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CryEngine. Tomi Ruusala Olli Suoranta. CryTek. Founded in 1999 Focused on creating new technologies nobody else has . HQ in Frankfurt, Germany 600+ employees Far Cry was their first game. CryEngine Free SDK. Originally created by CryTek during the making process of Far Cry

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  1. CryEngine Tomi Ruusala Olli Suoranta

  2. CryTek • Founded in 1999 • Focused on creating new technologiesnobodyelsehas. • HQ in Frankfurt, Germany • 600+ employees • FarCrywastheirfirstgame

  3. CryEngineFree SDK • OriginallycreatedbyCryTekduring the makingprocess of FarCry • Offerstools for scripting, animation and objectcreationetc… • Engine is optimal for sandboxtype of gamesthathavelarge-scaleworlds and freetypemissions. • Indoorsettingsarestillpossible • SDK is free to use for non-commercialusage • Newest version of CryEngine (3.4) wasreleased in April2012

  4. CryEngine 1 (FarCry)

  5. Tech behindCryEngine 1 • The first “Per Pixel Shading“ (lights, shadows and materials) & High Dynamic Range Engine on the market • Real-time lighting • Long view distances & detailed vistas • Photo-real vegetation • High fidelity physics • AI • DirectX 9

  6. CryEngine 2 (Crysis)

  7. Tech behindCryEngine 2 • DirectX 9 & 10 • Eye Adaptation & High Dynamic Range (HDR) Lighting • Motion Blur & Depth of Field • Light Beams & Shafts • AI - Dynamic Path Finding

  8. CryEngine 3 (demo picture)

  9. Tech behindCryEngine 3 • Near-reality natural lighting • Live Create – Rungame on single host PC and see the gamerunning on PC,PS3,Xbox360. • Realisticcharacters • AI senses - hearing, Seeing • DirectX 9, 10, 11 • RealtimeLocalReflections

  10. Requirements • Youneed to haveup-to-datemachine to workcomfortably with CryEngine • Minimumrequirements for CryEngine 3 SDK: • Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, Windows 7 • 64-bit CPU ( multicore highly recommended ) • 2 Gb RAM ( 4 Gb recommended ) • Graphics card with support for Shader Model 3.0 ( Nvidia GeForce 6600 or better, or GFX cards from ATI/AMD in the same generation )

  11. Using CryEngine • Targeted to professionaldevelopers with someexperience and amount of skills. • Productiveusageneedscode, scripting, skills in level design and compositingetc… • Anywaytherearelots of documentation and help available • Codingneeds to bedonebyusing C++ and Lua

  12. Somepopulargames made with CryEngine

  13. FarCryseries

  14. Crysisseries

  15. Warface

  16. Links • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CryEngine#Features • http://www.crytek.com/cryengine/cryengine3/overview

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