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Procedure to check car brakes

It is no secret that faulty brakes can lead to life or death, so always keep an eye out for the above-mentioned brake-related issues. If you spot any of them, follow the exact procedures to check the car brakes and do not forget to contact an authorized MOT tester.<br>

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Procedure to check car brakes

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  1. StepsForInspectingACar'sBrakes Foreveryvehicleroamingthe streets, the most critical thing is beingabletobringthemtoa stopasandwhenneeded. Thankstothebrakingsystem, this can be done within seconds. On the other hand, a fault in this samesystemcancause numerousandhorrifying crashesandaccidents.Thisis whytheprimarypurposewith which the MOT testing course was created was to learn how to checkbrakeseffectively,thereby determining roadworthiness. a vehicle's Thisarticleis thestandard dedicated to proceduresfortestingtheparts ofavehicle'sbrake. Listenforstrangesounds. The first and foremost way to test brakes is to listen for warning and cranking sounds coming from the brakes. Imagine hitting the paddles and hearing a high-pitched squeal coming from them. This sound often starts low and increases over time, so much that it can be heard with windowsrolleddownafterapoint.Astimepasses,thesoundtakesaharshergrindingtone. This is a warning signal which means that the calliper metals are grinding against the rotors resultingin too muchfriction and thereforeneed immediate replacingto avoid furtherdamage. Checkthebrakepads. The following way to test car brakes is to look into the brake pads, and MOT experts follow this procedure.Nowadays,most vehicles use the hydraulic system to stop. The brake fluid causes thecalliperstosqueezetogetherontherotors.Thefrictioncausedbythetoandfroofbrake pads and rotors eventually stops the car. Now, you have to peek between your wheels and spot the metal rotors. This will help you see the brake pads stuck between the callipers and rotors. According to the MOT testing course, the pad should be approximately a quarter of an inch in thickness.Anything less than that means alack of proper grip causing thebrakes to fail.

  2. Feelthevibrations There are often emergencies where the car needs to be brought to a standstill immediately. During such circumstances, the brake paddle constantly emits an unusual vibration because of thequick pressure on the rotors. However, if you find that the vehicle is casting the same vibrations under normal circumstances or every time you bring it to a stop, it means there is an underlying issue. What an MOT tester will do here is check the rotor disc for signs of warps and grooves. This can also be done at home. Just run your fingernails over the rotor to feel any unevenness or deep grooves. This kind of issue with the brakes occurs mainly when the vehicle hasundergone continuous driving downsteep mountainsides. Notethemushypaddles. In the best-case scenario, a little nudge on the brake paddle should bring your car to a standstill. However, if you find that the paddle ultimately reaches the floor before engaging the brakes and comingto astop,thenthereis something wrong with the hydraulic system. Two probable causes are a brake fluid leak or an air leak. Just place an old white sheet or white cardboard boardunderneaththecarovernighttocheckforafluidleak.Studythefluidcollectedonthe cloth or board in the morning. If there is a brake fluid leak, then the contents should be clear and oilyinconsistency.Iftherearenone, then the obvious alternative is an air leak, for which you willneed the help of an MOT expert. Conclusion It is no secret that faulty brakes can lead to life or death, so always keep an eye out for the above-mentioned brake-related issues. If you spot any of them, follow the exact procedures to checkthe car brakes and do not forgetto contact an authorized MOT tester.

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