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Learning Trends: Adapting to New Technologies for a Future of Open, Social, Personal, and Mobile Learning

Explore the impact of new and emerging technologies in learning, innovative approaches, location-independent learning, changing assessment methods, and evolving roles in education. Steve Wheeler shares insights on past technological resistance and future trends.

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Learning Trends: Adapting to New Technologies for a Future of Open, Social, Personal, and Mobile Learning

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  1. New Technologies and the Future of Learning: Learning is open, social, personal, mobile... Steve Wheeler University of Plymouth Learning Skills Group Conference, Olympia, London: June 14, 2011

  2. Takeaways... • New and emerging learning technologies • Innovative learning • Location independent learning • Alternative modes of assessment and feedback • New roles and responsibilities Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011

  3. “The Americans have need of the telephone, but we do not. We have plenty of messenger boys.” - Sir William Preece, Chief Engineer, British Post Office, 1878. Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://thebitchywaiter.blogspot.com/

  4. “Television won’t last. It’s a flash in the pan.” - Mary Somerville, Pioneer of radio educational broadcasts, 1948. Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://www.catholic-chaplaincy.org.uk

  5. New and emerging technologies... Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 ...are often met with opposition. http://www.weirdthings.org.uk

  6. “Students today can’t prepare bark to calculate their problems. They depend on slate which is more expensive. What will they do when they drop the slate and it breaks? They will be unable to write!” (Anon – 1709) Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://www.objectlessons.org

  7. “Students today depend on paper too much. They don’t know how to write without getting chalk dust all over them. What will they do when they run out of paper?” (Anon – 1815) Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://www.nikkikatz.com

  8. A Personal History… Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 Steve Wheeler c 1965

  9. My first experience of technology was at the Evoluon in Holland in 1970 when I saw one of the first video conference systems. Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011

  10. Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011

  11. Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011

  12. Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011

  13. Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011

  14. http://www.gamersmint.com Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://www.techdigest.tv http://www.spacetoday.org

  15. Revolution! • Are we witnessing a digital revolution? • Or is it a digital evolution? • Will learners need new skills to use new technology? • Can they simply adapt and apply old skills to new contexts? Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011

  16. The pace of change is accelerating Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 How will we keep up with it?

  17. The future of learning is Open Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://www.flickr.com/photos/42232541@N04/4267059618/

  18. "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons

  19. “The concept of the ‘gift economy’ is where the whole culture works on a framework of mutual giving.” – Mark Zuckerberg Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2567/4259162368_0f9b2f0a32.jpg

  20. “Scientists build on the work of other scientists without asking or paying for the privilege.” - Lawrence Lessig Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011

  21. Homeless and wireless Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 “Given the crises in economics and the environment, and the many challenges we face in modern society, it seems perverse to hoard knowledge in any form”. – Brian Lamb http://www.frikipix.com

  22. 6 Trends for the digital age Analogue Digital Tethered Mobile Closed Open Isolated Connected Generic Personal Consuming Creating Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 Source: David Wiley: Openness and the disaggregated future of higher education

  23. Characteristics of e-learning Analogue Digital Tethered Mobile Closed Open Isolated Connected Generic Personal Consuming Creating Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 We have the technology to facilitate the rest, but do we have the will? ! Source: David Wiley: Openness and the disaggregated future of higher education

  24. Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 The future of learning is Social http://photozou.jp/photo/show/1274031/63055983

  25. Connection cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010 Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://i.imwx.com

  26. Communication Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 Online, En masse http://steve-wheeler.blogspot.com

  27. Collaboration and Creation ‘The wisdom of crowds’ Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 Common interests and purpose

  28. Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011

  29. Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011

  30. Social media use 2011 >640 Million >175 Million 95 million tweets/day Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 >125 Million >100 Million >5 Billion images 3000 images/minute >17 million articles 2 Billion views/day 24 hours/minute Source: http://www.browsermedia.co.uk

  31. The future of learning is Personal Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://farm1.static.flickr.com/1/3778408_ecdaec0dae.jpg

  32. Personalised learning means ensuring that individual differences are acknowledged Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011

  33. “Blogging ... Is the most important form of unchoreographed public discourse that we have.” - Lawrence Lessig “Never have so many people written so much to be read by so few...” - Katie Hafner Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://news.oreilly.com

  34. Blogging In the act of writing... ...we are written. - Daniel Chandler Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://www.volusion.com/

  35. We are family Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://pro.corbis.com

  36. Wii are family! Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://wiifitnessdepot.com

  37. Personaltechnologies Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://farm1.static.flickr.com/117/291379959_594fa8ef70.jpg

  38. Listening culture Audio feedback for learning Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1259/595625303_d054b5f8a5.jpg

  39. The future of learning is augmented Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011

  40. Augmented Reality (AR) is when technology recognises what you are doing and then enhances it. AR apps add information to the world around us. Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 Source: www.geeks.co.uk

  41. Augmented Reality Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 images.businessweek.com 1: The phone app 2: The ‘wearable’

  42. Marker technology (‘Magic Symbol’) Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011

  43. The future of learning will merge virtual and real worlds.  Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://www.wunschfeld.net

  44. The future of learning is visual Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://www.flickr.com/photos/raylopez/867883420/

  45. http://techncruch.com

  46. http://techncruch.com

  47. Infographics Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://www.elrst.com/wp-content/

  48. The future of learning is mobile Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 http://learningputty.com

  49. Intuitive handheld devices Natural gesture interface Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 Connection to my learning network Source: Maria Webster - http://www.ntdaily.com/

  50. Smartphone GPS Webquest and Foursquare Geocaching Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2011 Taking the classroom back out into the world http://www.gsa.europa.eu

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