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Sergey Maksimenko maksim@bsu.by Belarus State University

Sergey Maksimenko maksim@bsu.by Belarus State University. NANOELECTROMAGNETICS. NANOELECTRO M A GNET ICS. What is the topic of the meeting? To discuss new particular results and new trends in nanoscience and nanotechnology?

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Sergey Maksimenko maksim@bsu.by Belarus State University

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  1. Sergey Maksimenko maksim@bsu.by Belarus State University NANOELECTROMAGNETICS

  2. NANOELECTROMAGNETICS What is the topic of the meeting? • To discuss new particular results and new trends in nanoscience and nanotechnology? • To present management structure of R&D in nanoscience and nanotechnology? • To reveal national and international mechanisms to support R&D in nanoscience and nano-technology?

  3. NANOELECTROMAGNETICS What is the elementary cell in the R&D structure? LABORATORY (research group) How research group can survive in aggressive environment and show research progress?


  5. NANOELECTROMAGNETICS • To choose attractive and fashionable R&D topic • To be involved in national R&D programs • To provide top-level publications, recognizable by the scientific society, and other forms of dissimilation of research results • To be incorporated in international collaborations

  6. NANOELECTROMAGNETICS AN EXAMPLE: Electromagnetics-of-nanostructures group exists at the Institute for Nuclear Problems, BSU, since 1996. Electromagnetic response properties and electronic transport as well as linear and nonlinear optical phenomena in nanostructures, such as carbon nanotubes and quantum dots are currently in the focus of the group activity.

  7. NANOELECTROMAGNETICS • NANOSTRUCTURES: • Quantum wires and quantum dots, fullerenes, nanotubes, sculptured thin films, atomic clusters, nanocrystallites, etc. • Spatial inhomogeneity • Quantization of the charge carriermotion complex geometry complex electronics

  8. ELECTRODYNAMICS OF NANOSTRUCTURES NANOELECTROMAGNETICS BASIC CONCEPT Boundary-value problems for complex-shaped regions: Complex geometry, ordinary electronics Quasi-particle concept: Electrons, phonons, magnons… Complex electronics, ordinary geometry Diffraction Theory Solid State Physics

  9. NANOELECTROMAGNETICS Basic concept: illustration Classical grid screen Graphene crystalline lattice

  10. NANOELECTROMAGNETICS • quantum-mechanical modeling of the NT conductivity • NT as nanowaveguide of surface waves • negative differential conductivity in NT (instability) • Third harmonics generation in NTs (theory and experiment) • Purcell effect in NTs • Excitonic composites • Polarization dependent splitting of the gain line in QDs (theory and experiment) • Local-field effects in QED of QDs • Field-matter strong coupling regime in NTs and QDs (Rabi oscillations) KEY RESULTS

  11. NANOELECTROMAGNETICS • 8th Intern. Symposium Nano-structures: physics and technology, St. Petersburg, 2000. • 8th International Conference on Electromagnetics of Complex Media, Bianisotropic’2000, Lisbon, Portugal, 2000. • 203rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, R5 Symp. "Nanotubes, Nanoscale Materials and Molecular Devices", Paris, France, 2003 • Int. Conference Nanotubes and Nanowires, SPIE's 48th Annual Meeting, 2003, San Diego, USA • EMRS 2004 Spring Meeting, Symp. I, Strasbourg, France (to be done). RECENT PUBLICATIONS: invited talks

  12. NANOELECTROMAGNETICS • S.A.Maksimenko and G.Ya.Slepyan, Electrodynamic properties of carbon nanotubes, in "Electromagnetic Fields in Unconventional Structures and Materials", John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2000 • S.A.Maksimenko and G.Ya.Slepyan, Electromagnetics of Carbon Nanotubes, in "Introduction to Complex Mediums for Optics and Electromagnetics", SPIE Press Vol. PM 123, 2003. • S.A. Maksimenko and G.Ya. Slepyan, Nanoelectromagnetics of low dimensional structures, in " Handbook of Nanotechnology: Modeling and Simulation", SPIE Press, 2004, (to be published). • S.A. Maksimenko, G.Ya.Slepyan, A. Lakhtakia and A. Hoffmann, Nanoelectromagnetics – An Introduction, Springer Verlag, 2005 (to be published) • S.A.Maksimenko and G.Ya.Slepyan, Quantum dot array: Electromag-netic response of, In: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotech-nology, Marcel Dekker, Inc., USA (2004, in press). RECENT PUBLICATIONS: books

  13. NANOELECTROMAGNETICS Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1102-1105 (1997). Carbon 36, 1833-1839 (1998). Phys. Rev. B 57, 9485-9497 (1998). Phys. Rev. B 59, 1275-1278 (1999). Phys. Rev. A 61, R777-R780 (1999). Phys. Rev. B 60, 17136-17149 (1999). Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 362-365 (2000). Phys. Rev. A 63, #053808 (2001). Phys. Rev. B 64, #125326 (2001). J. Commun. Techn. and Electronics 47, 235-252 (2002) (review). Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (11), #115504 (2002). Appl. Phys. Lett. 81 (21), 4064-4066 (2002). Phys. Rev. A 66, 063804, 1-17 (2002). Phys. Rev. B68, 073310 (2003). PUBLICATIONS: selected papers

  14. NANOELECTROMAGNETICS Collaboration in ED of nanostructures Heat-and Mass Transfer Institute NAS Belarus Usikov Institute For Radiophysics And Electronics Ukraine, Kharkov

  15. NANOELECTROMAGNETICS The research is partially supported through INTAS projects 96-0467 and 97-2018 BMBF (Germany) projects WEI-001-98 and BEL-001-01 NATO Science for Peace Program project SfP-972614 Belarus Foundation for Fundamental Research State Programs of Oriented Fundamental Research THANKS

  16. NANOELECTROMAGNETICS NanoModeling (AM221) www.spie.org SPIE's 49th Annual Meeting, 2-6 August 2004 Denver, USA Chairs:Akhlesh Lakhtakia, The Pennsylvania State Univ.; Sergey A. Maksimenko, BelarusState Univ. Invitedspeakers: M. C. Demirel (Biodetection and biomolecules), PennState J. Kübler (Micromagnetism), TU Darmstadt T. G. Mackay (Unusual metamaterials), Univ. of Edinburgh T. S. Rahman (Atomistic modeling of thin films), Kansas Univ. V. Shchukin (Semiconductor diode lasers in photonic bandgap crystals), Nanosemiconductor GmbHand Ioffe Institute V. B. Shenoy (Nanomechanics), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (India) Abstract Due Date: 5 January 2004 CALL FOR PAPERS

  17. NANOELECTROMAGNETICS I have presented a successful research group. What for? To stress the points where the international community can contribute

  18. NANOELECTROMAGNETICS • Infrastructure of the R&D in nanoscience and nanotechnology (equipment, links, etc.) • Expertise of national projects. • Selection and promotion of successful research group through conference visits support, development and dissemination of group passports, etc. • Financial support for conferences and meetings (like NATO does for Mediterranean countries). • Direct research grants… Why not? First of all, for commercialization of the R&D results.

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