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A Wrinkle In Time. Instructional Support PPT 2. Did You Know?. Before beginning their adventures, Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which warn the children of an ongoing struggle between good and evil. Sound familiar? To illustrate this struggle, they use many allusions .
A Wrinkle In Time Instructional Support PPT 2
Did You Know? • Before beginning their adventures, Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which warn the children of an ongoing struggle between good and evil. Sound familiar? • To illustrate this struggle, they use many allusions. • An allusion is a reference in a work of literature to another work of literature or to a well-known person, place, or event in history. • Writers often use allusions to express complex ideas. Sometimes the allusions are direct, such as quotations from historical figures. Sometime, however, allusions are less obvious. • For example, the Murry’s dog Fortinbras is named after a character in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet who is strong and brave in military matters. This allusion is supposed to tell you something about the dog (strong & brave) and something about the people who named him (Murrys’ enjoy reading & value strength & courage). • Watch for allusions in chapters 5–8 and make sure to add them to your graphic organizer.
Tesseract • When Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace ask how they can go on a mission through time and space, Mrs. Whatsit says, “Now we will tesser.” • The characters learn that tessering is a shortcut through time and space that will allow them to travel quickly to other planets. Can you make connections to other text at this time? • Although this journey is fantasy, some of this story is based on real science. For example, a dimension is anything that can be measured in space. • Remember, the three ordinary dimensions on Earth are length, width, and depth. • But, Albert Einstein considered time a fourth dimension.
Context Clues Activity: On Unit Folder page 5, • From the following passage or sentences, notice the words that are underlined & are on your chart. • Read the passage or sentences, and use the context clues to “guess” what the definitions for the words are. • Write your context meaning on the chart. • The only wrong answer is NO ANSWER!
n. change from the normal v. to lessen; to shrink adj. troubled; upset adv. abruptly; steeply v. to plead; to coax
Context Sentences: • Harry’s bad behavior is an aberration caused by too much sugar. • Every day the money in her lunch account will dwindle. • Greg was perturbed by Lucy’s constant talking while he was watching his favorite TV show. • He stopped precipitously so that he would not barrel into the newly poured concrete. • Nicole tried to wheedle her mom into taking her to the mall to buy her new shoes.
How to Pronounce: • aberration [ab´əra ̄shən] • dwindle [dwindəl] • perturbed [ pərturbd] • precipitously [ prisipətəs le ̄ ] • wheedle [ hwe ̄ dəl]
Literary Analysis: • imagery- • details that writers give to help us see, hear, touch, smell, and taste the world are called imagery. • point of view- • who is telling the story- • first person, third person limited, third person omniscient • dialogue- • what’s being said between characters; • quotation marks; new line/indent each time someone new is speaking “Quiet!” admonished Meg. She was looking down the long, dark, spooky hall. “We should see what’s in there,” stated Charles.
Quiz: Define these underlined words using the context clues. • Some children need more tangible rewards other than the words “good job.” • The crook tried to wheedle the cop into letting him go. • Linus did not want to relinquish his blanket for washing. • Sixty degree weather in Georgia is an aberration for July. • Ken was perturbed that Mike had eaten all of the pizza.