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Welcome to HIN´s and APLI´s Recruitment F air and Technology Workshops. Over the phone and video conference interpreting Practical considerations for interpreters . Mariette Mittelholzer C. IMG. Over the phone interpretation.
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Over the phone and video conference interpretingPractical considerations for interpreters Mariette Mittelholzer C. IMG
Over the phone and video conference interpretingPractical considerations for interpreters 1. Overview and future trends 2. Remote interpreting modes 1.1. Sight translation 1.2. Sight interpretation 1.3. Monologic consecutive 1.4. Dialogic consecutive 1.5. Simultaneous 1.6. Sign language
Over the phone and video conference interpreting Practical considerations for interpreters 3. Practical considerations for interpreters 3.1. Requirements 3.2. Equipment 3.3. Ergonomics and occupational health 3.4. Scenarios 3.5. Vicarious trauma 3.6. Debriefing 3.7. Phone and call centre etiquette 4. Ethics and standards
Over the phone and video conference interpretingPractical considerations for interpreters 4. Ethics and standards 5. Practical advantages 5.1From the interpreter´s point of view 5.2 From the provider´s point of view 6. Training 7. Final considerations 8. Employment opportunities 9. Additional information
Overview and future trends • Recent • Fastgrowth in demand • Canadian marketisopening up • RIO and UHN
Remote interpreting modes Remote interpreting is provided over the phone (OPI) or through videoconference (VRI). In both instances the following interpreting modes are used: • Sight translation: written text in a source language is read by the interpreter and interpretation is rendered into the target language. (Insurance) • Sight interpretation: written text in the source language is read by the provider and the interpreter interprets into the target language. (Consent forms, Miranda rights) • Monologic consecutive: interpreter interprets into target language after a person has spoken. to speak. (Educational sessions) • Dialogic consecutive: the interpreter interprets a flow similar to a dialogue, which involves more than one person. (Medical appointment) • Simultaneous: interpretation into target language is rendered virtually at the same time the source is spoken. (911 ) • Sign language
Practical considerations for interpreters Requirements • Linguistic skills: completely bilingual, superior language skills and fluency, knowledge of sector specific terminology, ease of expression, good diction. • Physical location: silence, good illumination and ventilation are requirements for working both from an office and from home. Silence is essential not only for you to hear and concentrate well as an interpreter but also due to the fact that sounds will travel down the line, this compromises a professional image and also causes doubts as to fulfillment of confidentiality requirements. • When doing video conference interpreting backgrounds should be a plain colour, preferably white or a light colour. Sign language interpreters will need to include more visibility of their body due to hand movements. Non sign language interpretation requires only from the shoulders up. Dress professionally even when working from home, you never know what emergency may arise and you might find yourself suddenly getting up during a call and the camera will project exactly what you have on.
Whenworkingfrom home seeingyourbedroomorkitchen in thebackgroundisnotprofessional.
Requirements • Customer service skills: interpreters often have to deal with angry, frustrated and or impatient people. Sometimes both the provider and the LEP are upset, impatient or even rude. (Utilities) • Answer with a smile, your smile can be seen over the phone even without the camera. • Capacity to concentrate under pressure, remain focused and keep calm!
Answerwith a smile! Haveyournotepad and pensready.
Equipment • Over the phone interpretation: usually requires a landline phone. Cellular phones are not recommendable due to privacy, interference, signal interruption and battery failure. • VOIP: requires use of a computer with a high speed connection, however no image is needed. • Videoconference interpretation or video remote interpretation (VRI): • Computer with high speed internet connection • If interpretation is being done by sign language connection must be of the highest speed. • Good quality headphones with microphone, noise cancelling option and mute button. • Cordless headphones would not be a good idea for batteries can give out in the middle of calls. • Camera: with good resolution • Basic requirements: notebook with a spiral at the top, several pens, dictionaries.
Typicalcall centre environment. Call centre environmentsusedforinterpretation try toput more distancebetweeninterpreters.
Keepthemicrophonedowntowardsyour chin, itwillbelesslikelyto pick up yourbreathing. Keepingthemicrophonenearyourmouthornose causes noisebecauseyourbreathingwillsoundloud.
Ergonomics and Occupational Health Occupational health and safety have shown there is a high prevalence of musculoskeletal injury causing disorders of the neck, shoulders, arm and hands among sign language users. OPI and VRI interpreters may also have back problems due to extended hours of sitting and hearing loss. • Noise: hearing loss may force an interpreter to change careers. Protect yours!(EKG transmission, screaming) • Infectious diseases: colds and flues enclosed environment of call centre • Voice protection • Biomechanical hazards related to posture
Interpretersoftenhaveveryloudnoiseduringcallssuch as ambulancesirens. .
Otherloudsoundsoftenheardoverthephone are crying and screaming. Protectyourears, holdtheheadphonesawayorifyouhave time turndownthevolume.
Ergonomics and occupationalhealth Biomechanical hazards related to posture • Static posture: is a position that is maintained for a period of time continuously. Avoid prolonged static posture. Modify your sitting position. • Tissue compression: avoid hard surfaces for sitting, use a cushion on chair seat, arms on desk surface, legs on chair edge • Keep your hands and wrist in a neutral position. • Protect your eyes, the computer screen should be directly in front of you and 4 to 9 inches below your eye level, use a glare reduction filter, look away from the screen often (every 10 min for 10 – 15 s) • Use footrests, lumbar support, and take frequent breaks.
Ergonomics and occupationalhealth Chair characteristics • Backrest • Adapted to your height • Armrests • Ample space to fit under your work surface • Work surface • Good height for your arms to be in the correct position • Ample for accommodating computer, notepads, pens, drink • Well illuminated
Scenarios • Callduration and volume • 911 calls: have their own protocols, are fast paced, can last seconds and have background noise or hysterical callers • Utilities: electricity, phone, water, heating... callers usually do not understand something on their bill or why the service has been suspended. • Entertainment: Disney, Bellagio reservations, packages, shows, theme parks • Legal: statements, recorded statements, discoveries (Video conference interpreting), legal aid • Insurance: benefit explanation, deductibles, hospital administration • Financial: account info, online banking, credit cards, loans, 401K • Health: every stage of patient attention, Dr, Nurses, administration, social workers, home visits, education sessions, AIDS and depression hotlines, AD info line
Vicarious trauma • Emotional trauma may occur when an interpreter receives a direct insult or as a consequence of vicarious trauma when the interpreter empathizes with one of the parties. • Interpreters participate in encounters of many types, domestic violence, physical or mental abuse, 911 attention, AIDS hotlines are examples which may cause vicarious trauma. Debriefing can reduce interpreter trauma.
Phone and call centre etiquette Aplicable whenworkingfrom home also: • Answeronthefirst ring (avoidbreech in contractwhichmay incurre penalties) • Be careful of your tone, inflictions, emotions and what you express verbally and non verbally. • Use the mute button • Do not say anything you shouldn´t.
Phone and call centre etiquette • In call centres try to keep your voice volume down • Do nothaveprivateconversationswhenotherinterpreters are oncalls • Yourcellphoneshouldbe OFF • Otherapplicationssouldnotberunningonthecomputer
Standards of practice Applicable for working with Canadian providers National Standard Guide for Community Interpreting Services • Accuracy and fidelity • Confidentiality • Impartiality • Respect for persons • Maintainance of role boundaries • Interpreter does not advocate. Or do they? • Accountability • Identify and corrects interpretation errors as soon as possible • Professionalism • Continued competence • • Maintains and expands skills and knowledge
Standards of practice Applicable for working with American providers NCIHC (National Council on Interpreting) Contains the former and: • Cultural awareness • Advocacy
Practical advantages From the interpreters point of view • Work from home (Advantage or disadvantage) • Flexible schedule (possibility of filling down time) • Not having to go out in winter • Call centre advantages include interaction with other interpreters (difficult calls, questions on how to proceed, equipment), socialization
Practical advantages From the providers point of view • Using interpreters located in Canada or in the US the probability of having to contend with issues such as non availability of interpreters due to power outages, earthquakes, bus strikes or riots is greatly reduced in comparison to what can occur in some countries. (Contingent staff or house interpreters) • Cost efficient depending on length of call compared to onsite • Interpreters level of education is often higher in places such as Toronto where many have university degrees before coming to Canada • Language availability, more variety in Toronto, than in many other countries and cities
Training • Being completely bilingual does not guarantee that a person will be a good interpreter. Specific skills and professional training give a solid foundation and necessary tools for excellent interpretations. This is true for on site and remote interpreting. • Some companies offer employees limited interpreter training using shadowing, monitoring and random call recording. QA will give individual feedback and suggestions to interpreters. Other interpreting companies will give interpreters sector specific and client specific glossaries and client scripts.
Training • Fortunately Canada offers several options for studying community interpreting and courses are available in organizations such as MCIS, Colleges and Universities. Of particular interest is the Master of Conference Interpreting (MCI) being offered by York University through Glendon available online. Remote interpreting, specifically over the phone interpreting is addressed in several of the courses and has special mention within healthcare. The MCI at Glendon also provides training for working with American providers and Canadian providers, a fundamental aspect to consider as American companies hire remote interpreters in Canada. • Serious, professional interpreters should consider training and updating their knowledge as a way of improving their performance.
Final considerations Never underestimate the power of technology in communication. I would like to leave with you two examples of calls where technology permitted communication but ultimately it is man´s communication skills that rendered effective communication. • 5peopleon line • Explanation of howto use a new meter fortestingbloodglucoselevels
Employment opportunities • Some American interpretation companies outsource remote interpretation assignments to interpreters located in different countries. Interpreters may work from call centers or from their homes depending on company stipulations. • Currently Canadian interpretation companies require remote interpretation and continuous growth is being experienced within the field. Schedules will vary depending on the demand. Pay may be by the minute, hours or fixed. Income may also depend on the language and schedule.
Additionalinformation • IMIA A Medical Interpreter´s Guide to Telephone Interpreting http://www.imiaweb.org/uploads/pages/307_2.pdf • The voice on the other end of the phone http://www.imiaweb.org/uploads/pages/307.pdf
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