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Enhancing Collaborative Learning in Schools for Future Success

Explore the nature and benefits of collaborative learning, develop strategies for implementation, and enhance opportunities for teamwork in school settings. Reflect on practices and consider ways to improve group work dynamics.

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Enhancing Collaborative Learning in Schools for Future Success

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CollaborativeLearning

  2. Aims • To recognise the nature of collaborative learning and its key attributes. • To recognise potential benefits of collaborative learning. • To consider how collaborative learning might be developed in the school. • To agree action that would result in increased opportunities for collaborative learning.

  3. Background • In a rapidly changing world, schools face the challenge of equipping children with skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work. • Many schools are responding to this challenge by implementing strategies that facilitate collaborative learning – ie, giving children and young people opportunities to work together and in teams to meet learning challenges. • Collaborative learning is viewed as one of the key outcomes of Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence.

  4. Activity 2: Group discussion What do you understand by the term collaborative learning?

  5. Activity 3: Collaborative learning video Possible questions: • What are the main arguments for collaborative learning, as presented in this film? • To what extent do you agree or disagree with these views?

  6. Activity 4: Illustrative videos Possible questions: • What features of collaborative learning are evident in this illustration? • What are the benefits of working in this way for pupils and staff? • Are there examples of this in our school? • What might our school learn from this example of collaborative working?

  7. Activity 5: Self-reflection To what extent do you provide the following learning opportunities? • providing experiences that require pupils to work and learn in groups? • providing learning experiences that require pupils to work with a partner? • providing opportunities for pupils to work in co-operative learning teams? (d) teaching, or helping learners to develop, team-working skills?

  8. Activity 5: Self-reflection (continued) (e) providing opportunities for peer teaching or peer mentoring? • assigning pupils roles within a coo-operative learning group (or enabling pupils to assign roles)? (g) enabling learners to assess the work of groups? • providing opportunities for working in wider learning communities (for example online learning communities)?

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