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SESSION. Trainer: Bob Cornacchioli. Implementing Standards. Organization: DERO Technical Services. www.derotechnical.com bcornacchioli@gmail.com get2bobc@gmail.com. PSUG-AZ. Agenda/Participants will be engaged in:. www.derotechnical.com for more resources. Understanding Common Language
SESSION Trainer: Bob Cornacchioli Implementing Standards Organization: DERO Technical Services www.derotechnical.com bcornacchioli@gmail.com get2bobc@gmail.com PSUG-AZ
Agenda/Participants will be engaged in: www.derotechnical.comfor more resources Understanding Common Language Constraints and “Givens” in PowerSchool Best Practices- Standards are Coming! Importing Standards using Excel Conversion Scales Looking at PowerTeacherGradebook Report Card options
CEO - DERO Technical ServicesEvangelist/Process Lead- Level DataMarketing/ - ParkBench Software • Trainer • Director of Technology and Media Services – Shrewsbury Public Schools (16 yrs)PowerSchool Administrator ( 6 yrs) Bob Cornacchioli
Who are you? PSUG-AZ • Traditional or Standards Grades? • Teachers have graded • Teachers will be grading • Start Date- Fall 2014 • Hybrid Anyone? • Common Core?
CURRICULUM/ADMIN & TECHNICAL DRAW A LINE IN THE SAND PSUG-AZ Collaborate and learn the constraints
C Illinois Standards Task Force - 5 Steps to Success Kathy Dinger, Former Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Libertyville D70, Libertyville, Illinois http://www.derotechnical.com/STANDARDS/DingerKeystoSuccess.pdf
Change requires continual checking of your stakeholders temperature! Parents Teachers Tech Team
C Read anything by Ken O’Connor aka The Grade Doctor Far more important than the keystroke of a grade is how the district has trained teachers in the proper techniques in determining that grade. What Ken and others are saying about student achievement is mission critical. PowerTeacher has been designed with these principles.
C Learning Conversations: The Culture of Grading Same Curriculum Across all classrooms Same Grading Practices Across all classrooms?? Have you had these chats yet?
C Average Temperature in Vail, AZ 100 Average 100 100 100 100 100 Sun Mon Tues Weds Thurs Is it REALLY an 80 Average 100 100 100 100 Sun Mon Tues Weds Thurs Rick Wormeli – check him out on YouTube
C Your Conversion Scale has been set… now what does a 4 or a C really mean? Everyone on the Same Page With teachers at your Grade Level With teachers at your School With teachers in the District What does it mean for next placement?
C Clarity on Evidence If using a 4,3,2,1 scale, “3” = MEETS/PROFICIENT District must provide time for teachers to decide what it looks like to MEETS a given standard! Discuss Special Education students – as no parent or students want a report card with all “1’s”. Do “Gifted” students use the same scale? Have teachers decide on evidence for all other scores.
CT Other Conversion Scales Technical Note 8 Character Limit
C Homebound Assessment Sending Home Letter Grades and Percentages will confuse Parents and Students Avoid Confusion- Adjust Rubrics and assessments
Consider a user friendly schema for standard identifiers PSUG-AZ Removing a,b,c will save time- import template and report cards
http://www.azed.gov/azccrs/ Communication Tool Kits and much more AZ adopted Common Core June 28, 2010 Full Implementation 2013-2014
The # of Reporting Periods dictatesthe # of characters 75 70 65
STANDARDS • Create the standards collaboratively- Excel • Teacher Involvement = Ownership • Less is more- 65*-75 character limit • Number of Standards • Report Card vs. Curriculum Guide • Core Content vs. Specials • Essential Skills, Effort or Habits of Mind • Assessment Per Term • Changes and Real Estate – Text vs. # • Conversion Scales- Drop Downs for Teachers
CT STANDARDS TIMELINE(considerations) • District initiative or single school pilot??? • Pilots can pose some issues • Invite participation from non pilot schools • 6+ Months in advance- identify standards • Decide your scale ( avoid traditional grading- A ) • Do all teachers have rosters in PS? • Create - Import File of Grade Level Standards • Set Expectations for Comment Writing • Discuss Assignments vs Standards Assessment • Communicate with all stakeholders
SAMPLE May 3,2013 – Standards Finalized-uploaded to Google Docs May 8,2013 – Onsite development of preK-5 SBRC May 30, 2013 Onsite training of Vanguard Teachers Sept 14, 2013 – Modifications to SBRC and WIDA
Should Common Core Standards Impact Scheduling? How many courses are you planning to use for English Language Arts? Reading – Writing – Speaking & Listening - Language
CT Standards associated to Courses Check Enrollment: Schools - Sections Do you see courses in the left navigational areas? Check ELA – do you have separate classes for READING, WRITING, SPEAKING & LISTIENING?
CT Homeroom has enrollment and this school has 5 sections 1st Grade
CT If the course exists but there isn’t any enrollment - you have to address scheduling before teachers can grade students! All standards associated to HR is not recommended Mass enroll students into each core content area & specials using dependent sections
CT Create an Excel Import File ELA.3.07< What do you think .07 represents?
CT Create an Excel Import File 95003 < The course this standards are associated to? If you have multiple schools- do they do they have the same course #’s? 95003,96003,97003 NEW Best Practice- State Reporting – Associate different content standards to courses
CT Create an Excel Import File ** Allowassignments< False- Will not be seen in the Gradebook- TRUE visible** IncludeComment< MOST are FALSE, only the comment standard is TRUE Conversionscale< Internal PS #’s – represents pull down options** ** if blank – can’t grade!
CT Conversion Scales Habits of Mind/Effort Proficiency Levels Grades 1-8 / MCAS Proficiency Levels For K
T Conversion Scale #? Gen Table (6) Search for “scale”
T Or install Jason Springel’scustomization
CT Standards Associated to Courses Elementary teachers teach all core subjects So why not tie them all to HR? Are you going to have specialists grade? Art – Music – PE – Library – World Languages Only those teachers who are scheduled in PowerSchool can access their students.
CT Final Grade Entry For Teachers In Gradebook, If all standards were tied to HR, they would run from here to the Atlantic Ocean Remember – 95003?? Associating standards to specific courses can reduce or eliminate scroll RIGHT.. Just switch classes and reveal content specific standards
CT Access: PowerTeacherGradebook Will the Art, PE, Music, Media, Computer, Band, Chorus… teacher be grading students? If YES – they must have rosters in PS
CT Next Steps • Communication with: • Teachers - expectations for comments • Parents – how to interpret 4,3,2,1/your scale(s) • Specialists going to grade? Schedule? • Create Standards • # of standards per content area per term (Cvs T) • Create the Conversion Scales ( GEN(6) table ID # ) • Create excel import file for PS • Altering Rubrics / Common Assessments • Create Sample Report Cards before EOY
C BEST PRACTICES: CULLING STANDARDS Less is More! In the Gradebook & on the Report Card Grade Level teachers review all available standards (CC,SS,&LS) and CHERRY PICK Consider CC Sub-Category headers Discuss/Decide which will be on the report card and which will only be in the gradebook Wordsmith any standard over 65/70/75 characters Choose standards that lend themselves to being easily associated to an assignment- not all do!
CT Download Web Gradebook and Standards PPT
CT Grade Value of Conversions Scales When teachers assess a standard more than once associated to multiple assignments, PTG averages these scores. Grade Value can’t be ZERO as seen earlier in this presentation. Round Up Scale– Cut off Scale = 50% of the Grade Level Delta
CT Grade Value of Conversions Scales Depending upon which standard based educator your curriculum folks have read, the concept of AVERAGEisn’t part of the standards movement. YET the Gradebook has to apply some sort equation in order to convert scores to these Grade Labels 4,3,2,1. Feedback from districts to Pearson has resulted in a new version (2.6) of PowerTeacher with the installation of PS 7.5. Averaging of standards scores assigned to multiple assignments is now becoming clearer. PowerTeacherGradebook is still evolving!!!!
CT Controlling Web Gradebook If defined as PT Admin** - School Usage – Site Specific!!
CT Calculations • Using PT Admin- your district will have to set policy on grading standards. The Gradebook will have to be set per school to look: • Default setting for final grades • Allow teacher modifications OR NOT • Calculations for Most Recent Scores Decisions Decisions
CT Gradebook Preferences: Calculate Higher Level Standards
CT Gradebook Preferences: Assignment Grades
CT Training Teachers to Grade Final Grade Entry** (RW will not work) Specialists vs. HR teachers 5 mins. with a PPT presentation Google PowerTeacherGradebook- lots of resources Web Gradebook – A bit more time ( JING Movies/Atomic Learning/Mastery in Minutes/Google?) Comments- Comments- Comments
CT Version 7.03 Comment Length can be set at the District-List Standards-for all your comment standards
CT “Straight quotes” with “Smart quotes” If teachers use Word for pasting into the gradebook, special characters (like “quotation marks”, apostrophes’ and - dashes) can end up printing incorrectly on the final report card. Word – Tools- Auto Correct- AutoFormat as you Type and REMOVE the √ from Straight quotes with smart Quotes This only works if you change this setting BEFORE you typed them in- SORRY!