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Understanding Multivariate Normal Distribution: Examples & Applications

Explore the parameters, definitions, and examples of multivariate normal distribution in statistics, including bivariate and trivariate distributions, matrix concepts, marginal and conditional distributions. Learn how to analyze data using SPSS.

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Understanding Multivariate Normal Distribution: Examples & Applications

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  1. Multivariate distributions

  2. The Normal distribution

  3. Normal distribution with m = 50 and s =15 Normal distribution with m = 70 and s =20 1.The Normal distribution – parameters mands(or s2) Comment:If m = 0 and s = 1 the distribution is called the standard normal distribution

  4. The probability density of the normal distribution If a random variable, X, has a normal distribution with mean mand variance s2 then we will write:

  5. The multivariate Normal distribution

  6. Let = a random vector Let = a vector of constants (the mean vector)

  7. Let = a p ×p positive definite matrix

  8. Definition The matrix Ais positive semi definite if Further the matrix Ais positive definite if

  9. Suppose that the joint density of the random vector The random vector, [x1, x2, … xp]is said to have a p-variate normal distribution with mean vector and covariance matrix S We will write:

  10. Example: the Bivariate Normal distribution with and

  11. Now and

  12. Hence where

  13. Note: is constant when is constant. This is true when x1, x2 lie on an ellipse centered at m1, m2 .

  14. Surface Plots of the bivariate Normal distribution

  15. Contour Plots of the bivariate Normal distribution

  16. Scatter Plots of data from the bivariate Normal distribution

  17. Trivariate Normal distribution - Contour map x3 mean vector x2 x1

  18. Trivariate Normal distribution x3 x2 x1

  19. Trivariate Normal distribution x3 x2 x1

  20. Trivariate Normal distribution x3 x2 x1

  21. example In the following study data was collected for a sample of n = 183 females on the variables • Age, • Height (Ht), • Weight (Wt), • Birth control pill use (Bpl - 1=no pill, 2=pill) and the following Blood Chemistry measurements • Cholesterol (Chl), • Albumin (Abl), • Calcium (Ca) and • Uric Acid (UA). The data are tabulated next page:

  22. The data :

  23. Alb, Chl, Bp

  24. Marginal and Conditional distributions

  25. Theorem: (Marginal distributions for the Multivariate Normal distribution) have p-variate Normal distribution with mean vector and Covariance matrix Then the marginal distribution of is qi-variate Normal distribution (q1 = q, q2 = p - q) with mean vector and Covariance matrix

  26. Theorem: (Conditional distributions for the Multivariate Normal distribution) have p-variate Normal distribution with mean vector and Covariance matrix Then the conditional distribution of given is qi-variate Normal distribution with mean vector and Covariance matrix

  27. Proof: (of Previous two theorems) is The joint density of , and where

  28. where , and

  29. also and ,

  30. ,

  31. The marginal distribution of is

  32. The conditional distribution of given is:

  33. is called the matrix of partial variances and covariances. is called the partial covariance (variance if i = j) between xi and xj given x1, … , xq. is called the partial correlation between xi and xj given x1, … , xq.

  34. is called the matrix of regression coefficients for predicting xq+1, xq+2,… , xpfrom x1, … , xq. Mean vector of xq+1, xq+2,… , xpgiven x1, … , xqis:

  35. Example: Suppose that Is 4-variate normal with

  36. The marginal distribution of is bivariate normal with The marginal distribution of is trivariate normal with

  37. Find the conditional distribution of given Now and

  38. The matrix of regression coefficients for predicting x3, x4from x1, x2.

  39. Thus the conditional distribution of given is bivariate Normal with mean vector And partial covariance matrix

  40. Using SPSS Note: The use of another statistical package such as Minitab is similar to using SPSS

  41. The first step is to input the data. The data is usually contained in some type of file. • Text files • Excel files • Other types of files

  42. After starting the SSPS program the following dialogue box appears:

  43. If you select Opening an existing file and press OK the following dialogue box appears

  44. Once you selected the file and its type

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