Information for Syllabus: BYU is conducting a research study. The purpose of this study is to better place students studying Spanish into an appropriate language class. As part of this study, you will be taking the S-CAPE (Spanish Computerized Adaptive Placement Exam) during the weeks of September 16th - 27th. Since it is part of a research study, this test must be taken in the HTRSC Testing Lab (B151 JFSB), and the rules and schedules of the testing lab apply. Unlike other tests, you will not be able to sign up for a time to take this test, which means you need to go early. You will receive credit for taking this test if completed twice (no partial credit will be given). The test needs to be taken twice for reliability purposes, which means that you can take it twice in a row or on two different occasions. Your participation is voluntary, meaning that even though you are required to take the test for credit, you will be given the option, before the test begins, of not having your results included in the research study. All test results will be kept confidential. Please see your instructor for further information.
S-CAPE • Entre el 16 – 27 de septiembre(dos semanas) Encuesta (favor de llenarlotodo) S-CAPE Passkey Repite: o inmediatamentedespués uotrodía -No puedesinscribirte antes -El examentoma 10-15 minutos