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Batch changes in Voyager an overview of the possibilities, processes and tools

An overview of Voyager batch changes possibilities, tools, and processes. Learn how to utilize tools like VgerSelect, Bib Delete, and Location Changer efficiently. Discover how to perform URL changes and RDA conversions.

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Batch changes in Voyager an overview of the possibilities, processes and tools

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  1. Batch changes inVoyageran overview of the possibilities, processes and tools GUGM 2014 Adam Kubik, Clayton State University Susan Wynne, Georgia State University

  2. Selected Gary Strawn programs

  3. Caveat emptor • The Strawn tools are very powerful and do lots of things • Require a working ODBC connection to your database • Operate directly on records in your database -- There is no undo button! • Some tools are well documented, some not so well • We don’t pretend to have tested, used or understand every possible option and setting • All of these tools can be run in preview or test mode. Use it and start small

  4. VgerSelect • An alternative or complement to Access Reports • Can output results as either: • Tab-delimited files of selected elements, or • Records in MARC or XML format (to work with in MarcEdit, etc.)

  5. Creating tab-delimited output file

  6. Limit to sound recording format based on record type (LDR/06)

  7. Export full MARC records • Or choose fields, subfields and/or fixed field byte positions to export • Here the bib ID number, 007, 008, 047 and 048 are chosen

  8. Output can be filtered in Excel

  9. Filtering with VgerSelect • You can also ask VgerSelect to filter its own output, but... • Jobs might run for a while • Fewer options than Excel • If you want to play with the data in multiple ways it is faster to output all the data once and use Excel to manipulate it

  10. Bib Delete

  11. Bib Delete Reports • Problems--any records the program could not delete (usually will be suppressed) • List of records modified and what was done (suppressed, unsuppressed, deleted) • Report--total number of records read • List of OCLC numbers of deleted records, in case you need to delete holdings in WorldCat

  12. Recent uses of Bib Delete at GSU • Suppressed most print gov docs records for a weeding project • Needed Location Changer for another part of this project • Deleted obsolete Duke ebrary records due to change of platform • Deleted a group of ETD records that had been re-harvested with better mapping & new OCLC control nos.

  13. Recent uses of Bib Delete at Clayton State • Suppressed Films on Demand titles from OPAC using vendor supplied sets of MARC records representing titles that had been removed from the collection • Removed sets of locally bulk imported records when something went awry with the load (e.g., MFHD records not created as expected) • For these jobs, we just used the set of bib records as the input file and the option to match the 001 in the vendor set against the 035 in Voyager

  14. Location Changer • Like Bib Delete, can (un)suppress or delete MFHDs, items and bibs • Can also automate multiple changes to other data elements in MFHD and item records • Can work on records one-by-one or in batches

  15. Selecting records to change • Select records to change by using criteria in the records: • MFHD or item location (perm or temp) • bib record type • item status • call number range • Or, input a text file of barcodes, item IDs, MFHD IDs, or bib IDs

  16. Selecting records to change Use record criteria Use an input file

  17. Use in a weeding project at Clayton State • Specify records with an input file of scanned barcodes generated by student assistant as items are boxed • Run job to change to permanent location (in MFHD) to withdrawn, suppress holdings, and reset the item status to withdrawn

  18. File of barcodes

  19. Change location Change item status

  20. Use of Location Changer in weeding project • If the last item attached to a MFHD is suppressed, the MFHD is also suppressed • If the last MFHD attached to a bib is suppressed, the bib is also suppressed • Location changer also generates a report of OCLC numbers from suppressed bib records so that holdings can be batch deleted from OCLC as well

  21. Use of Location Changer in weeding project • Since Location Changer can’t adjust MFHD holdings statements (866) -- or create new MFHDs -- some cleanup is still required • Titles with complex holdings will need to be adjusted manually if volumes on a MFHD were only partially withdrawn

  22. Recent uses of Location Changer at GSU • Flipped a subset of the obsolete Rare location to a new Treasures location • Flipped the rest of the Rare items to general Special Collections location • Applied a temp location to a group of items being digitized • Suppressed print MFHDs only for gov docs bibs with multiple locations/formats attached

  23. URL Changer • Change URL stems • Change or delete 856 $x, $y, $z and/or $3 • Works on URLs in both bibs and MFHDs!

  24. Recent uses of URL Changer at GSU • Changing proxy prefix • Changing URL stem when the name of our institutional repository changed

  25. Recent uses of URL Changer at Clayton State? • Adding proxy prefixes and other URL changes made using a different method: validation rules in Cataloger’s Toolkit • URL Changer is less flexible but much more user friendly

  26. Strawn’s RDA Conversion tool • Use to make batch changes to pre-RDA access points in bib (or authority) records • Changes are the same as those made during the “Phase 2” changes to the LC authority file • Can also generate reports on other access points that may require review

  27. Changes that can be made to access points • Expanding abbreviations (“arr.” “acc.” “unacc.” “Dept.”) • Expanding or deleting “O.T.” and “N.T.”, as required • Replacing “violoncello” with “cello” • Replacing “Koran” with “Qur’an” • Changing “Selections” in $a or $t to “Works. $k Selections” • Shifting $k “Selections” before $l and $f • Adding or removing parentheses for certain instances of $c in personal name access points • Expanding abbreviations of months • Replacing “fl.” and “ca.” with “active” and “approximately” • Replacing “b.” or “d.” with open hyphenated dates • Expanding dates (e.g., changing “1090 or 91” to “1090 or 1091”)

  28. Changes that can be made to access points • The RDA Conversion tool allows some “options” for access points… • But you will probably want to follow standard practice

  29. Didn’t want to change dates in subject access points.

  30. Reports generated for review • Access points that might not be RDA compliant, or that need human review to appropriately correct • Musical ensemble terms in $m • “Polyglot” or “&” in $l • “Libretto” or “Text” in $s • Treaties • Conferences • Personal name access point $c terms that might be improper • Access points flagged due to possible typos, or errors in subfield coding

  31. Record Reloader • An alternative to bulk import with webadmin for overlaying existing Voyager records • Can use VgerSelect to output a MARC file, make changes, and then overlay with Record Reloader

  32. Record Reloader main screen

  33. Considerations for options & settings in Strawn programs • Do you need to limit to one or more owning libraries? • Select the owning library/ies you’re interested in • When making changes to the database, do you want the changes to be reflected in the Universal Catalog? • Choose the appropriate “happening”/ “cataloging” location

  34. Selected options in URL Changer

  35. Global Data Change

  36. GSU’s experience with Global Data Change • GSU and GSU Law have run a total of 3 successful data change jobs in 2013 • change 049 GLLM to GLLO • add 007 fields to DVD records lacking them • delete an obsolete 590 note from selected microform records • GDC is not currently working for us! • “record export failed”--error logs • have tickets in with USG and Ex Libris

  37. Basic steps for GDC • Create a record set • Create one or more data change rule sets • Create a data change rule set group with one or more rule sets • keep it simple! • Preview • Run data change job • everything works until we run jobs--they fail

  38. My Add DVD 007 rule set

  39. GDC preview of a “replace string with string” example

  40. Cool things about GDC • Save record sets, rule sets, rule set groups for reuse • Multiple ways to create a record set: • From a list of record IDs previously identified • From a search of the same indexes as in the cataloging client • Scan an existing record set or the entire database for desired criteria (set up scan rules & run scan jobs within GDC) • Preview

  41. Not so cool things about GDC • IT DOESN’T WORK (for us *right now*) • Creating rules is not intuitive • Takes some trial and error (this is why you preview) • Mysterious “validation errors” • Missing 005? • Corrupted or obsolete data in LDR/008? • These errors don’t cause the job to fail--these records are just skipped in a successful job

  42. Validation rules in Cataloger’s Toolkit

  43. Validation rules in Cataloger’s Toolkit • Validation rules are extremely versatile at making batch changes to bibs and MFHDs • Like GDC, validation rules will make changes directly to your database • Like GDC, this method can be unintuitive...

  44. Using custom Validation Rules • Rules are contained in plain text files that can be edited in a text editor • Rules have their own peculiar syntax • Cataloger’s toolkit comes with a default set of canned validation rules • You can add new rules to the file or create a supplemental file

  45. Sample Validation Rules • A rule to add the specified 007 to every bib record that lacks an 007: #4=BDFMPSU 007! F <37:007,,cr_cn_||||||||> • A rule to perform a find and replace in every MFHD 856 $u: #4=H 856/u F <43:856/u,http://xxxxxx/,http://zzzzzz/>

  46. Defining the records to be changed • Rules are normally run on sets of records specified by bib ID or MFHD ID in a text file • These files can be generated with some other tool, such as VgerSelect

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