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Resource Grid

Behaviors. Results (performance). Experienced Professional. James. Hi-Po. New Addition. Needs Attn. Needs Attn. Raulston. +Responsibilities. Anderson. Outstanding. Resource Grid. Expectations. Poor. Poor. Expectations. Gooder. Experienced Professional. Hi-Po. New Addition.

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Resource Grid

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Behaviors Results (performance) Experienced Professional James Hi-Po New Addition Needs Attn. Needs Attn. Raulston +Responsibilities Anderson Outstanding Resource Grid Expectations Poor Poor Expectations Gooder

  2. Experienced Professional Hi-Po New Addition Needs Attn. +Responsibilities Resource Grid

  3. High-Potential: Outstanding performer, capable of significant growth & improvement (2 levels of additional responsibility in the next 3 years). Additional Responsibility: Individual is ready for additional responsibilities now. Experienced Professional: Solid performer – approximately at right level in the organization at this time. New Addition: Joined the company in the past 3-months – need time to assess potential. Needs Attention: Individual needs assistance to improve performance. Experienced Professional Hi-Po New Addition Needs Attn. +Responsibilities Resource Grid

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