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Internasjonale trender innen prosjektledelse

Explore international trends in project management, from theoretical foundations to research programs. Learn about professional associations like PMI and the impact on education and training. Engage with reflective praxis and innovative frameworks.

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Internasjonale trender innen prosjektledelse

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  1. Internasjonale trender innen prosjektledelse Erling S. Andersen Handelhøyskolen BI erling.s.andersen@bi.no www.nsp.ntnu.no

  2. Project management at a crossroads? • Several perspectives/paradigms competing: what will happen to the theoretical and methodological foundation of project management? • Strong influence from professional associations (PMI) • More research at universities, international research efforts • Important to follow international trends www.nsp.ntnu.no

  3. Rethinking Project Management • Research programme: March 2004 – January 2006 • http://www.mace.manchester.ac.uk/project/research/management/rethinkpm/default.htm • Supported by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK • Leadership: Dr. Mark Winter, University of Manchester • Participants from UK (35), USA (3), Australia (1), Canada (1), Sweden (2), France (2), Norway (1) www.nsp.ntnu.no

  4. Mark Winter • Area ofConcern Project management education, training and development. Primary interest is how toprepare people for the uniqueness and complex uncertainties of real-world projects. Thepractices and challenges of developing critically reflective practitioners in projectmanagement. • Frameworkof ideas Reflective praxis - an eclectic development approach incorporating ideas from reflectivepractice (Schön), systems thinking (Checkland & Senge), organisational analysis (Morgan),mindfulness (Weick) and deliberate thinking (de Bono). Incorporates a framework called‘images of projects’ (same principle as Morgan’s ‘images of organisation’) for developingmultiple perspectives on real-world projects. www.nsp.ntnu.no

  5. Mark Winter • ”Herded the feral cats” masterfully • Feral cats are the 'wild' offspring of domestic cats and are primarily the result of pet owners' abandonment or failure to spay and neuter their animals, allowing them to breed uncontrolled. Feral cat 'colonies' can be found behind shopping areas or businesses, in alleys, parks, abandoned buildings, and rural areas. They are elusive and do not trust humans. www.nsp.ntnu.no

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