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CAREER PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. Presented By Mehedi Hasan Md. Hefzur Rahman. DEFINATION OF CAREER. 1.Career is a sequence of attitudes and behaviors associated with the series of job and work related activities over a person’s life time.

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  1. CAREER PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Presented By MehediHasan Md. HefzurRahman

  2. DEFINATION OF CAREER • 1.Career is a sequence of attitudes and behaviors associated with the series of job and work related activities over a person’s life time. • 2.Succession of related jobs ,arranged in hierarchical order, through which a person moves in an organization.

  3. OBJECTIVES OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT • To attract and retain persons in an organization • To utilize human resources optimally • To improve morale and motivation level of employees • To reduce employee turnover • To practice a balanced ‘promotion from within’ policy • To make employees adaptable to changes • To maintain harmonious industrial relation

  4. CONT…… • To increase employee’s loyalty commitment to the organization • To inculcate equitable employment practices providing equal career progression opportunities to women and minorities

  5. DIFFERENT STAGES OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT • Exploratory stage • Establishment stage • Maintenance stage • Stage of decline

  6. EXPLORATORY STAGE • Ensure the availability of accurate information about the various occupations existing in the organization to the new employee • Create opportunities to enable new employees to get information with the organizational careers through job rotation, internship, visit different units, seminars, etc. • Sponsor educational and training programmes for ensuring supply of potential talent in future.

  7. ESTABLISHMENT STAGE • Identification of the best possible talent for the organization • Communicating the correct and positive of the organization to the employee • Maximum learning and favorable attitudes of the employees towards the organization • Assigning challenging jobs to employees to enable them test their abilities and skills/ • Designing of development plan ,identification of development needs, deciding career steps, etc

  8. MAINTANANCE STAGE • Strategies motivate employees, so that they can be productivity utilized even without promotion • Adequate oppertunities for transition from specialist cadres to generalist position at higher levels of the organization • Help employees to adjust to their changing role s their career shifts from active position to advisory position • Help employees to prepare for retirement

  9. DECLINE STAGE • Manage retirement without destroying the employee’s sense of self-worth • Invent new creative part-time roles for which can use their knowledge, experience and wisdom

  10. ADVANTAGES OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT • It reduces employee turnover by providing promotional avenues • It improves morale and motivation • It enables organizations to man promotional vacancies internally • It ensures better utilization of employee’s skills and provides increased work satisfaction to employees • It makes employees adaptable to the changing requirement of the organization

  11. CONT…. • It reduces industrial disputes related to promotional matters and thereby provides opportunity to the organization to maintain hard industrial relations • Career development programs ensure equitable promotional decisions for every human in an organization

  12. WHAT IS SUCCESSION PLANNING? • Growth and survival of the organization are the responsibilities of the top management • To fulfill such responsibilities each organization needs to plan management succession • Succession planning is done in different time frames to ensure the availability of right managerial personnel at the right time in right positions for continuing organizational vitality and strength • Good organizations try to make succession planning in three different time frames

  13. Cont…… • Immediate (within 1 year) • Intermediate(1 to 5 years) • Long range (beyond 5 years)

  14. STEPS OF SUCCESSION PLANNING • Prepare and develop a management staffing plan for all anticipated needs in different time frames • The second step is staffing and development. Staffing is concerned with recruitment, selection and placement. Development means development of managerial personnel through training, job rotation, counseling and guidance • The third step is to ensure congenial organizational environment to retain the desired managerial personnel

  15. Cont…… 4. The fourth step is to develop a good performance appraisal system to get feedback on managerial performance and to review their progress and shortfalls. 5. The fifth step is the preparation of the management resource inventory. Such inventory contains details of personal data, performance records, skills, potential, career goals and career paths of managerial personnel.

  16. MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT • Management development is a scientific training process for managers and executives to enrich their knowledge and skills so as to make them competent to manage their organization effectively.

  17. Characteristics of management Development • A continues process • A knowledge updating activity • A vehicle for attitudinal change • A stimulant to higher competence • A deficiency improver • A self-development process

  18. COMPONENTS OF MDP • Selection selection process enables us to understand the innate potentiality of the executives and the degree and extent of their managerial abilities. 2. Intellectual Conditioning It is the process of educating managers and executives on different managerial tools and techniques

  19. Cont…. • 3. Supervised training • It is the process of guiding managers and executives while they apply and use their knowledge in day to day work

  20. STEPS OF MDP • To look at the organizations objectives • To ascertain the development needs • To appraise the present performance of managerial staff • To prepare manpower inventory • To plan for individual development programs • To establish training and development programs

  21. OBJECTIVES OF MDP • To make available managers and executives with requisite knowledge and skill to meet the present and anticipated future needs of the organizations. • To encourage managers to develop their full potentiality for handling greater responsibility • To improve the functional competence of the managers , making them more transparent and responsive to the changing needs of the organization. • To develop managers for higher assignments, duly replacing the elderly executives.

  22. WHY MDPs FAIL • Purposes of the management development efforts in most of the organizations are often characterized by insincerity. • Some organizations are too much concerned to get the immediate benefits of MDPs. • In some cases, lessons imparted in MDPs are in direct conflict with the philosophy of the organization. • There is no system to evaluate the effectiveness of the MDPs by such outside agencies.

  23. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL • DEFINITION: performance appraisal is the systamatic description of an employee’s job relevant strengths and weakness. Or performance appraisal is evaluating employee contribution to the job.

  24. PURPOSE OF DEVELOPMENT • Provide performance feedback to all concerned. • Identify individual skills, core competencies, strengths and weakness. • Evaluate goal achievement of employees. • Identify individual training needs. • Determine organizational training needs. • Reinforce authority structure.

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