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MJM22 Digital Practice and Pedagogy Week 1

MJM22 Digital Practice and Pedagogy Week 1. Introduction to the module Concepts & Terminology. Orientation & Protocols. Whiteboard – slide presentation. Chat tool for questions. Audio & h anding over microphone. Lecture will be recorded Uploaded to the blog.

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MJM22 Digital Practice and Pedagogy Week 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MJM22Digital Practice and PedagogyWeek 1 Introduction to the module Concepts & Terminology

  2. Orientation & Protocols • Whiteboard – slide presentation. • Chat tool for questions. • Audio & handing over microphone. • Lecture will be recorded • Uploaded to the blog.

  3. Click Talk button to speak. Click Video button to show your webcam. The ability to speak and use video are controlled by the Tutor. If the buttons are greyed out this feature has been disabled.

  4. Use the Chat panel to ask questions or make comments while the lecture is taking place. Type into the box and press Return to post a message. You can even include an emoticon!

  5. 1. Show Emotion 2. Step Away 3. Hand Raise 4. Voting 1. 2. 3. 4.

  6. Whiteboard tools palette. • Selection Tool • Pointer • Pen • Text • Filled Shape • Shape • Line • Screen Capture • Clip Art • The Pen and Text tools have an editor palette to change the colour, size or font. • The Editor palette appears when you choose the tool. Enabled by the Tutor.

  7. This session will cover: • An Introduction to the module. • The weekly lectures. • Online Activities. • Assessment. • The Tools. • Overview of key concepts and define terminology.

  8. The Tutors Adam Bailey Marion Curdy

  9. Introductions Tell us about yourself: • Who are you? • One interesting fact about yourself • Why are you taking the module? • Raise Hand when you’re ready.

  10. Module Overview • What is this module about? • How it’s going to work? • What are you going to learn? • Expectations and commitment.

  11. What • Introduction to range of technologies. • Designed to develop digital literacies. • Understanding and critical awareness. • Working knowledge of principles, practices and techniques. • Emerging pedagogies. • Design and creation of online content. • Education and training contexts.

  12. How • Use of technology is embedded in the structure of the module. • Write and reflect on your experiences (Blog) • Produce a Open Educational Resource, OER • Work and engage publicly. • Share experiences, actively contribute.

  13. The Lectures • Structured sessions. • Online and recorded. • Covering key topics and practical advice. • Will work towards the assessments. • Opportunity to meet & ask questions.

  14. The Activities • Follow on from the lecture. • Guided tasks related the lecture topics. • Explore, experience & experiment to develop understanding. • Think about things from your own context. • Write a critically reflective blog post. • Share your thoughts.

  15. Assessment One An OER Portfolio (60%). • Produce the OER. • Educate others about a specific tool or practice. • Supporting information. • Creative and interactive. • Demonstrate you critically understand. • Publish as blog post for assessment.

  16. Assessment Two Critically reflective writing (40%). • Write about your own experiences of using technology. • Regular and critically reflective. • At least once a week in response to the activities. • Equivalent 2000 words. • Publish final summary blog post for assessment.

  17. Assessment Two Final blog post: (1000 words). • Clearly address your experiences. • Demonstrate how you have developed. • Reflect on what you have learnt. • Show how you intend to build on this. • Bibliography or references. • Link back to your previous posts (or someone else's.) • Online sources.

  18. Any questions We’ll take a few minutes to answer your questions. Write your question in the chat area.

  19. Core Tools WordPress Blog • Online Journal. • Group space. • Posts shown in date order. • Public facing. • Develop professional online presence • Confidence in writing in a public domain. • Evidence & record your experiences. • Post about weekly activities.

  20. Twitter • Communication tool. • Build a network. • Post 140 characters. • Find external people who are doing similar things. • Use hashtags to gather conversations/posts. • #mjm22 – search for this to find us and Follow.

  21. Xerte • Browser based content creation tool. • Developed by Nottingham University. • Open Source software. • Create interactive learning materials. • Published to the web. • Limited technical knowledge required. • Take a look and have a play. • We look at this tool in more detail later in the module.

  22. Post Announcements. • List of Tools & Resources. • Discussion Board for modules queries. • Reading list. • Access to the Online Library.

  23. Time for a Break Back in 5 minutes

  24. Communication routes • Raise queries in the Discussion Board. • Don’t use the blog for module issues. • Avoid contacting us my email except for private issues. • Support each other.

  25. Digital Literacies “To start, press any key. Where’s the ANY key!” Homer Simpson, The Simpsons

  26. Digital Literacies “By digital literacy we mean those capabilities which fit an individual for living, learning and working in a digitalsociety.” JISC, 2013.

  27. Digital Literacies • Use digital tools for academic work. • Communicate ideas with different media. • Produce, share and evaluate information. • Collaborate in online networks. • Ability to adapt to changing technology. • 90% of new jobs require excellent digital skills. JISC, Developing Digital Literacies briefing paper http://www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/briefingpapers/2012/developing-digital-literacies.aspx Image: By D J Shin (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0) or GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)], via Wikimedia Commons.

  28. Pedagogy • Science of education. • Understanding of different forms of learning. • How and why we learn. • Digital technology challenging pedagogy. • New ideas and approaches. • Outside the classroom. • Tutor as facilitator. • Promotion of learner autonomy. • Technology used to deliver teaching.

  29. Open Education • Open access. • Open Scholarship. • New technology facilitates openness. • Ease of sharing • Collaborate & ‘Crowd source’ • Draw on experts & experience • Promotes networks and creativity. • Open educational Resources (OER)

  30. Digital & learning technologies • VLE – Blackboard, Moodle • Social Networks – Facebook, Google+ • Blogging– WordPress • Micro blogging - Twitter • Wikis – Wet Paint • Web conferencing – Skype • Virtual Classrooms – Blackboard Collaborate • E-portfolio – Pebblepad, Mahara • File sharing – Dropbox • Content creation– Google Drive • Presentation – Prezi, Slideshare • Virtual reality – Second Life • Polling, tests and quizzes – Polleverywhere • E-submission & e-marking - Turnitin • Podcasts & video – SoundCloud, Youtube, Vimeo

  31. What do you use? • Think about these 2 questions: • What social media to you use and what for? • What is your experience of learning online? Can you tell us a bit about it. 5 minutes thinking time! Raise your hand when you’re ready.

  32. Introducing this week’s activities • Familiarise yourself with the tools. • Think about your own digital literacies. • Write your first reflective blog post.

  33. Closing and Questions

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