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Understanding Paleotempestology through Environmental Deposits

Explore various physical methods such as overwash deposits, beach deposits, lake inwash deposits, and hummocky cross-stratification to study paleotempestology. Discover geochemical methods including oxygen isotopes in stalagmites for detailed analysis.

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Understanding Paleotempestology through Environmental Deposits

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  1. Paleotempestology • Physical methods • Overwash deposits (Liu and Fearn) • Beach deposits (Nott and Hayne) • Lake inwash deposits (Noren et al.) • Hummocky cross-stratification (Duke) • (Other methods not covered here: tree rings, pollen, sea salt) • Geochemical method • Oxygen isotopes in stalagmites (Malmquist)

  2. Overwash Deposits(Liu and Fearn; Donnelly; others)

  3. Beach DepositsNott and Hayne, 2001

  4. Lake Inwash DepositsNoren et al., 2002

  5. Core stratigraphies Sedimentation event histogram GISP2 sea salt GISP2 non-sea salt

  6. Hummocky Cross-StratificationDuke, 1985

  7. Mixed layer depth and currents

  8. Inertial Oscillation Coupling Tropical Cyclones: Extratropical Cyclones:

  9. Price, J., 1981, J. Phys. Ocean.

  10. Brandt and Elias, 1989

  11. Ito et al., 2001

  12. O18 In Tropical CyclonesLawrence and Gedzelman, 1996; Malmquist, 1997

  13. First newspaper established, 1784

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