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Tuesday May 5 th , 2009 (5/5/2009). AGENDA. Quote. Tuesday May 5 th , 2009 (5/5/2009). WARM UP. Time Given: 3 minutes Who is William Shakespeare? What is his nickname? How many plays did he write? Where were his plays performed? Tell me 3 interesting facts about his theatre.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TuesdayMay 5th, 2009 (5/5/2009) AGENDA Quote

  2. TuesdayMay 5th, 2009 (5/5/2009) WARM UP Time Given: 3 minutes Who is William Shakespeare? What is his nickname? How many plays did he write? Where were his plays performed? Tell me 3 interesting facts about his theatre. Name the three members of the 1st triumvirate. Name the three members of the second triumvirate.

  3. Change of Plans NO NOTES

  4. Old  Middle  Modern English NO NOTES One of the biggest problems mentioned yesterday is the language that Shakespeare used. Today, I want to show you a quick review of what the English language looked like before you were born.

  5. The first ever story “written” in the English language is called Beowulf. It was written in a language called OLD English. Old  Middle  Modern English NO NOTES

  6. Fast forward to the 1300’s  Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde. This is written in early Middle English. Old  Middle  Modern English NO NOTES

  7. Fast forward to the 1500’s  Shakespeare’s Day. This is written in late Middle English and has many similarities to our language today. Old  Middle  Modern English NO NOTES

  8. Today our books are in modern English, but keep in mind that language changes all the time. The English you know today will not be the language written 300 years from now! Old  Middle  Modern English NO NOTES

  9. Of course, you need practice learning how to translate from Middle to Modern English. The more practice you have, the easier it is! Old  Middle  Modern English NO NOTES

  10. There are two types of translations: Word-for-word Summative Translations TAKE NOTES

  11. There are two types of translations: Word-for-word: change older words to modern words. Summative Translations TAKE NOTES

  12. There are two types of translations: Word-for-word: change older words to modern words. Summative: change an entire sentence or multiple sentences into modern English. Translations TAKE NOTES

  13. “This dream is all a mis-interpreted;It was a vision fair and fortunate.Your statue spouting blood in many pipesSignifies that from you great Rome shall suckReviving blood.” Original Line NO NOTES

  14. “This dream has been misinterpreted;It was a vision fair and fortunate.Your statue spouting blood from your veinsTells us that from you great Rome be revived.” Word-by-Word Translation NO NOTES

  15. “The interpretation of your dream is wrong;It was a nice dream.Your statue that spouted blood from your bodyMeans that Rome will be revived. Summative NO NOTES

  16. Both translations are correct…it’s up to you which one you want to use when you translate. 3 practice translations = 3 minutes each. Questions? Translations NO NOTES

  17. Translate as best you can: Wherefore rejoice? What conquest brings he home?You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things! Knew you not Pompey? Practice #1 NO NOTES

  18. Translate as best you can: Hence! Home, you idle creatures, get you home.Is this a holiday? What, know you not,Being mechanical, you ought not walkupon a labouring day without a signof your profession? Speak, what trade art thou? Practice #2 NO NOTES

  19. Translate as best you can: “Let no images Be hung with Caesar’s trophies. I’ll aboutAnd drive away the vulgar from the streets.These growing featheres pluck’d from Caesar’s wingWill make him fly an ordinary height,Who else would soar above the view of men? Practice #3 NO NOTES

  20. Tomorrow’s Quiz… NO NOTES Study notes on: Globe theatre (design, spectators, actors, etc.) Roman Economy (Drachma) Roman religion (The Fates) Roman Government (1st/2nd triumvirate members)

  21. If you are interested in a role, you must tryout and read in front of the class. Don’t be nervous! Julius Caesar Roles Tryout NO NOTES

  22. Roles: Julius Caesar Antony Brutus Cassius Casca Portia—Brutus’ wife Calpurnia—Caesar’s wife The Soothsayer—fortune teller Julius Caesar Roles Tryout NO NOTES

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