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Università degli Studi di Firenze. Corso di Laurea Magistrale Ingegneria per la Tutela dell’Ambiente e del Territorio Environment and Territory Protection Engineering ( Postgraduate ). Environment and Territory Protection Engineering ( Postgraduate ). Ricercatore (Access to Univ. career).
Università degli Studi di Firenze Corso di Laurea Magistrale Ingegneria per la Tutela dell’Ambiente e del Territorio Environment and TerritoryProtectionEngineering (Postgraduate)
Environment and TerritoryProtectionEngineering (Postgraduate) Ricercatore (Access to Univ. career) Master 2nd level, 1 year Laurea Magistrale (Postgraduate) 2 years 5 years, single cycle course of studies Master 1st level, 1 year Several “Schools” of Engineering in different “Classes”, 3 years “Corsi di Laurea” 8º Before Bologna Process (<2001) After Bologna Process >2001 7º Degree in Engineering (Postgraduate) PhD Course 6º Degree in Engineering 5º Degree in Engineering (Undergraduate) 4º 3º 2º 1º
Corse syllabus, Postgraduate, 2010/11 • Postgraduate Engineering Courses @ University of Firenze • (LaureeMagistrali120 ECTS ) • IngegneriaEdile – Building Engineering • IngegneriaCivile – Civil Engineering • Ingegneria per la Tuteladell'Ambiente e del TerritorioEnvironment and Territory Protection Engineering • IngegneriadelleTelecomunicazioni – Telecommunication Engineering • IngegneriaElettronica – Electronics Engineering • IngegneriaInformatica – Computer Sciences Engineering • IngegneriaElettrica e dell’Automazione - Electric and Automation Engineering • IngegneriaEnergetica – Energy Engineering • IngegneriaMeccanica – Mechanical Engineering • IngegneriaBiomedica – Biomedical Engineering • .
In practice, for the second year, the students are free to propose different aggregations of exams within the “Mainframe scheme” (“Ordinamento”). Modification of the Mainframe scheme is a complex approval procedure which involves Italian Ministry of Education through CUN (Italian University National Council), the university consultive body for the interaction with the ministry Every year minor adjustments can be performed on the “Detailed Scheme” (“Regolamento”): Different course names can be proposed, and even specific courses can be suppressed (i.e. retirement or temporary unavailability of the staff teacher) The DetailedSchemehas a strong resemblance to the actual Synthetic Scheme of the study plan, but its formulation is different (and less effective). However, the Detailed Scheme MUST fit inside the MainframeScheme, and this is checked every year by the University Internal Control Team (NVA = Nucleo Valutazione di Ateneo)
Mainframe Scheme (Ordinamento) • Disciplines are taken • fromtwogroups: • Disciplinary • (“caratterizzanti”) • Characteristicskills • forEnvironmentalEngineering • 45 to 66 ECTS • BIO/07 Ecologia - Ecology • CHIM/12 Chimica dell'ambiente e dei beni culturali • Chemistry of Environment and cultural heritage • GEO/02 Geologia stratigrafica e sedimentologica • Geology and Sedimentology • GEO/03 Geologia strutturale Structural Geology • GEO/05 Geologia applicata Applied Geology • GEO/11 Geofisica applicata Applied Gophisics • ICAR/01 Idraulica Hydraulics • ICAR/02 Costruzioni idrauliche e marittime e idrologia • Hydraulic and Coastal Structures and Hydrology • ICAR/03 Ingegneria sanitaria – ambientale • Environmental and Sanitary Engineering • ICAR/05 Trasporti Transports • ICAR/06 Topografia e cartografia Topography and Cartography • ICAR/07 Geotecnica Geotechnics • ICAR/08 Scienza delle costruzioni Solid mechanics • ICAR/09 Tecnica delle costruzioni Constructions Techniques • ICAR/20 Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica Urban Planning • ING-IND/24 Principi di ingegneria chimica Chemical Engineering Fundamentals • ING-IND/27 Chimica industriale e tecnologica Industrial and Technological Chemistry • ING-IND/28 Ingegneria e sicurezza degli scavi Escavation Engineering and Safety • ING-IND/29 Ingegneria delle materie prime Row Material Engineering • ING-IND/30 Idrocarburi e fluidi del sottosuolo Underground Hydrocarbon and Fluids Engineering The mainframe schemealsospecifies the conditionsforaccessto the PostGraduatelevel. ITAT requires 90 Credits (over 180 in the undergraduatestudycourse) which are detailed in specificcodeddisciplines.
Disciplines are takenfromtwogroups: • A1) Interdisciplinary • (“affini e integrative”) • Integrative Activities • A11) 12 to 30 ECTS Mainframe Scheme (Ordinamento) CHIM/03 - Chimica generale e inorganica General and Inorganicchemistry CHIM/06 - Chimica organica OrganicChemistry CHIM/07 - Fondamenti chimici delle tecnologie ElementsofChemistry and Technologies FIS/01 - Fisica sperimentale experimentalphysics FIS/03 - Fisica della materia FIS/07 - Fisica applicata AppliedPhysics MAT/06 - Probabilita' e statistica matematica Statistics and MathematicalProbability MAT/07 - Fisica matematica MathematicalPhysics MAT/08 - Analisi numerica NumericalAnalysis MAT/09 - Ricerca operativa OperationsResearch SECS-P/01 - Economia politica Politics Economy SECS-S/02 - Statistica per la ricerca sperimentale e tecnologica StatisticsforExperimental and TechnologyResearch
ING-IND/08 – Macchine PowerEngineering ING-IND/09 - Sistemi per l'energia e l'ambiente Energy ConversionSystems ING-IND/10 - Fisica tecnica industriale Industrial Physics ING-IND/11 - Fisica tecnica ambientale EnvironmentalThermophysics ING-IND/12 - Misure meccaniche e termiche Measurementtechniques(Thermaland Mechanical) ING-IND/14 - Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine Machine Design/Project Engineering ING-IND/15 - Disegno e metodi dell'ingegneria industriale Mechanical Design/Project Engineering ING-IND/16 - Tecnologie e sistemi di lavorazione Industrial Technologyand production systems ING-IND/17 - Impianti industriali meccanici Industrial PlantsEngineering ING-IND/19 - Impianti nucleari NuclearPowerPlants ING-IND/22 - Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali MaterialsTechnology and Science ING-IND/25 - Impianti chimici ChemicalPlants ING-IND/32 - Convertitori, macchine e azionamenti elettrici ElectricalConverters, Machines and mechanisms ING-IND/33 - Sistemi elettrici per l'energia Energy ElectricalSystems ING-INF/01 – Elettronica Electronics ING-INF/02 - Campi elettromagnetici Electromagneticfields ING-INF/03 – Telecomunicazioni Telecommunications ING-INF/04 – Automatica Automation ING-INF/05 - Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni Information Engineering ING-INF/07 - Misure elettriche ed elettroniche Electrical and Electronicsmeasurements IUS/07 - Diritto del lavoro LabourLegislation Disciplines are takenfromtwogroups: A1) Interdisciplinary (“affini e integrative”) Integrative Activities A12) 12 to 24 ECTS (A11 + A12) = A1 24-54 Credits Free Choice 8 – 18 FinalExam 10 – 18 Languageabilities 0 – 3 Computer abilities 0-3 training/placement 0-15 Othersfor work, employment: 0-3 Overall: 120 (2 years)
DetailedScheme(Regolamento) The detailed scheme assigns course names, and allows the NVA to check if the requirements of the mainframe are satisfied. In the 2010/11 case (Example), group (a) scores 60 credits, which is between the required 45-66 range.
Detailedscheme : In the 2010/11 case (Example), groups (A11 and A12) score 33 ECTS, whichisbetween the required 24 - 54 range.
DetailedScheme(Regolamento) The DetailedSchemeallowstocheckhowallotherlearningactivities are allocatedwithin the upper/lowerlimitsspecifiedby the Mainframe Scheme. Thischeckisautomaticwhen the coursesyllabusisdefined on the national data-base (Off-F), butitsfulfilmentisverifiedby the NVA, and finally the UniversitySenateapprovesit. Free Choice Language, final exam “Others”: + language, computer, training/placement, work orientation...
Access conditionsfromundergraduatelevel: ECTS minimum Overall minimum : 90 ECTS . If the minimum is NOT satisfiedbylessthan 30 ECTS , the EnrolmentEvaluationCommitteeproposes a preliminary make-up accesspathusingundergraduatecourseexamswhichmustbepassedbeforeofficialenrolment
Contacts : • www.unifi.it/clinat • DELEGATE, International relations: • Prof. Duccio Fanelli • duccio.fanelli@unifi.it • 0554796344 • SchoolDirector: • Prof. Giampaolo Manfrida • manfrida@unifi.it • 0554796743