (Tactical Situational Assessment Technology) Description: TSAT will provide a more proficient language for situation assessment (SA) updates, incorporating icons, symbols and gestures that can be transmitted electronically via a gesture-recognition data glove that serves as a next-generation keyboard. The intent is to improve the ability of warriors to more quickly and efficiently communicate their situational understanding and coordinate their activities across the net-centric environment, despite MOPP gear constraints, intense heat, noise, dirt, need for covertness, no ambient light, and jitter in the tactical network. Major Accomplishments, Products, Deliverables, Future Milestones: • FY07: Initiate research into computational linguistic analysis, visual and iconic language; wireless glove-static gesture development; establish co-development funding from DTRA JSTO • FY08: Linguistic analysis of tactical chat; Prototype candidate icon/gestures; Prototype wireless gesture-capable glove with dynamic algorithm; submit second invention disclosure; acquired two patents pending • FY09: Refine CBD iconic language (library); 3 wireless glove prototypes; VisChat software as experimental Web3.0 platform; submit third invention disclosure • FY10: TRL 45 IP Demo participation; CBD Icon-gesture language completion • FY11: Establish three NBIC research area; nanotech research initiated • Operational Relevance: • Personnel who cannot type on a keyboard, read a screen display, or hear voice communications • CBD personnel in MOPP gear: FEMA and DHS personnel in HAZMAT gear • Military personnel and First Responders in noisy, dirty/dusty, smoky environments • Navy and Coast Guard personnel under (loud) storm conditions • Personnel without line-of-sight contact, under dark (no ambient light) conditions, or need for covertness • Multiple astronauts in space (>5-7) • Divers underwater with need to contact each other and land-based command centers • Handicapped with significant impairments. • Sight impaired: Braille code • Hearing impaired: American Sign Language (ASL)

  24. JOINT PROJECT MANAGER INFORMATION SYSTEMS (JPM IS) Description: JPM IS provides the integration of core Chemical and Biological Information Systems with integrated services to support requirements engineering, integrated architecture and data elements, test and evaluation, and logistics for JPM IS Programs of Record (JWARN, JEM, JOEF). JPM IS has established a Matrix Organization and Enterprise wide SSA to support Interoperability and Integration of CBRN Core Services. PICTURE / DIAGRAM / or OPERATIONAL VIEW • Major Accomplishments, Products, Deliverables, Future Milestones: • Joint Effects Model (JEM) • Full Rate Production • Joint Operational Effects Federation (JOEF) • Post MS B • Joint Early Warning and Reporting Network (JWARN) 1E, Blk II • IOC • JWARN Integrated Capabilities JIC • Signal Fire • JPM IS Crisis Action Management System (JCAMS) • Software Support Activity (SSA) • Operational Relevance: • Provide the Joint Force Commander with the capability to: • Report CBRN and Toxic Industrial Materials (TIM) hazard detection • Analyze the detections to enable identification of the hazard and the affected locations • Disseminate warning information to affected units in near real time

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