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Quarrying Limestone

Noadswood Science, 2011. Quarrying Limestone. Quarrying Limestone. To know what is involved with quarrying for limestone, and the advantages and disadvantages of this process. Quarrying. Limestone industry advantages and disadvantages…. Limestone ‘Cycle’.

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Quarrying Limestone

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  1. Noadswood Science, 2011 Quarrying Limestone

  2. Quarrying Limestone • To know what is involved with quarrying for limestone, and the advantages and disadvantages of this process

  3. Quarrying • Limestone industry advantages and disadvantages…

  4. Limestone ‘Cycle’ • How are the following products formed: - • Calcium oxide (CaO), otherwise known as quicklime • Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), otherwise known as slaked lime • What does thermal decomposition require?

  5. Limestone ‘Cycle’ • How are the following products formed: - • Calcium oxide (CaO), otherwise known as quicklime – heat is required (CO2 is also produced) • Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), otherwise known as slaked lime – water is added (a great deal of heat can be released with this reaction) • What does thermal decomposition require – thermal decomposition requires heat!

  6. Quarry Debate • You task is to split into groups of 7 people for a quarrying debate – elect one individual in the group to be the chair person • All of members need to represent one of the following groups: Limeco representative (the quarrying firm); industrial users of limestone; trade union representatives ; the National Park authority; local residents; and the local Conservative group • Read the briefing sheet – it does not matter if you agree or disagree with the opinions of the group you have been assigned to, what is important is that you can identify key areas to argue your case for, and get your message across clearly! • It is up to the chair person to keep order, and be aware of the time constraints • *Try to cross-question others in your group, but do not speak over people!

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