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Moving a piano is a task that requires careful planning and execution. If you want to protect both your own health and your piano, you will be best served in hiring a professional piano mover. A reliable Encore Piano Moving company can help with moving a piano one place to another place. For more information visit here: http://movemypiano.com
Why Moving Grand Piano Is Not a DoIt Yourself Activity There are many Do-It- Yourselves when it comes to moving, plumbing, electrical work, etc., at home. However, those who have tried moving grand piano will tell you that challenging task beyond the maneuvers of the ordinary man. Here below is some factors about the grand piano which make moving it not an ordinary business. nowadays it is
1. The grand piano is bulky: The grand pianos are the largest of all the pianos and may weigh in excess of 1300 pounds. Add this to the fact its weight is not evenly distributed and you will agree that moving this thing is not easy. 2. Grand piano is a valued asset: The price of grand piano varies depending on its age and model but can be in excess of 500,000 dollars. If it gets damaged in the process of getting moved, you will incur seriously high costs in repairs. 3. To be moved, the grand piano may have to be dismantled:
If the size of the pathways where the piano cannot allow to pass freely, then it may have to be dismantled into its respective parts. This essentially means it will be assembled again when it is taken to its destination. 4. Retuning it may be required: When the grand piano is taken to its new location, it may be returned again. Returning is not easy because the strings have to be tightened to the required degrees so as to produce the melodies. required
The above four factors make moving grand piano a challenging task which cannot be performed by every Tom, Dick & Harry. For the small sized pianos you can try doing it yourself if you want to move them but if you want to move the mighty grand piano, the job should be left to experts. Even if you have the equipment to lift it off the ground and load it into a truck, chances are that you do not know how to disassemble and assemble it, and also how to retune it. In order to ensure this large, valued asset is safely moved, hire the right grand piano movers inc to the job. The moving will not cost you much of you get quotes from several grand piano movers, compare their rates and choose one that offers services at fair rates. exemplary