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INSTALL FSUIPC FOR CH FLIGHTYOKE AND FH PEDALS REASON: DISCONNECTING USB PORTS IN WINDOWS 8 AND THEREFORE DISCONNECTING OF THE FLIGHTYOKE AND THE PEDALS DURING THE FLIGHT. This is version 1.0! Gratefull for reactions! Harmen Weistra www.hweistra.nl Do youknowwhat the most important lesson of thispowerpointpresentatie is: Youdecidewhich functionyou want oneachaxeor button!
Good to know: First: Ifyou have installedeverythingwith FSUIPC, beawarethatifyou are using the keyboardfunctionsoutsite FSX (onanother screen p.e.) like the scratchpad of the FMC ortyping in IVAP/VATSIM, thenyou have to activate FSX again (by simpel clickingwith the mousesomeware in the FSX flight sim screen, nothingdifficult), beforeyoucanuse the buttons of the flightyokeagain. This is because FSUIPC is responding to the keyboard (as youwillseeon the following sheets) and if the keyboard is in use in anotherapplication, then the buttons willalsobeactive in thatapplication! Second: Ifthere are unexpectedreactions of the buttons, please check if the controls are still set inable. Maybe the controls are set to activeby FSX. Thiscan happen randomly!Especiallyifyoudon’t close FSX via the Menu, FLIGHTS and EXIT. Easy to disableagain: see the 3e and 4e sheet!
Move the X-axe of the flightyoke (aileron). Ifthere is a wrong assignment, youcanresetit bij usingRescan and Clear!
Click OK and the Aileron is connectedwith the X-axeof joystick 2.
Move the Y-axe. The Flightyoke is number 2 onmy system. Later onyoucanseethaton the sheet with the FSUIPC4.INI.
For the rudder, move the pedals without using the toebrakes! Now the Z-axe of the pedalsappear. Seethatnow the joystick number is 0, in fact the pedals! Continue with the install as the previous sheets.
The Lefttoebrakeis alsoanaxe (the X-axe of joystick 0)! Treatthisaxejust the same as the otheraxes. And also the Righttoebrake (the Y-axe, no sheet for the Rightbrake, butyou do understandnowhowitworks!)
Calibration is a must fot the toebrakes, because the left- and rightbrake are working in REVERSE! Click on the black smallarrownext to 1 of 11: Main flight controlsfor the next page in FSUIPC.
Nowyou are in number 2 of the 11: Click in the LeftbrakeonRESET!
First activateREV in LeftBrake, then click RESET ad Rightbrake and nextactivateREV.
Press the front red button of the flightyoke: youwillsee the 8. Now I willmakethisthe Switch to the nextview: the S. (Butyoucanmakeyourownchoice of course.
Choose the S and Keypressnot te behold. It is justonetick! End click onOK. The red button is now set. That easy!
The same for the otherred button. See the appearance of the 9. Next Select for keypress, Set, shift + S, Keypressnot to behold and OK. Now the other red button is set!
Move the switch for flapsup! See the appearance of the 4. Next Select for keypress, Set, F6, Keypressnot to behold and OK. Flaps up is set!
Move the switch for flapsdown! See the appearance of the 5. Next Select for keypress, Set, F7, Keypressnot to behold and OK. Flaps down is set!
Move the switch for gear down! See the appearance of the 7. Next Select for keypress, Set, G, Keypressnot to behold and OK. Gear down is set!
Move the switch for gear up! See the appearance of the 7. Next Select for keypress, Set, G, Keypressnot to behold and OK. Gear up is set!
Links = left! This for the trim rudder trim switch left, justbelow the hatswitch. This is a possibility! Later on I willuse these switches for anotherpurpose! Ifyoupressthis switch to the left, youwillsee the appearance of the 2! Important differencewith the previous buttons: Pressnow: Keypress to repeatwhilehold. That is because the period holding this switch, the trim will move and itneeds to be held as long as required!
Rechts is right! Trim rudder right. The same as the previous sheet, now for the rudder trim right.
Elevator trim down. Mutatismutandisjustlike the trim switch, butnowwith the switchnext to the red buttons!
Brakeon a switch 1 (in front of the hat switch) (personalchoice).
The mike switch (in front of the red buttons) via Scroll Lock. Verypersonal, youcanmakeyourownchoise! Be awarethatyou have made the samechoice for Scroll Lock as mike switch in TeamSpeak!
Part of my fsuipc4.ini file in Modules of FSX. Watch the 0=pedals and 1=flightyoke.
As youknow, I have notused the hatswitch. In the following part I amplayingwith the use of this special button. Further I don’toftenuse the rudder trim. So I usethis button for another goal. Move the eyepointon the SPOT part to the back of the plane: use the button behind the hatswitch to the left, to the front of the plane to the right. Move the eyepoint up: move hatswitch to the front; Move the eyepont down: move the hatswichbackwards; Move the eyepoint to the rightside of the plane: move the hatswitch to the right; Move the eyepoint to the leftside of the plane: move the hatswitch to the left; Difficult is the use of the hatswitch to the front/right side and the front/leftside. I willtry to explainitonone of the following sheets. OK, here we go!
Everybodyknows the numpad! Keyboard: functions in flightsim: 7 8 9 look left/front look front look right/front 4 5 6 look left look right 1 2 3 look left/back look back look right/back These are the correspondingfigures in FSUIPC/Flightsim: 32 33 34 36 35 This is important to know, becauseyouwillsee these figureswhilereassigning the hatswitch! So, ifyouassign the 6 to a button, youwill look the rightside, the 4 the leftside, 8 the front, 2 the back, 7 the left/front, 9 the right front. What we do is connect the button whichyou push to the numpadfigure! As easy as that!
Move the eyepoint to the front of the plane. First move the button belowthe hatswitch (rudder trim: we don’tusemuch, sogiveit a newfunction) to the left, thenselect for keypress, next click onSET and pressnumber8 of the numpad. Keypressnot to beholdanOK! This is because we want to use the hatswitch up to move the eyepoint up! Youwillseefurtheron!
Eyepointbehind the aircraft. First move the button below the hatswitch (rudder trim: we don’tusemuch, sogiveit a newfunction) to the right, thenselect for keypress, next click onSET and pressnumber2 of the numpad. Keypressnot to behold and OK! This is because we want to use the hatswitch down to move the eyepoint down! Youwillseefurtheron!
Move to the rightside of the plane. Move hatswitch to the right, pressSelect for keypress, chooseSET, choosenumpad6, select Keypressnot to be held and pressOK.
Move the eyepoint to the leftside. Move hatswitch to the left, pressSelect for keypress, chooseSET, select num 4, select Keypressnot to be held and pressOK.
Move eyepoint up! Move the hatswitch down, select for keypress, SET, chooseCTRL+Q, and then? Do yousee the difference? Now CTRL+Q and Keypress to repeatwhile held. Whilemoving the hatswitch down, the eyepointkeepsmoving up! PressOK.
Move eyepoint down. Move the hatswitch up, select for keypress, SET, chooseCTRL+SHIFT+Q, and Keypress to repeatwhile held. Whilemoving the hatswitch UP, the eyepointkeepsmoving up! Press OK.
Watchleft/front (position 7 on the numpad) This is more difficult. First move the hatswitch to left front (position 7) and KEEP IT PRESSED! ActivateSelect for keypress, NextchooseSET, thenchoose the 7on the numpad, nextACTIVATE KEY PRESS TO REPEAT WHILE HELD, and at finallypressOK. NOW YOU MAY RELEASE THE HATSWITCH!