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COMPASS off-line computing. the COMPASS experiment the analysis model the off-line system hardware software. The COMPASS Experiment (C ommon M uon and P roton A pparatus for S tructure and S pectroscopy). Fixed target experiment at the CERN SPS
COMPASS off-line computing the COMPASS experiment the analysis model the off-line system hardware software
The COMPASS Experiment(Common Muon and Proton Apparatus for Structure and Spectroscopy) Fixed target experiment at the CERN SPS • approved in February 1997 • commissioning from May 2000 • data taking for at least 5 years • collaboration about 200 physicists from Europe and Japan • diversified physics programme • muon beam gluon contribution to nucleon spin, quark spin distribution functions • hadron beam glueballs, charmed baryons, Primakoff reactions all measurements require high statistics
Experimental Apparatus • Two stage spectrometer(LAS, SAS) Several new detectors GEMs, microMega, straw trackers, scintillating fibers, RICH, and silicon detectors, Calorimeters, Drift and MWP Chambers (440 K electronic channels) Not an easy geometry highly inhomogeneous magnetic field(SM1, PTM)
Expected Rates beam intensity: 108 muons/s with duty cycle of 2.4s/14s RAW event size: ~ 20 - 30 kB trigger rate: 104events/spill DAQ designed for 105 events/spill (hadron programme) on-line filtering continuousdata acquisition flux: 35 MB/s data taking period ~100 days/year: ~ 1010 events/year, ~ 300 TB/year of RAW data
COMPASS analysis model • The RAW data • will be stored at CERN (no copy foreseen) and have to be accessible during all the experiment lifetime • will be processed at CERN, in parallel to and at the same speed of data acquisition assuming no pre-processing for calibrations ~ 1 reprocessing of the full data set processing time 2 SPECint95-sec/event • calibrations “on-line”, powerful on- off-line monitoring, small data subset reprocessing if fast raw data access the needed CPU power is 2000 SpecInt95 (~ 20 000 CU) • Physics analysis will be performed at the home institutes, • as well as specific studies and MC production • the relevant sets of data must have a much smaller sizeremote and concurrent access to raw data important (“PANDA” model…)
General choices • In 1997 COMPASS decided to • build a completely new software system • use OO techniques • C++ as programming language • ODB to store the data. • Given the short time scale, the ‘small’ collaboration, the novelty, and the well known difficulty of the tasks, • it was mandatory to • collaborate with the IT division • foresee the use LHC++ and commercial products (HepODBMS, Objectivity/DB) • look at other developments (ROOT)
Off-line system • Hardware • central data recording • COMPASS Computing Farm (CCF) (see M. Lamanna presentation, Feb. 7, session E) • Software • Data structures and access • CORAL (Compass Reconstruction and AnaLysis) program
Central data recording (CDR) • updated version of the CERN Central Data Recording (CDR) scheme the on-line system • performs the event building (and filtering)- ALICE DATE system • writes RAW data on local disks files in byte-stream format (10-20 parallel streams), keeping a "run" structure (typical sizes of 50 GB) the Central Data Recording system • transfers the files to the COMPASS Computing Farm, at the computer center(rate of 35 MB/s) • the COMPASS Computing Farm CCF • formats the data into a federated database (Objectivity/DB) converts the RAW events in simple persistent objects • performs fast event tagging or clusterisation (if necessary) • sends the DB to HMS for storage
COMPASS Computing Farm (CCF) • Beginning 1998: • IT/PDP Task Force: computing farms for high-rate experiments (NA48, NA45, and COMPASS). • Proposed model for the CCF: hybrid farm with • about 10 Proprietary Unix servers (“data servers”) • about 200 PCs(”CPU clients”), 2000 SPECint95 (0.2 s/ev) • 3 to 10 TB of disk space • Present model: farm with • PCsas “data servers” and”CPU clients” order of 100 dual PIII machines standard PCs running CERN certified Linux(now: RH5.1 with kernel 2.2.10/12)
COMPASS Computing Farm (cont.) • The data servers will • handle the network traffic from the CDR, • format the RAW events into a federated DB , and send them to the HSM and • receive the data to be processed from the HSM, if needed, • distribute the RAW events to the PCs for reconstruction • receive back the output (persistent objects), and send it to the HSM. • The CPU clients will • process the RAW events (reconstruction of different runs/files has to run in parallel) a real challenge:1000 ev/sec to be stored and processed by 100 dual PCs • tests with prototypes are going on since two years; good results
Off-line system • Software • Data structures • Event DB • Experimental conditions DB • Reconstruction quality control monitoring DB • MC data • CORAL:Compass Reconstruction and AnaLysis program
direct access to objects run: file structure not visible association to avoid duplications direct: raw - reco. data via “time”: raw - mon. ev Event DB event headers containers: small dimensions (on disk), basic information like tag, time,... RAW event containers:just one object with event (DATE) buffer reconstructed data containers:objects for physics analysis Data structures
Data structures (cont.) • Experimental conditions DB • includes all information for processing and physics analysis (on-line calibrations, geometrical description of the apparatus...) • based on CERN porting of BABARCondition Database package (included in HepODBMS) • versioning of objects • access to valid information using event time • Reconstruction quality control monitoring data • includes all quantities needed for monitoring the stability of the reconstruction and of the apparatus performances • stored in Objectivity/DB • Monte Carlo data • we are using Geant3(Geant4: under investigation, not in the short term) • ntuples, Zebra banks
status • Event DB version 1 ready • Experimental conditions DB in progress: implementation started • Reconstruction quality control monitoring data starting • Monte Carlo data ready
CORALCOmpass Reconstruction and AnaLysis program fully written in C++, OO technique modular architecturewith • a framework providing all basic functionalities • well defined interfaces for all components needed for event reconstruction • insulation layers for • all "external" packages • access to the experimental conditions and event DB (reading and writing persistent objects) - HepODBMS to assure flexibility in changing both reconstruction components and external packages • components for event reconstruction developed in parallel detector decoding, pattern rec. in geom. regions, track fit, RICH and Calorimeter rec., …
CORAL status development and tests on Linux • we try to keep portability on other platforms (Solaris) • framework:almostreadywork going on to interface new reconstruction componentsand access to experimental conditions DB • reconstruction components: • integrated inside CORAL and testedMC event reading and decoding, track pattern recognition, track fit,… • integration foreseen soonRICH pattern recognition, Calorimeter reconstruction, vertex fit,... • under developmentdetector (DATE buffer) decoding, in parallel with on-line,... • Goal: version 1 ready at the end of April 2000 all basic functionalities, even if not optimised as for all other off-line system components
General comments most of the problems we had are relatedto the fact that we are still in a transition period: • no stable environment both for available software (LHC++) and OS (Linux) • lack of standard “HEP made” tools and packages commercial products seem not to be always a solution • too few examples of HEP software systems using new techniques • expertise and resources having a large number of physicists knowing the new programming language (and techniques) requires time all the work has been done by a very small enthusiastic team (3 to 10 fte in 2 years) Still, we think we made the right choice
from the minutes of the 16th meeting of FOCUS • held on December 2, 1999: • “FOCUS …. recognises the role that the experiment has • as a "test-bed" for the LHC experiments.”